Friday, February 27, 2015

President Obama Vetoes Canada's Keystone XL Pipe Line Legislation

The President kept his word and cast a veto of the above pipeline.  Obama indicated congress's passage of the legislation was an act that conflicts with established executive branch procedures.  He also reported that the process to evaluate the pipeline is still in progress.

The republicans response was the same old story of how the President gave in to the environmental extremist and vowed to continue the fight.  Louisiana's U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy said Obama's veto shows allegiance to his supporters.  I guess that means the republicans vote to pass the legislation shows their allegiance to the oil and gas industry.  Is this supposed to be a checkmate game the republicans are playing?

This writer in a previous commentary pointed out how the pipeline, if built, will do nothing that the republicans claim it would do and why.  In fact the CEO's of the Canada pipeline still can not tell America how much of that oil will stay in the United States.  The Company also wants to claim eminent domain of the private property of land owners where the pipline will pass.  That is now tied up in the courts.

The bottom line is that the republican controlled congress failed to produce positive legislation at a time when the country should be moving forward on issues the President will sign into law.  Minimum wage, Immigration   Reform, rebuilding the nations infrastructure and etc., that will create more jobs than the pipeline and over a longer period of time.  And to make things worse the U.S. House has said they are ready to shut down the Home Land Security Department if funding is not tied to the repeal of the President's executive order on immigration.

Taking over control of Congress should be a humble experience for the republicans to produce for the country and its people but todays republican ideology is self defeating because they do not want this administration to be successful.  They can not articulate any positive economic policy that came out of the last republican administration so they lack any original thought as what to do now except obstruct.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Past Week Exposed The True Character Of A Few Conservative Republicans

If you thought there was a bottom as to how low some conservatives can stoop, the past week has proven there is no bottom.  The latest was Louisiana's governor Bobby Jindal's comment that President Obama is unfit to be Commander In Chief.  The little boy is mad that the President will not use Jindal's words to describe Terrorists.  He, along with other Republicans want the President to call the terrorists, "radical Islamic terrorists."  Jindal like McCain and Graham are also mad that the President has ruled out American troops in an active combat role in Iraq.

Earlier, former New York City Mayor  Rudy Giuliani accused the President of not loving America which was the subject by this writer in a commentary in "PolitiDose."  The two little boys show just how cowardly they are and their lack of character for their unfounded attacks.  President Obama has a successful record in keeping America safe and fighting terror no matter what Jindal and his party call terrorists.  Bobby and Rudy still want republicans to run the country even though the people rejected their two republican Presidential candidates in 2008 and 2012.

The week also exposed Fox's Bill O'Reilly's claim of being in a war zone during the Falkland's war when he was no where near a war zone.  O'Reilly's news buddies at the Fox network tried to come to his rescue the last few days with phony platitudes that sounded like character witnesses.  But O'Reilly has put his own foot in his own mouth in his own book and in his own words and can not escape the facts.

Those three have no respect for the President, the truth and lack an understanding of the important role respect plays for people in their position.  What a waste.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Rudy Giuliani Promotes The UnAmerican Conservative Ideology Of The Republican Party

Giuliani, the former Mayor of New York City and candidate for the republican party's Presidential nomination in 2008 said he does not believe President Obama loves America.  He also said Obama does not love you or me and was not brought up through love of this country.  Giuliani made those remarks at a private dinner Wednesday night in New York.

There is nothing worse than a jealous conservative ideology that has to rely on personal attacks to try and discredit another person.  The American people made the right choice and decision in turning Rudy away in the 2008 primaries.  When a person trys to be judge and jury to another persons life that is an indication something is very wrong with the accuser.

The so called leaders of today's republican party are not leaders at all.  They no longer live the spirit of being an American and the responsibility of civil order.  They envy the President because he has moved the country and its people forward in a responsible way and rolled back the failures of the Bush administration.

Rudy is one of many republican conservatives who are unable to articulate any achievements they have accomplished for the country and its people.  So its personal attacks that excites their ill informed base.  The conservatives want America to live in fear and preach fear every day.  But America's true leaders understand we have nothing to fear but fear itself.

I feel sure Rudy was not brought up to practice the hate he preaches.  It is something he has chosen to do on his own.  It falls in line with his conservative ideology that is being used to divide the people and the country. If Hilary Clinton decides to run for President the personal attacks against her by the republican party will grow even louder.  And when that happens you will have read it here first in "PolitiDose."

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, February 20, 2015

The O'Reilly Factor, Still King Of The Spin Zone

O'Reilly's spin concerning President Obama's speech on violent extremism, ISIL and Iraq is a continuation of the networks long standing policy of never associating what has gone wrong in Iraq and the middle east with the George W. Bush administration.  Instead, keep a steady drumbeat on the Obama administration's policies and call them failures.

Bill is still chapped that the President has refused to make the same mistakes as Bush did and have American's fight a ground war in Iraq and else where in the middle east.  He is also chapped at Obama's position that those countries being terrorized by ISIL should defend their own lives and their cites and towns and join the war against ISIL with help from the U.S.  Egypt and Jordan did just that when their citizens were executed by ISIL just recently.

Mother Jones pointed out O'Reilly's big spin problem of writing in one of his books that he served in a "war zone" during the Falklands war.  Mother Jones says the war was over when O'Reilly arrived in Buenos Aires and witnessed only a riot in the streets of that city.  O'Reilly responded with personal attacks against the reporter who broke the story.  A usual trait of a person who feels inadequent.  (move over Brian Williams, you have company.)

This writer can recall during the run up to war in Iraq when the big O had Bill Maher as his guest.  The talk got around serving in the military.  O'Reilly told Maher he had a buddy that served in Viet Nam and when he came home he told the big O not  to serve in the military.  O'Reilly told Maher he did not serve in the military because his buddy told him not to.  You won't find a better cop out than that spin.

There is an old saying that opposites attract.  So when the big O says his show is the no spin zone and fair and balanced, you know it represents just the opposite.  And Bill proves it on a nightly basis.  Its hell when you have a top rated show and all you can offer is spin.  In fact, its a very sad way for some one to waste precious time.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, February 19, 2015

McConnell and Boehner: Leaders, Who Fail To Lead.

Those leaders of the U.S. House and Senate said last November after the elections gave the republican party control of congress, they would lead and not shut down the government.  But just this week, both would not rule out doing just that if democrats do not go along with their legislation to block the President's executive order on immigration.

McConnell and Boehner are still bent on running the country and neither have ever received one vote outside of their own state.  Their ideology will not allow them to accept the fact that Obama won two national elections.  Their goal is still the same as day one, do all they can to oppose any policy the President proposes.

Steve Scalise, Louisiana's rep., in the U.S. House and third in command continues to show his ignorance and little boy attitude concerning the economy and legislation that would work best for the country and its people.  His actions show he has learned nothing from his time in the U.S. House during the G.W. Bush years in office when he rubber stamped Bush's failed policies.  He too is ready to shut down the government.

President Obama challenged McConnell and Boehner and their party on multiple fronts since the November elections and now holds the high ground.  The republican party is in a tizzy over the President's request for authority to fight ISIL.  They are pleading with him not to veto the XL Pipe Line legislation they passed.  They want desperately to pass something to hang their hat on even if it is bad legislation.  (like the 50 plus times they voted to repeal the ACA)

In Scalise's home state of Louisiana the latest figures show over 184,000 citizens have signed up for the ACA with the latest enrollment, close to 83,000 more than in 2014 according to a Times Picayune article dated 2/19.  And Scalise and his party still oppose the ACA and have nothing to offer in response and Scalise has been a member of congress since 2008.  Maybe he is waiting on instructions from David Duke.

The republican party controlled both houses of congress from 2002-2006 during the Bush 43 administration and everyone is aware how that administration ended up.  Federal spending was up every year and no one can remember any progress during that time.  They did pass a prescription drug benefit which ended up costing the tax payers over $1 trillion.  They said it would not cost over $400 billion.

This writer does not expect any thing progressive to come out of the republican controlled congress unless they believe it will help their party win the White House in 2016.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, February 15, 2015

The News Media In New Orleans: A Failed Assessment Of The Jindal Administration. But "PolitiDose" Called It Early On

The news media in general, Television, Print and Radio and particularly talk radio are just now realizing how the states fiscal year budget deficit for fiscal year ending 6/30/15 is hurting the state because of a $300 million deficit.  And are now talking about devastating cuts to next years budget that is projecting a $1.6 trillion deficit.  Where have these people been?  Every budget Jindal has proposed has run a deficit that had to be closed before the end of the budget year with cuts but the media voices have been silent and actually said he was doing a good job.

Jindal has 11 months left in office and now the news media is sounding the alarm.  But "PolitiDose" was there early on in commentary to point out what was actually taking place with Jindal's fairy tale budgets, unemployment, the fiscal disaster he will leave the next Governor in January 2016 and a host of other actions that has hurt the state and its people.  The news media need not be nasty in their reports, just report the facts and why Jindal's policies have failed.

All of the signs were there early after he took office.  A broad reduction in taxes along with the massive give away of tax breaks for business that eroded Louisiana's revenue base.  Cutting government jobs for privatizing is not a job creator.  The news media should have know the outcome of those irresponsible acts because it is the same as "trickle down economics" that was tried and failed on the federal level by republican administrations.

In fact the Jindal administration along with the republican controlled state legislature is a mirror image of the G.W. Bush administration that ended in disaster for the country and its people.  Bush inherited balanced budgets and surpluses from the Clinton administration and blew it big time.  Jindal inherited a $877 million surplus when he took office from democratic governor Kathleen Blance and blew it big time.  That should have been the news media"s first key to understand just what Jindal was up to.

Cuts to state spending has not worked to improve Louisiana's fiscal house, its revenue base, job creation, lower unemployment or balance budgets.  According to a Times Picayune story of 2/14, two of three significant U.S. credit rating agencies moved Louisiana from a "stable" to a "negative" outlook based on the state's budget woes.  Jindal now blames the latest budget problems on the falling price of a barrel of oil but Jindal's past budget problems occured during a period of time when the price of a barrel of oil was sky high. It is his way of trying to escape responsibility for his own failed policies.

The $8 billion in tax cuts and incentatives for business is an albatross around the neck of the state and its  people.  It represents approximately 25% of the state budget and no state, especially Louisiana, can give up that amount of revenue and be productive.  It negates the natural benefits the state has to offer business.  So what do our political leaders do?  They dole out tax breaks that are not needed and to top it off the tax revenue for the state is not there that these businessess are supposed to produce.  Unemployment is up in Louisiana since Jindal took office.  It is down nationally but one would never know that from the news media.  But you do know that if you read "PolitiDose".  The media now smells MEAT in the water late in the game and will be on Jindal's case for the next eleven months.  But it is too little too late.  The die has been cast and Louisiana's fiscal house is in deep trouble.

Republican conservatives were giving an opportunity to run the state and they have failed because of a right wing ideology.  Past democratic governors and a democratic controlled legislature has always produced better results for the state and its people.  It is a matter of fundamental governing and a serious attitude toward policy.  Conservative ideology as practiced by Jindal and republican leaders have no probative value.

Understanding the past is still the key to a better future.  The news media, like the republican party have a blind eye toward the past and failed to learn from the past 7 years Of Jindal's time in office.  The news media can not force the people to believe but they still have an obligation to report the facts that are taking place in government and the reality of what is taking place.

"PolitiDose" your daily dose of political commentary fills that void.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Part III Algiers: State Representative Jeff Arnold Wants To Create A New Parish On The West Bank Of Jefferson And Orleans Parish

Algiers, the place of this writers birth and a life long resident.  Although located on the west bank it is an intergal part of Orleans Parish on the east bank.  It has been that way since I can remember.  The jobs are on the east bank, entertainment, Mardi Gras, the French Quarter, the seat of parish government, NOMA, cultural attractions, the Fair Grounds, the Jazz Fest and the list goes on and on.  No where else in the Metro area can you find the equivalence of City and Audubon Park or their four golf courses and all are public facilities.  Plus, as one person commented in Part I, Algiers is part of one of the great cities in the United States.

Yet, Louisiana's representative Jeff Arnold, who represents Algiers feels Algiers is neglected and needs to secede from Orleans Parish on the east bank.  The people do not elect their representatives to push such an agenda.  Especially when there is no outcry by its citizens to do so.  Algiers has problems like many cities in Louisiana but seceding is not the answer and no one can predict the results of such action.  Elected officials are expected to work things out when problems occur for the good of the people they represent.

Over the years crime in Algiers has not been a big problem.  A larger New Orleans Police Force which Mayor Landrieu is actively pursuing will help Algiers do more community police work.  Algiers needs street repairs like every city in the Metro area that has been neglected for years that has made the problem worse.  But this writer can see progress being made there and improvements to streets and drainage in Algiers especially along De Gaulle and MacArthur.

The new and improved shopping center at Village Aurora with its new stores and restaurant represents a large improvement after being dormant for years.  Walmart's move to Algiers on Behrman highway from its previous location in Gretna just up the street.  Walgreen's new store on Generay Meyer and a new walking path and bicycle path on the levee.

Federal City with the right management will be a great progressive asset when completed and bring new people into Algiers and more building.  The new Marine Base is a marvel and will be in Algiers for many years to come.  English Turn has brought people from all over to their community and has a great setting.

Mayor Landrieu has done a good job in reversing 25 plus years of neglect in Orleans Parish.  He is not a miracle worker and does not have all the tools yet to do all that needs to be done.  But he is actively working toward that goal.  Algiers has had good representation through out the years on the city council and on the state level and our state representatives have been able to secure finance for various projects in Algiers.  The state should help cities more but we have a legislature that is dominated by governor Jindal who's policies have been a fiscal disaster for the state.

Arnold wants the City of Gretna to be the parish seat of the new parish he proposes.  This writer is in total opposition to that fairy tale.  It shows a lack of though process on the subject matter and would be like moving the state Capitol from Baton Rouge to Gonzales, Louisiana.  Now, I want to say something about the  intention of bringing this matter up during the next legislature session.

I was born and raised in Algiers Point so I know a little about the ferry there and the vital part it has always played in the lives of the people who live there.  It is relevant to the notion of seceding.  Since Arnold wants the state to hear his case the people should remember that it was the state that allowed the bridge toll vote to go forward without first having a plan to finance the Algiers ferry operation if the vote to lift the tolls was passed.  Well it was passed and as of this date the hours of service for the Algiers ferry has not been restored to what it was before the vote.  The cost to ride the ferry was also increased.  The state did not handle that situation well.  The people of Algiers deserved better.  A source of revenue was eliminated.

Arnold's proposal lacks the support of the people in Algiers and this writer detects a failed relationship with the Mayor.  It is also possible that there are unnamed individuals who are behind this insane idea that would like to control the government of a new parish on the west bank and the operation of Federal City.  The answer to better service in the City of New Orleans and Algiers, including improvements that need to be made is a tax structure that is fair where every one pays his or her fair share.  The answer for the state to be able to provide financial help to cities across Louisiana who need it is a fair state tax structure that is fair where everyone pays his or her fair share.  Both the City and State lacks such a tax structure.  The $8 billion of tax exemptions for business on the state level is a dagger in the heart to state revenue.

The people of Algiers should make their voices known that they want to remain a part of one of the greatest cities in the United States.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Women At The Fox News Network

Almost 6 thousand years ago women played a major role in the life of the very first civilization on earth, that of the Sumerians.  I wrote a previous commentary and outlined the activities and responsibilities they took upon themselves.  That was one reason why that civilization was so successful for such a long period of time.

Fast forward to the 21st. century and you will find the women at the Fox News Network void of having any original thought.  Their sole mission is to look pretty and spout the ideology of those who run the network.  That means every day negative reporting on the President, his policies and his administration.  They would never have made it in Sumerian life.  They continue to let themselves be used to distort the news in an effort to wound the President.

Megyn Kelly and those on Outnumbered have a big problem with facts and lack the skills required to be trusted journalists.  They also lack character in their reporting because they are followers and not leaders.  Its hell when you work for a network and let yourself be manipulated by an unAmerican ideology.  And its even worse when you have to stoop that low in an effort to influence your viewing audiance.

Understanding the past is still the key to a better future.  The women at Fox News not only lost the key, they lost their self respect for fairness in their reporting.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Another Solid Economic Report For January

The U.S. Labor Department reported the economy created 257,000 jobs in January and that unemployment ticked up to 5.7% from 5.6% in December.  They also reported that November's job creation was 425,000 instead of the previously reported 321,000 and that December's job creation was 329,000 instead of the reported 252,000.  The changes lifted total job creation in 2014 to 3.1 million jobs.  The largest one year increase since 1999.  And guess who was President in 1999?  Another democrat by the name of Bill Clinton.

Other good news:  Hourly wages were up over 2% in 2014.  The economy grew over 4% in the second and third quarter and consumer confidence is rising.  The economy expanded in all directions and the economic mood of economist is broad based for the good news to continue.

The republican party and the conservative news media all acted negatively to the good report.  They all called it a part time economy like good ditto heads.  They reported over and over with glee the unemployment rate went up 1/10th of 1%.  Of course the Labor Department said that happened because 700,000 people entered the work force to find jobs.  They had previously dropped out of the work force and stopped looking for work.  Their actions is confirmation how well the economy and job creation continue to expand.

Chris Hayes of MSNBC and other journalist admitted being taken by surprise how well the economy and job creation was playing out.  Hayes asked his guest, what is going on here?  Well, what is going on here has been explained in "PolitiDose" since Obama took office.  Where has Hayes been these last 59 straight months of job creation?  Its very easy to understand if one pays attention.

The good news about the economy and job creation in January came out after the bad news coming out of the republican controlled congress for January.  The GOP in congress is still sitting on their hands and accomplishing nothing.  For republicans, somethings never change.  The republicans in congress and their ditto head leaders predicted that "Obamacare" would be a job killer.  They started and stuck to that lie ever since the democratic controlled congress passed the ACA.  They are familiar with the words "job killer" because that is exactly what happened in the last republican administration.  And John Boehner and Mitch McConnell were serving in congress at that time.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Part II State Representative Jeff Arnold Wants To Create A New Parish On The West Bank Of Jefferson And Orleans Parish

What form of government would a new parish on the West Bank have?   A parish President and parish Council?  How far would the new parish stretch and what would be its boundries?  Will Algiers, Gretna and other West Bank communities keep their autonomy?  What revenue sources are needed to run a new parish and where would the revenue come from?  Is there a serious signed petition out there by the majority citizens on the west bank that want to secede?  These and many other questions need to be answered before any serious debate can begin.

Val Exnicios, president of the Algiers Council of Neighborhood Presidents in the Jan 23 issue of the Times Picayune said, "The feeling is WE are in fact a neglected portion of Orleans Parish."  Who might be the WE he is talking about?  This writer does not know the man so he is not speaking for me.  Mike Teachworth in the same article said, "If Algiers is not happy with their government they should hold their elected officials accountable."  He also said, "he thinks most West Jefferson citizens are   proud to be a part of Jefferson Parish."

A new parish on the west bank would mean more elected officials and that would give those now in office an advantage over some one else who might like to run for office but has no prior experience.  Its easy to see a possible dynasty in the making and the people being worse off than before.

The grass is not always greener on the other side and this writer remains skeptical when a politician pushes to secede when there is no mandate from the public to do so.  Arnold seems to have Mayor Landrieu in his crosshairs since he named him in his article.  Landrieu has done more for the City than any Mayor in the last 25 years in this writers judgement and is a public servant who does not make excuses.

Arnold's statement that Algiers has more in common with Gretna, Terrytown and Harvey than New Orleans East, Lakeview and Uptown is a stretch and can not be believed.  How many public parks do those 3 Jefferson Parish towns have that can compare or compete with City and Audubon Park and the 3 or 4 public golf courses they provide for the citizens?  The west bank Mardi Gras parades left the west bank for Uptown and the CBD in New Orleans.  The center of activity and entertainment is not on the west bank and the list can go on and on.  What those cities have common is that they are all on the west bank, but that is no reason to secede.

Another point mentioned in Arnold's article is the abundance of vacant land in Algiers and Jefferson Parish on the west bank for development.  But development for what?  More congestion, pollution and a reduction in the quality of life.  We will never know until the west bank secedes and then it will be too late.

The key to progress for the State, its cities and its people is electing SERIOUS public officials who are willing to break from the status quo of catering to special interest to the detriment of the people and support progressive quality of life issues.  The state and cities could have the needed revenue it takes to be progressive if our taxing system was fair and where everyone paid his or her fair share of taxes, even the poor.  The states $8billion in tax breaks for business is tragic.  Much property in Orleans and Jefferson parish are exempt from property taxes or not paying their fair share.  We know that from too many previous reports on the subject matter.

And the one thing the people can be sure of:  When a elected official promises no increase in taxes, you can expect him to get into the pocket of the average citizen in a hundred different ways.  This writer does not advocate higher taxes and they probably would not be needed if the tax system was fair for all.  Its time for elected officials to see that we have that fair system.  In fact it is way past time.

A new parish on the west bank is not the answer to the problems out there.

Stay tuned for Part III

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The New Republican Controlled Congress

The republican controlled U.S. House started out the new year like they ended 2014.  This week they voted to repeal the ACA for the 56th time.  The bill will go no where fast just like the previous 55 times but the leaders of the House, Boehner and Scalise allowed this waste of time because of a deficiency in their conservative ideology.  And for this, they get paid.

To top it off this week two of the republican Presidential hopefuls, U.S. Senator Rand Paul and Governor Chris Christie made a fool of themselves with their comments on vaccinations.  Boehner and Scalise's U.S. House then pased a resolution endorsing vaccinations to try and keep their party out of hot water on the subject matter.  Paul and Christie tried to reverse the situation with ammended comments.

Taking care of the people's business that moves the country forward is absent from the republican's agenda and their control of both houses of Congress will not change their do nothing ideology as long as a Democrat sits in the White House.  In repealing the ACA for the 56th time the party repeated the same worn out message.  They have a better health plan for America and can easily put it together in a short period of time.  The President laid out the ACA 6 years ago so they have extended their short period of time for the 56th time this week.

Boehner and Scalise lack the character and courage to keep wasteful time out of the U.S. House because they are afraid of their own party's division and extreme right wing.  Matters not that the ACA has passed and in fact part of the law.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, February 2, 2015

ISIL Suffers Another Defeat

Prior to the November congressional elections there was a lot of negative news aimed at President Obama and his administration concening a lot of fabricated issues pushed by the news media, especially the conservative news media and republicans in congress.  Most are just a faded memory now because they lacked substance.

The one that comes to mind now is the story that the POWERFUL ISIL was about to over run and take over the city of Kobani that sits on the Syrian and Turkish border.  The importance of taking Kobani would have given the Islamic State control of a border crossing with Turkey.  But U.S. and ally air strikes along with Kurdish ground forces routed and defeated ISIL last week and the ISIL forces have fled the area.  ISIL leaders confirmed the defeat and said U.S. air power was the difference.  The news media said Kobani would fall to ISIL back in September of last year.

This writer questioned in a commentary some time ago the strength of ISIL which was being flaunted by the news media.  Now the media says very little about ISIL.  "PolitiDose" had a commentary a few years ago also pointing out the U.S. had the Air capability to take care of problems in the middle east without committing American combat forces to fight a ground war over there.

President Obama's position that American air power along with Iraqi and other middle eastern ground troops would be able to accomplish the objective against ISIL and his policy position is working.  ISIL's advances have been stopped in many areas and towns have been retaken by Iraqi and Kurdish forces.  The President needs to stay on top of his policies and this writer has confidence he will do so because of his past performance.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

A Turn Around For Republican Governor John Kasich

Ohio governor John Kasich served in the U.S. House of Congress during the Clinton administration and was one of Clinton's biggest critic of the President's policies.  He also voted against Clinton's economic and deficit reduction plan which passed the democratic controlled congress in 1993.  He was also one of the republicans who predicted doom and gloom for the country.  Kasich also voted to impeach President Clinton.

As governor of Ohio, Kasich is now defending his position of accepting medicaid coverage offered under the ACA to provide insurance for the working poor.  Republican legislators in Montana questioned his position at a meeting.  The legislators opposed the medicaid expansion to the ACA.  Kasich said what they do with the medicaid expansion is treat the metally ill, treat the drug addicted and we help the working poor stop going to the emergency rooms and forcing me to pay for their medical bills because they have to go there sicker.

That is a great endorcement of how the ACA is working for those it was designed to help.  The problem with Kasich and his republican party is that they lack the courage to embrace democratic proposals until they  get into situations where they have to raise taxes to take care of a problem in their state.  Health care was a problem when Kasich served in congress but congress kicked the can.

Too bad it took a challenge by Kasich's own party to respond to the benefits of the ACA.  But he still deserves to be congratulated on thinking about his own people.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio