Tuesday, May 28, 2024

President Biden Was Presidential On Memorial Day Weekend.

 President Biden continues to do the work of the country as its President and Commander in Chief on Saturday when he addressed the West Point Academy graduating class in New York and then on Memorial Day when he spoke at the Arlington National Cemetary in Washington.  The President was at his best at a time of lies, misinformation, hateful speech and division cast on our nation by Donald Trump, his republican party and the negative voices of chaos.  

The President told the Cadets their class is being called upon to tackle threats across the globe and preserve the country's ideals at home like none before.  He reminded the Cadets that they were swearing fidelity not to a person or political party, but to the constitution.  It was noted that the President stood for more than an hour returning a salute from and shaking the hands of each graduate.

On Memorial Day at the Arlington National Cemetary, the President pledged that the country would continue the work of the nation's fallen to a more perfect union for which they lived and for which they died.  That each generation must ensure the sacrifice of the country's service members is not in vain.  Freedom has never been guaranteed, every generation has to earn it, fight for it, defend it in the battle between autocracy and democracy, between the greed of a few and the rights of many.  And the President added, on this day we came together again to reflect, to remember and to above all recommit to the future they fought for, a future grounded in freedom, democracy, opportunity, and equality.  Not just for some, but for all.

It was the same President Biden that has stood above the chaos of the negative voices and endless attacks against the constitution and American democracy itself.  A sane voice that has governed with policy, plans and actions rather than political misinformation and lies.  Sadly, the media prefers the chaos of the negative voices than the sanity the President brings to the office and the people. 

On Memorial Day weekend, the President stood on firm ground for the country, for democracy, our men and women in uniform, the people and for good government.  A President who remembers where we came from as a nation and a people, where we have been and where we need to go is Joe Biden.  He stands head and heels above his rivals

This commentary written by Joe Lorio