Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Republican Party and Fox News Reaches A New Low.

If the republican party, several of their Presidential candidates and the Fox News network had their way one would think the terrorists attack on Paris actually took place in the United States and by Syrian immigrants.  That is the seed they have tried to plant in the minds of the American people.  It is the same concept taken by President Bush and VP Dick Cheney in blaming Saddam Hussein for the attack on America on 9/11/01.  Bush and Cheney went even farther by saying Saddam trained Al Queda terrorists which was false.

It is the same old scare tactics to harm the President and frighten the American people.  The leaders of France have done the opposite by telling the people to be vigilant but to go about their own lives.  France's President Hallonde even repeated that France would accept refugees.

The establishment of America was founded on courage, not fear, character, not slander and the American spirit, not a disturbed ideology.  The republican Presidential candidates, their party and Fox News have undermined America's spirit, courage and even the American Presidency with their inflammatory comments and right wing extreme pronouncements.

America is still the beautiful, the land of the free and the home of the brave.  It will remain that way as long as the people elect serious public servants and tune out those who try to undermine what has made America a great nation, a great people and the leader of the world.

This comment written by Joe Lorio