Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Oil Industry and Price Manipulation.

Everyone who drives an automobile realizes the price of a gallon of gas has been on a steady upward trend.  Prior to this upward trend gas prices were steadily going down below the $2 mark for a regular gallon of gas because there was a huge surplus of oil and gas on the world market and growing.  So the oil producing countries decided to cut back production by 1.8 million barrels a day of crude oil to work off the surplus so prices for a barrel of oil and gallon of gas could increase.  Their agreement expires in March 2018.  The price of a gallon of regular gas in the Metro New Orleans area averages around $2.25 a gallon.

Now we read where those oil producing countries are meeting again and want to extend the cuts that expire in March to the end of 2018 to continue working off the surplus and keep the upward trend for the price of oil and gas.  They will meet again soon for a final decision.  PolitiDose has commented about this price fixing many times in the past and even explained why the U.S. would never achieve oil independence.

The oil and gas industry are able to have it both ways.  They can over produce at high prices and then when prices begin to fall because of that over production, they meet and decide to cut that production and never really pay a price for their manipulation of the market.  And for that, the American oil industry receives billions of dollars in tax breaks.

What the U.S. should be doing is following Europe and Asia's lead in developing alternate fuels for the present and future in a big way.  That new industry will fuel the economy and jobs for many years to come.  But Trump has other ideas, he is turning the oil industry loose to develop oil and gas in the most pristine places in the U.S. and suspending safety regulations imposed on the industry for good reasons.

So in the U.S., the merry go round continues on the price of a gallon of gasoline and barrel of oil because of manipulation.  Prices at the grocery store, the malls, on line and other retail purchases stay within the norms of price fluctuations and all those outlets offer price reductions on a regular basis.  Competition rules, but in the oil industry, prices are manipulated by the greedy oil companies.

It is really a sad story that our elected officials have failed to address.  And to top it off,  the industry is allowed to destroy the environment with impunity by their operations.  Thank goodness Trump and the GOP were not in power when the BP oil explosion and spill took place in the Gulf of Mexico.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio  

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

President Donald Trump: Still Living In The Shadows Of Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton has not held an elected office in over nine years and last served as Secretary of State in 2012 after being appointed to that position by President Barack Obama.  Her past accomplishments in public service are well known and her comments now as a civilian on the issues of the day are still informative and timely.  And she told the truth about the Trumpet man during the 2016 campaign that has long been confirmed by Trumps own actions.

So after more than 10 months in office, crooked Trump is still living in the shadows of Hillary and strikes out against her with the same fake charges he made during the campaign.  His ego has been damaged beyond repair because Hillary won the popular vote by a margin close to 3 million votes, a record for a second place finish in a Presidential election.  His tweets about her continue and would like to see her prosecuted because three republican controlled investigations found no evidence to prosecute.  The FBI came to the same conclusion in their investigation.

But Trump still has his supporters who fell for his fake news concerning Hillary and also fell for the Russian fake news against her on Facebook, Twitter and Google.  And believe it or not, a post came over my Facebook page just the other day by Trump supporters who are trying to drum up support to prosecute Hillary concerning her emails.  They are still swallowing Trump's and Russia's fake news and could care less that Russia supported Trump and tried to influence the election in Trump's favor.

The trumpet man has become more unstable every day and the personal attacks against the military and individuals with extreme remarks represent a person who continues to have no respect for anyone.  Trump's statement last week that our military was not winning until he took office is a statement of a coward and a disturbed President who does not deserve to be called Commander in Chief.

Donald Trump will never move out of Hillary's shadow because he is a person that does not measure up in political, public or daily life.  Impeachment of this President can not come soon enough.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Latest Reason Trump and The GOP's Tax Plan Is A Scheme and A Fraud.

The nations's Television talk shows, news media and the Wall Street Journal continue to promote Trump and the GOP's tax plan as tax REFORM, but the latest news from the financial sector tells us that corporate America and the wealthy are doing extremely well and that the tax proposal working its way through congress is actually a scheme and fraud.

Now comes a report that Amazon's founder and CEO Jeff Bezos net worth climbed above $100 billion on Friday as Amazon's stock closed at $1,186.00 per share.  The stock has gained 58% so far this year.  And so far Bezos' net worth increased $32.6 billion just this year.  Just think, all that increase for Bezos and his company took place under the current tax structure and now Trump and the GOP's tax plan, if passed, will take another 15% off their corporate tax bill.  The report also said Bezos is selling approximately $1 billion of his stock to invest in another one of his companies.  Bezos also owns the Washington Post.

Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft has a net worth of $88.9 billion according to Bloomberg's index and Warren Buffett's net worth is now $78.9 Billion.  It is a sure bet that Microsoft and Buffett's companies do not need a 15% reduction in the corporate tax rate either.  But Buffett is already on record as saying the present tax structure is not a road block to companies for making a profit and that corporation should actually pay more in taxes.

When 2017 comes to an end it will be a record profit year for corporate America which will once again demonstrate how Trump, the GOP and corporate America are committed partners in the continued scheme and fraud of transferring wealth from the middle class to the wealthy and corporate America under the fake news of tax REFORM.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio                                      

Friday, November 24, 2017

Oil and Gas Offshore Oil Royalties For Louisiana: Slowing Disappearing Like Louisiana's Wet Lands and Coast.

The federal Interior Department notified Louisiana officials that oil royalties due Louisiana for offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico in accordance with the "Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act" or (GOMESA) would be only about half of the $140 million expected late this year or early next year.  The money is slated to be used for coastal restoration and protection and counted on in Louisiana's 50 year, $50 billion coastal restoration program.

It should be noted that President Trump in his budget called for rescinding GOMESA and putting its revenue else where in the budget.  Louisiana's U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy said he asked his staff to review the Trump administrations accounting of the money and how the interior department calculated the payout.  One would think Louisiana's representatives in congress would already know the answers if they were looking out for Louisiana's best interest.  Mary Landrieu, the state misses your representation in congress and needs it more than ever before.

The real shame in all of this is Louisiana's failure to hold the oil and gas industry accountable for the damage their operations caused to Louisiana's environment over a long period of time.  Louisiana should not have to depend on royalty payments to reclaim that damage.  The industry is no friend to Louisiana and its people just because they employ people and pay taxes.  Every business does that but every business does not destroy the state's environment by their operations.

More and more it is clear Governor David Treen had the answer with "CWEL", Coastal Wetlands Environmental Levy" which he proposed and explained over 20 years ago.  If "CWEL" had been adopted and passed, the state would be 20 plus years ahead of where we are today with the problem.  And PolitiDose was in the fore front with commentary on "CWEL."  The state's news media gave very little publicity to Treen's plan at the time and are now devoting more time to the environment problem but are 20 years too late and never mention "CWEL."  What a shame.

And now we have a President and GOP controlled congress who are proposing to reduce the corporate income tax rate by 15%.  The oil companies are always some of the most profitable companies, still receive billions in tax breaks and will soon have a huge tax reduction if passed by congress.  Their CEO's are no longer laughing all the way to the bank, they are now doing flips.

Cassidy and all of Louisiana's elected officials in the state and federal level should join Governor John Bel Edwards in supporting legal action against the oil and gas industry for their flagrant disregard of the state's environment and the damage their operations have caused.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Mayor Landrieu Told The Truth and Was Right All Along: New Orleans Is Not a Sanctuary City.

President Trump, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Louisiana' republican U.S. Senator John Kennedy as usual let their big mouth over load their tiny brain concerning New Orleans being a so called "sanctuary city."  They tried to pin that fake news around Landrieu and the City's neck with their wild immigration ideology.  Landrieu, since the very beginning said New Orleans was in compliance with federal law and was not a "sanctuary city."

Now, according to a Times Picayune article of 11/19, Attorney General Jeff Sessions in a letter notified Mayor Landrieu that the justice department has found no evidence that New Orleans is currently out of compliance with immigration on the reporting of undocumented immigrants, meaning it is not a so called "sanctuary city."  The rush to prejudge the Mayor and the city is a direct result of the republicans lack of policy, facts, lies and fake news.  Which defines the Trump administration.  Sessions and Kennedy also knew as Landrieu said more than once that the city was operating under a consent degree order with the federal government and were in compliance from the very beginning.

John Kennedy, ditto head republican senator was willing to join the lies and fake news of the GOP in attacking Mayor Landrieu on the subject matter.  But Landrieu is a dedicated public servant who has political understanding and knowledge of the issues involved in governing.

The GOP trio was not up to date on the situation and made a fool of themselves by not checking the evidence before they spoke.  Landrieu, a democrat knew the facts and related the facts to Sessions long ago, but Sessions already made up his mind to make an issue on a situation that did not exist.  What a shame.  It would be good for the people to keep in mind that Sessions is the same person who continues to have a hard time remembering how many times he met with Russian officials during the Trump campaign.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, November 20, 2017

Another First For PolitiDose.

E.J. Dionne, Jr., editorial opinion writer for the Washington Post is a highly respected journalist because of his knowledge on the subject matters he comments on and his fact based opinions.  In his column dated 11/15 for the Washington Post titled, "Republicans Enrage Your Colleagues," Dionne wrote and I quote:  THE GOP BILL THAT SHOULD BE CALLED THE CUT TAXES ON PRESIDENT TRUMP AND OTHER VERY RICH PEOPLE ACT  of  2017 ALWAYS HAD A SECONDARY PURPOSE;  TO JACK UP THE DEFICIT SO REPUBLICANS COULD LATER CRY IN HORROR, 'LOOK AT THAT AWFUL DEBT.  THEY WOULD THEN USE THE POOLS OF RED INK THEY CREATED TO JUSTIFY DEEP CUTS IN SOCIAL PROGRAMS.  And if that sounds familiar, its because you read it here first in PolitiDose in several commentaries, one titled, "Presidents Reagan and Bush 41 and 43:  The axis of runaway deficit spending and debt dated 12/7/2010 and one dated 1/11/2012 titled, "Conservatism, The ugly and unAmerican ideology.  Chapter III.

This writers commentaries in PolitiDose touched upon the ideology of the republican party and their motivation behind the Reagan and Bush tax cuts.  Their intent was for the tax cuts to produce massive deficit spending and debt as Reagan and Bush's tax cuts actually did for the 16 years they served.  Then use the massive deficits and debt to justify cutting Social Security, Medicare and other social programs they hate.  They tried to do that under Bush 43 by privatizing Social Security but the democrats in congress blocked their scheme.

Donald Trump complained during and after the campaign that the national debt was a disgrace and now follows the Reagan and Bush 43 and the GOP's tax scheme with his own tax scheme that favors the wealthy and corporate America that will add trillions more to the deficits and national debt.  The next step for Trump and the GOP will be the assault on those social programs.  What PolitiDose warned about long ago is now recognized by Mr. Dionne, a person in a better position to talk about the subject matter than this writer.

And once again, you read it here first in PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, November 18, 2017

A Cowardly Act By The GOP Controlled U.S. House of Representatives.

The republican controlled U.S. House passed its tax reform scheme along party lines on Thursday by a vote of 227-205.  All democrats voted no and 13 republicans had the good sense to vote with the democrats.  The republican plan adds $1.5 trillion to the federal deficit, does not represent tax reform, just a continuation of the same trickle down economics of Reagan and Bush 43, does not close the loop holes created for the wealthy and corporate America and those are the groups that benefit the most from the legislation.

House speaker Paul Ryan and his GOP partners were all smiles just as they were when the House passed their anti-American health care plan that was defeated in the U.S.Senate.  Ryan said the following:  "In passing this bill it is the single biggest thing we can do to grow the economy, to restore opportunity and and help those middle income families who are struggling."   Sounds good to the ill informed but those republican smiles were not expressions for the middle class.

The GOP's cowardly act and vote is another reminder how that party represents the few instead of the many.  Deficit spending would once again explode under the House plan as it did during the Reagan and Bush years and would follow the republicans sad fiscal record of not balancing one federal budget since President Eisenhower in 1960.  There is a reason Trump and the republicans could care less about deficit spending and was covered by previous commentary in PolitiDose by this writer.  It will also be the subject of another commentary here in the next few days.

Just in the last week the U.S. Coast Guard said they were short $900 million because of their operations caused by the last three hurricanes.  Federal tax cuts for the wealthy and corporate America will take more federal revenue away from the federal government and needed services will be cut that hurt the people in a negative way.  If the Senate passes their tax plan the country can look for another recession down the road because the record is clear, republican administrations have no record of moving the country forward economically or fiscally.  And when it happens again, remember you read it here first in PolitiDose.  Your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

More Revelations Of Trump's Family and Campaign Contacts With The Russians

Since the federal indictment of Paul Manafort and George Papadopoulos we now learn that more contact with Russia took place during Trump's campaign never revealed before.  Donald Trump Jr. had contact with Wikileaks who the CIA said received its information concerning Hillary Clinton from the Russian hacks of the DNC.  Then Jeff Sessions, the Attorney General was called back to testify before congress concerning his previous statement that he knew of no contacts with the Russians by the Trump campaign.  He now says he does remember but did not remember in his earlier testimony because of the chaos in the Trump campaign.

About the same time, Trump himself said he believed Putin when he said Russia did not interfere with the U.S. election.  Trump also said he sided with Putin over the CIA's assessment that Russia indeed did interfere with the U.S. election.  The picture that has come into focus is for the very first time EVER, a Presidential campaign was willing to work with Russia (a foreign government and adversary of the U.S.) to collect and obtain alleged damaging information on an opponent and was willing to allow Russia to influence the election in Trump's favor to win the Presidency.  The treacherous acts went so far as to discuss the removing of sanctions imposed by President Obama on Russia's role in interfering with the election process of 2016.

  And to top it off, candidate Trump asked Russia to tap into the emails of his opponent, an American citizen in order to find some damaging information that could be used to help his own cause.  That is how close Trump, his campaign and Russia were during that period of time.  And sadly, V.P. Pence also made statements about not knowing about the contacts between the campaign and Russia and when the facts were exposed, Pence had to try and clarify his statements.

Never before has any republican or democratic Presidential candidate been willing to do business with a foreign government in exchange for damaging information on an opponent.  The picture exposes a business man's corrupt attitude about government and the long held values of America and its institutions.  A business man that respects no one and is willing to destroy everything he touches for his own ego.  With the latest revelations we see Trump trying to change the subject and wants the Attorney General to investigate Hillary Clinton, his opponent who has already been investigated by the republican controlled congress including the House intelligence committee and the FBI who failed to find any violation of the law.  Clinton warned the nation about Trump and she knew what she was talking about.  And now it is being played out in real time.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Trump and The GOP Controlled Congress: Utter Contempt For America and Its People

We now learn that over 400 millionaires signed a letter sent to the GOP congress and urged them not to cut taxes for the wealthy and Corporate America.  That their plan would not close the income gap for the middle class but would actually add to the disparity that already exists and make the wealthy more wealthy.  If anything they said their taxes should be raised.

It is obvious that those millionaires remember the trickle down tax cuts of Reagan and Bush 43 that benefited the wealthy and corporate America the most, transferred wealth from the middle class, reduced federal tax revenue and created record deficits.  They also remember the meltdown of the Savings and Loan Industry and the Wall Street Banks.  They also know such tax schemes benefit the CEO's, corporate executives and stock holders and does not create jobs or raise wages for the middle class.

Trump and his republican ditto heads in congress are only concerned about feeding the swamp for their campaign contributions.  The tax issue is a way of trying to salvage their failure to govern.  Offering a 15% reduction in the corporate tax rate is anti American for the average worker and a disgrace that any elected official would stoop that low.  Corporate America has been doing well since the end of the great recession.

There are so many other critical issues to be addressed by Trump and his ditto heads that are more important to America than their tax scheme disguised as tax REFORM.  But the trumpet man and the GOP are really not about governing the democratic way.  What America needs now is for enough republicans to join the democratic party and vote against this tax plan scheme so the real issues can be put on the agenda.  Also, look for the GOP to start adding other goodies to their tax scheme.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Another Big First For PolitiDose: And Three Times At That

The Times Picayune reflection section of 11/12 had three editorial opinion columns and if they sounded familiar its because you read it here first in PolitiDose.  The three articles were by Robert Mann, Eugene Robinson and Joe Scarborough.  Mann's article was titled, "Taxes, the national debt and GOP dishonesty."  Robinson's article was titled, "What did Tuesday's election prove." and Scarborough's article titled, "American politics are a disaster."

Mann attempts to articulate how the GOP has been so dishonest with the people concerning the national debt, deficit spending and taxes that benefit the wealthy and corporate America.  But readers of PolitiDose were informed concerning the subject long ago in commentary and also about the GOP dishonesty.  It is certainly nothing new, at least not for the readers of PolitiDose.

Eugene Robinson is one of several opinion writers who seem to question the democratic party's commitment since the 2016 Presidential election but now seems to think Tuesday's election where democrats won the governorship of Virginia and New Jersey changed things.  But Robinson forgot that there is nothing really wrong with the democratic party and what they stand for.  The majority of voters who gave Hillary Clinton their vote in the 2016 election are still the same voters who are turning against Trump and the GOP and are turning off the fake news the GOP is trying to sell.  PolitiDose has been commenting on the democratic party's position for some time and the party is still the party of balance while Trump and the GOP continue to implode.

Joe Scarborough served in the republican controlled U.S. House during the Newt Gingrich era and is now a host of Morning Joe on MSNBC.  Scarborough opposed President Clinton's economic plan and policies and supported the failed policies of Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 including so called trickle down economics tax schemes and the GOP'extreme right wing policies.  Of course he opposes Trump now, but was one of several TV hosts that gave Trump much air time during the 2016 Presidential campaign to spread his hate and division.  Now Scarborough says American politics are a disaster.  But he forgot two pieces to political life.  As a elected official and TV host he contributed to the GOP's disaster and can not bring himself to admit that the democratic administration of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were the only two administrations that brought stability to America's middle class in the last 37 years.  And were also the only administrations that balanced the federal budget and cut deficit spending in that time also.

PolitiDose has been far ahead of the opinion writers on those things that really matter and make a difference.  Opinion writers commentary come years after the fact and run with the GOP fake news until it is too late.  Stay tuned to PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary for the real story at the time it takes place and be an informed reader.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, November 10, 2017

Happy 242nd Birthday To The United States Marine Corps

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARINES:  To all my brother Marines who have worn the Eagle, Globe and Anchor, November 10 is a special birthday and reminds all of us the traditions that bind Marines for life.  "Semper Fidelis" always faithful, two words Marines live by regardless of status.

Two hundred forty two proud years of duty, honor, commitment and courage Marines were taught early on in boot camp sealed the everlasting bond of "Once a Marine, Always a Marine."  So to all my brother Marines, where ever they may be and especially those still in harms way Happy Birthday Marines and may the Supreme Commandant continue to watch over you, keep you safe and allow you a safe return home.

Semper Fi

Sgt. Joe Lorio

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

October Job Creation and The Unemployment Rate

The U.S. Labor Department announced that the U.S. economy created 261,000 jobs in October and that the unemployment rate came in at 4.1%.  The business community said they were surprised because they expected the job numbers to be around 325,000.  The Labor Department also said they revised September's job numbers from a loss of 33,000 jobs to a gain of 18,000 jobs after review.

This writer is of the opinion that the best way to keep the economy moving and creating jobs would be to pass a highway and infrastructure bill and not consider the Trump-republican Tax Plan scheme which will not be a job creator.  American business is making good profits and doing well under the present tax system.  Putting people to work taking care of the roads, bridges and etc., are good paying jobs and would boost middle class income.  The Trump-republican tax scheme won't and for obvious reasons.  President Obama and the democratic controlled congress cut taxes for the middle class soon after taking office in 2009 and then let part of the Bush tax cut for the wealthy expire.  And contrary to the republicans pronouncements the economic expansion and job creation put America back on track and even reduced deficit spending.  According to the tax policy center, the Trump-republican Tax scheme would give the top 1% of tax payers an annual tax cut or $175,000.00.  Does any one really believe the top 1% will use that money to create jobs like Trump and the republicans are predicting and or go out and spend that money to boost the economy?  The top 1% has the resources to do what ever they want to do with out the tax cut.

Republicans have a record, and a failed one when it comes to the economy, job creation and balancing the federal budget.  The Trump-republican Tax scheme if passed as is will continue their failed policies.  This writer believes time will prove that.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Democrats Win Governorship In Virginia and New Jersey.

Democratic candidates Ralph Northam and Phil Murphy were elected governor of Virginia and New Jersey on Tuesday defeating their republican opponents.  The outcome was a blow to those republicans and some in the news media who have been trying their best to convince the public that the democratic party is in deep trouble.  The outcome also brought out the usual from Donald Trump, who said Virginia Republican candidate Ed Gillespie, (a former chairman of the Republican National Committee) lost the election because he did not embrace me or what I stand for.  But the fact is Gillespie used Trump's campaign tactics during the governor's race.

The election confirms that state elections are local and may or may not turn on national issues.  Both winning candidates did run and campaign on democratic issues such as health care, jobs, school and etc.  Gillespie actually tried to run on Trumps record concerning immigration, confederate statures and attack ads.  Both democrats won by larger margins than predicted and were able to get through to those Trump voters who no longer support the trumpet man and his policies.

All in all it was a good night for the democratic party, but don't look to the republican right wing to stop trying to convince America that the democratic party is in deep trouble.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Reason LSU Is 6-3. And It Is Not Because They Are A Young Team

Forget the young team blame that Louisiana's sports writers are trying to sell to football followers of LSU.  Its coaching, that is, a coaching staff who does not use the players talents properly.  That includes the right play calling at the right time which LSU failed big time against Alabama.  LSU beat Florida, Auburn and Ole Miss and all three had young teams.  Auburn has a better won-loss record than LSU.

Before the Alabama game, the pundits said LSU quarterback Etling had to have a great game for LSU to win.  Really !!!.  Well, Etling did not have a great game and for two reasons.  The first reason escaped the pundits that Etling has not been a accurate passer and over or under threw wide open receivers since he has been in LSU's lineup.  The second reason results from the coaches failure to realize Etling's limitations and do what good coaches do.  That is call plays that have a higher degree of success and minimize Etling's short comings, especially on third and short when you need to make a play to keep possession and move the football.

LSU had several opportunities to keep possession on second and third down with short yardage.  Instead of throwing the ball down field it would be better for the coaches to call a short curl pass that is very hard for the defense to stop, or a screen pass or a swing pass to the running back.  Those type passes and plays would be better for Etling's problem of accuracy.

LSU's defense, both this year and last year against Alabama gave the Tigers a chance to beat Alabama but the coaching staff never had the right call at the right time and did not use the plays that the players could execute with the highest possible degree of success.  Bart Starr, quarterback for the Green Bay Packers was not a great quarterback nor did he have a great arm.  But Vince Lombardi recognized his capabilities and used plays that took advantage of Starr's assets and Starr and the Packers won more NFL championships than any other quarterback and team during that era.

There is more to coaching than having talent and a good game plan.  Knowing the strength and weakness of a player and adapting is just as important and this writer believes it showed during the Alabama game because this so called young LSU team was right there with powerhouse Alabama.  The difference was LSU's failure to execute at the right time because the plays called never met the capabilities needed to execute the play successfully.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, November 6, 2017

The Fine Print Is Emerging From The Trump-Republican Fraudulent Tax Plan Scheme

And it confirms that Trump and the Republican party are still willing to lie in order to accomplish their corrupt agenda for the "swamp" they are in bed with.  Trump said the tax plan would eliminate all the tax loop holes and goodies given to corporate America and the wealthy but the fine print in the plan confirms the opposite.

The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy said Trump and the republican's plan still contains the corporate welfare subsidies for the fossil fuel industry. (The energy industry)  Their report points out that Exxon-Mobil received $12.8 billion in subsidies and paid a tax rate of 13.6% over the past 8 years.  In contrast, nurses and appraisers earn an average of $60,000 a year and pay a tax rate of 15%.  Exxon-Mobil is only one oil company, just think how many more oil companies obtained the subsidies and how much corporate welfare it is costing the average tax payer to fund those subsidies.

The oil industry not only enjoys the tax subsidy, they pay a smaller percentage in taxes than the middle class.  And when one thinks of other industries who enjoy the same benefits, the total tax subsidy of corporate welfare is staggering.  And Trump and the republicans cut the subsidies allowed in the ACA when they tried to pass their own health care scheme which was defeated by the democratic party and four republicans Senators.  Trump and the republicans don't like subsidies to help people buy insurance but they love welfare subsidies for corporate America.

Each day more of the fine print will emerge of the tax scheme and Trump and his party will continue their lies.  The tax scheme also ended subsidies for the Electric Automotive Industry.  Trump and the republicans dislike subsidies for the clean fuel industry but love them for big oil and the fossil fuel polluting industry.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, November 5, 2017

President Donald Trump: The Betrayal Of America's Institutions Continue

A military judge at Fort Bragg, Jeffery Nance sentenced Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl this week for his actions in Afghanistan after a military trial.  The judge's sentence, dis honorable discharge, reduction in rank to private and a fine of $10,000.00.  The judge's decision was denounced by Trump who tweeted, "complete and total disgrace to our country and our military."

It was not the first time Trump took aim at Bergdahl.  During the campaign, candidate Trump said Bergdahl was a traitor and should be thrown out of a plane with out a parachute.  Bergdahl was tried under the military law known as the Uniform Code Of Military Justice which the commander in chief knows nothing about because he himself has never worn the uniform of his country.  The judge has said he would consider Trump's previous statements concerning Bergdahl.  

Also this week, Trump said as reported by the Huffington Post he was frustrated he could not order the Department of Justice or the FBI to investigate Hillary Clinton.  He did not say for what but we know during the debates he said he would appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary.  Of course the President does not have that authority but describes Trump's frame of mind.  He is an Autocrat who would love to run the nations's legal system with out checks and balances.

Trump's betrayal to the Presidency, his disrespect for America's institutions and his treacherous acts as previously commented on here in PolitiDose continue unabated after almost 10 months in office.  Make no mistake, the crooked candidate during the 2016 Presidential election was Donald Trump and who seeks to bring autocratic rule to the White House.  Impeachment can't come soon enough.  The trumpet man is unstable and unraveling before the eyes of America.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, November 2, 2017

The Indictments Start Dropping

President Trump's former campaign manger Paul Manafort, Richard Gates (Manafort's assistant) and George Papadopoulos were indicted by a federal grand jury on Monday on various charges including lying to the FBI and money laundering.   President Trump tried to up stage the coming indictments a few days before the announcement by claiming the investigation was a witch hunt and fake news.  The usual pronouncements by the President who knows he is in trouble.  The republicans in congress followed Trump's lead and was critical of the investigation also.  It has become the ditto heads religion of Trump and his party.

After the indictments were made public, Trump and his press secretary tried to down play the indictments and Trump said Papadopoulos was a low level guy.  However, he told the Washington Post in 2016 that he was an excellent guy and even appointed him to his foreign policy advisory council.  Trumps appointment of Manafort and Papadopoulos to important positions and their relationships with Russia is un-raveling.

And now Twitter and Facebook are admitting that ads and commentary published over their social networks by Russian operatives in thousands of tweets and commentary were slanted to promote Trump and discredit Hillary Clinton.  It is all coming together, the cooperation or Russia (the U.S. major adversary) and the Trump Presidential campaign to manipulate our country's democratic elections.  More and more we can understand why Trump will not make his tax returns public.

As the investigation continues and more indictments are handed down the web of deceit between Russia and the Trump campaign will be exposed.  And the trumpet man will continue to try and corrupt our political system with his lies and fake news. Make no mistake, Hillary Clinton is still a better woman than Trump is a man.  Trump knows it and that is why he still tries to blame her for what ever comes to mind.  How sad for a President of the United States.

NOTE:  When Facebook and Twitter executives testified before congress concerning Russian use of their social network to influence the 2016 Presidential election it was disclosed that Fox News and other conservative news media outlets republished and used the Russian slander articles against Hillary Clinton even though they knew the source of the slander.  And of course, individuals who support Trump repeated that on their Facebook page and Twitter accounts.  And we are talking about thousands of ads and commentary that were designed to damage Clinton and support Trump's campaign for election.  The lies and fake news did not matter to those who supported the trumpet man.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio