Thursday, December 14, 2017

Another First For PolitiDose

Paul Krugman, a long time professor and teacher of economics confirmed in a Times Picayune opinion editorial of 12/13 what PolitiDose reported long ago in commentary.  The Trump - GOP tax reform plan is not a plan at all but a scam.  He also points out correctly the scam will not pay for itself as Trump and the GOP has been trying to tell with lies and follows the same failed theory of the Reagan and Bush 43 tax cuts that never paid for themselves.

Everyone of those 16 years of the Reagan and Bush tax cuts ended in deficit spending.  Krugman also points out that Paul Ryan, speaker of the U.S. House has tried to sell the same lies over the years with tax cuts and it was PolitiDose who pointed out long ago that Ryan and Trump were one and the same on the subject matter.

It was President Clinton who raised taxes on the wealthy, balanced the budget, created a economy for all that produced a record number of jobs.  That happened because his tax plan was coupled with a real economic plan that reached all walks of life.  The poverty rate dropped on Clinton's watch, stayed the same on Reagan's watch and increased on Bush's watch.

Krugman goes on to say that there was no legitimate analysis made that points to the tax cuts paying for themselves like Trump and his treasure Secretary Steve Mnuchin are trying to sell.  The trumpet man and his republican ditto heads exhibit their lack of respect for the average American and the country.  America is in its 9th straight year of economic expansion, the world economy is in the best shape in 20 years and  moving forward, corporate America is doing well and Trump and the GOP want to reward them and the top 1% with even more in the form of lower taxes that will increase even more the disparity in income between the wealthy and the middle class.

So yes my fellow Americans, Trump and the GOP's tax scam is truly a fraud and scheme no matter the spin they try to put on it and when the republican controlled congress passes the plan and sends to the White House for Trump's signature, he and the GOP will gloat and tell the people how great it will be for America.  What a shame that the President and the GOP in a responsible position have to turn to lies in governing.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio