Thursday, August 6, 2015

Another Foreign Policy Accomplishment For The Obama Administration

Turkey will allow the United States a base of operations on its territory where by the U.S. will launch its drones and manned aircraft to fight the war against ISIS and other similar terror groups in Syria.  Turkey has also recently joined the fight against ISIS, something it has been reluctant to do in line with its policy of being independent.

The Turkish government refused to allow the U.S. to use its territory as a base to invade Iraq despite repeated attempts by President Bush and V.P. Cheney who made multiple trips to Turkey to seek approval. The government in Turkey did not believe it was a necessary war and that war would destabilize the region.

President Obama's policy in the middle east of having middle east countries fight the war against ISIS and terror in general is being accepted more and more and will pay off in the long run.  Turkey's decision is a major one for the region and their military is more than capable of fighting the fight.

Two years ago the news media were predicting ISIS would be in control of all Iraq in another few months.  It never happened.  The American people have been lied to over and over concerning Iraq and the middle east and the leaders of Israel have been guilty of some of the worst lies.  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told congress over a year ago Iran would have a nuclear weapon in 6 months.  It has none even now.

President Obama's policy concerning the middle east is the United States best chance to achieve some stability over there.  The Iran agreement is another right step to deal with that country's nuclear ambitions.  Diplomacy and the right policy can accomplish much when leaders recognize a problem and understand perpetual war is not the answer.

President Obama will not end his term in office as a lame duck.  Future leaders should remember that.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio