Wednesday, December 26, 2007

2008---What's At Stake

Okay, the fun and games are over, it's time to get serious----It's time to choose a President.  

After following this election for over a year now, it's amazing to finally be only eight days away from the Iowa caucus.  But it seems that many are still not in serious mode.  People are still focusing on the idealism of a candidate instead of the policies and records of that candidate.  Instead of checking to see which candidates have and continue to "walk the walk", many are still content with just listening to candidates talk a good talk.  

America can not afford to have its voters look at idealism over experience or the "talk" over the "walk".  That is the kind of rational that got us George W. Bush nearly 8 years ago.  A Presidential election can not be about likability or the old "who would you rather have a beer with" question.  Choosing a President is serious business, and, as I think we've learned over the past 7 years, choosing the wrong one can lead to dire consequences.

The next President will come into office facing unprecedented challenges.  There will be no learning curve; the 44th President will have to be ready to lead from second one.  And while there is surely no perfect preparation for the Presidency, there are certainly candidates who are more prepared than others.  

There is a war to safely end in Iraq.  There is a war in Afghanistan and Pakistan against true terrorists to be waged.  America's standing in the world and its credibility must be swiftly restored.  There is a healthcare crisis to address; as well as an immigration one.  The economy needs to brought back to its greatness of the '90s.  The issue of poverty and education must be tackled, and tackled quickly.  My point: call it a talking point, call it pure rhetoric, but I call it the truth that simply can't be forgotten----America needs a President with the experience, knowledge, and leadership to offer real solutions to the growing problems this country, and the world, faces.  

Again, I warn America not to make the same mistake it did in 2000; don't be fooled by a superior personality or likability; support the candidate who has the proven leadership and skills to make America a better place.  In this day and age, talk is cheap, but often it is what seals the deal for voters.  And while talk might be a great help in getting elected, it does nothing once you take office and actually have to enact policies.  For that, only experience, wisdom, strength, and perseverance matter.  

One thing is for sure concerning the '08 election----it is indeed a change election, and America has never been more ready, or desperate, for change than it is right now.  But change is just a six letter word without the experience and knowledge to make it happen.  There are those candidates who just throw the word around casually and make it the center piece of their campaign, but who have no real record or experience of bringing change, or even attempting to bring change.  Then there are those candidates (yes, plural), who do have a record, some a life long one, of fighting for change, even when it wasn't popular, and then bringing about that change.  Those candidates, who have a record of bringing about meaningful change, are the ones America needs in the White House.  America doesn't need another President who promises a break from the past, only to worsen things because of his inexperience and lack of knowledge.  

To sum it all up: vote with your brain, not just your heart.  Often times we fall in love with the idea of something or someone, only to later realize that our heart was misleading.  Look at the facts; look at where these candidates have been and what they've been able to do.  If everyone in this great country does that, I have no doubt we will elect the right person in '08.  But if America does as it did in previous years, and looks solely at the "talk" of a candidate, we may well be in trouble for another 4 years.  America can not handle that.  We must choose the right person.  That time to choose is now---let's make a difference by nominating a candidate who not only can win in November, but who can actually change this country, for the better, starting January '09. 

About Face In The Iraq War

I have mentioned in past commentaries that regardless of how the war in Iraq ends, or when it ends, Iran will be the main benefactor and Iraq and Iran will be allied together.
Now, despite the spin about the success of the surge, the State Department's top official on Iraq says Iran's sharp decrease of arms and munitions to Iraq has decreased the attacks sharply.  We know that the Shiite make up the majority in Iraq and Iran and that al-Sadr told his militia several months ago to stand down for 6 months.  We also know that the present administration in Iraq and Iran meet often and are in close contact with each other.  The game is on for them because they know that with the lack of violence, the U.S. will eventually have to leave.  
Another tell tale of what is happening in Iraq is in Basra, where British troops have turned over security to Iraq. Our military commanders are worried because Iran is entrenched in Basra and wields influence there to the point that is alarming.
And to top it off, Iraqi defense minister al-Obaidi declared his intent to dismantle the Sunni awakening councils which are financed and backed by the United States.  The Sunnis, who are the minority in Iraq but ruled the Shiite when Saddam was in power by force, will not be allowed to have any infrastructure to challenge the Shiite.  
In just 3 more months, the war will be in progress for 5 years.  Almost 4000 Americans have been killed, over 20,000 wounded; we don't have any idea how many innocent Iraq men, women and children have been killed and Mr. Bush still can not articulate when the war will end or how.  What we do know is that it was a war over WMD that did not exist.  Bush's reckless behavior to remake the Middle East in his vision has destabilized the entire region and when all  the killing stops, Iran and Iraq will be two sister states.  Iraq will look nothing like Bush saw in his dream.  But lucky for Bush, he won't have to deal with the mess he created much longer.  Unfortunately, the next President will bear the burden of his reckless behavior.