Sunday, November 15, 2020

Trump and His Ditto Head Opinion Writers Deserve Each Other.

So called conservative opinion writers Rich Lowry and Byron York made a last ditch effort prior to the November 3 election to try and convince the voters that there were grassroots Trump supporters you don't see and that Biden's energy policy would end Pennsylvania's oil boom.  They also claimed the polls were wrong.  Well, a funny thing happened on election day.

The polls were not wrong, Biden won as predicted and with the greatest democratic blue wave vote in the history of Presidential elections.  In fact it was a deluge with a popular vote margin of over 5 million votes.  The rejection of a sitting President was complete.  Even the people of Pennsylvania voted for Biden.  They knew the states oil boom took place on the Obama-Biden watch and understood what the word "transition" means.  They had a good laugh at Lowry's opinion column concerning the subject matter.

And now that the election is over, Trump's ditto heads are feeding off his everlasting lies about voter fraud, denying the blue wave vote existed and still enabling him a force in the GOP and the 2024 election.  But the bottom line tells us Biden's decisive win and defeat of Trump ends the term of a traitorous President who created and built an administration based on lies.  

And the GOP and the so called conservative news media supported it all.  What a shame.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio