Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Senator Joe Biden: The Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee

Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama selected his Vice Presidential running mate, fellow Senator Joe Biden of Delaware, last Saturday.  Senator Biden was this writer's choice during the primaries for the presidential nomination.  Senator Clinton was my second choice.  I based my choice on their experience and their accomplishments.
Now the Democratic ticket is set and I believe it is important to the country and its people to elect a Democratic administration in November.  Journalists are already promoting the Republican talking point: how can the Biden pick represent change?  The idea being presented is that he has been in Washington too long.  Anyone who has followed what Senator Biden stands for knows that he does indeed represent change: change with regard foreign policy and change in regard to the economy.
Senator Clinton and her husband will do their part in the November elections.  No one knows at this point if the majority of her supporters will back the Obama-Biden ticket.  The voters themselves will have to make that decision and it will be Obama-Biden responsibility to make that case.  Journalists are betting the Clintons will upset the convention and divide the party.  It is part of their on going attempt to discredit the Clintons.  (Anyone who saw Hillary's speech last night or President Clinton's speech just a few moments ago know different.  The Clintons are 100% committed to electing Obama and Biden to the White House.)
This week, possibly friday, Senator McCain will announce his running mate.  Then, after both conventions and the Presidential and Vice-Presidential debates, the American people will start making their final decision as to who they will vote for come November.  At the present time, 10-12% of voters are still undecided.  Both candidates will try to reach those undecided voters.  The running mates of Obama and McCain might sway some of those undecideds.  We'll have to wait and see who McCain picks, but one thing is sure, whoever it is, he won't be able to match up to Joe Biden, the perfect choice for Vice-President.  

John McCain's Pinocchio Nose: A Republican Symbol

The American people surely remember our inspectors in Iraq who said Iraq had no WMD stockpiled and ready to use against america or transferred to terrorists as George Bush said and in fact gave as the reason for the war and invasion of Iraq.  They also articulated that Iraq had no WMD at any time during Bush's term in office.  It is also easy to remember after our inspectors issued their report Bush and the neocons started to give other reasons for the invasion and occupation.  In other words, they told lies.
John McCain continued those lies on 8/26/08 according to a Fox News ticker which quoted McCain in answer to a comment by Obama.  McCain said the war in Iraq was to liberate that country --- just another lie by a neocon on why we went to war.  The neocons believe if they keep repeating the same lie over and over, sooner or later the people will believe the lie as fact.  Pretty soon Mr. McCain's pinocchio nose will be touching the ground.  The so called "straight talking express" has died a tragic death.
The past has always been a key to the future.  Over 50 years ago, President Harry Truman said the Republicans were a bunch of damn liars.  Well, 50 years later, they still are.  President Truman was not a seer nor did he have ESP, he just recognized a Republican liar when he saw one.  Some things never change.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Religion and Politics

Last week, Senators John McCain and Barack Obama were interviewed by the Rev. Rick Warren.  It is hard to believe that these two presidential candidates would mix religion and politics to the extent that they did, especially since religion is a private matter.  It shows how  religion has high jacked our political process.
The Rev. Billy Graham over the past 50 years met with many presidents and candidates for that office but never questioned their religious beliefs in public or private that we know of.  The idea that McCain and Obama was questioned about abortion 30 plus years after the supreme court decision and was even asked, "when does life begin" is frightening. 
Abortion is legal in the U.S. and the anti abortion people still try to convince others that those who support a woman's right to choose are advocating abortion.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  I know of no elected official who supports a woman's right to choose who has promoted abortion or is for abortion.
The religious right hates those laws they oppose and use religion to justify their actions.  Sadly the conservatives and the news media are still playing the abortion issue out in order to divide the country and its people.
As for asking the question, "when does life begin" is as divisive as you can get.  There is no common sense answer when we mix science with religion because it brings out the extreme.  Religion is personal in nature and should stay that way when it comes to politics.  This country and its people went through its best years at a time when we did not question the faith or religion of our elected officials or those running for office.
The last three republican presidents elected to that office ran on an anti abortion platform, but none would publicly support a constitutional amendment to reverse Roe v. Wade.  In other words their political position on abortion was to secure votes from their base to be elected to office.  That should tell how they used religion for political purposes to divide the country and its people.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bush And Musharraf: A Losing Foreign Policy

Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf announced his resignation on Monday, August 18 after facing the thought of impeachment proceedings.  Musharraf came to power in a military coup and President Bush embraced his leadership after the tragic events of 9-11, pouring billions of tax payers' dollars into that country in the fight against terrorism.  Mr. Bush told the American people Musharraf and Pakistan would be an ally in the fight against al Qaeda in the tribal areas where they are hiding and training along with the Taliban.
Our latest intelligence reports, however, not only have said that al Qaeda's operations have become stronger in the tribal areas, but Pakistan has become an unreliable ally.  Bush and Republican leaders have a history of doing business with dictators and giving them billions of dollars and over looking the sad results of that kind of relationship.
President Bush's reckless behavior and incompetence in fighting the real war on the terrorists who struck us on 9-11 is still being played out 7 years later.  This administration is still fighting the wrong war with the surge in Iraq over WMD that did not exist.  We are still paying the price with American lives and there is still no time table for withdrawal. 
Mr. Bush as President and Commander in Chief has failed every reasonable test as what it takes to protect our country and our men and women in uniform.  If the resources that were committed to Iraq were committed to Pakistan at the start, almost 7 years ago, al Qaeda as we know it would be nothing but a pain today instead of the threat our intelligence people tell us they are.  Mr. Bush's War on Terror has been not only a failure, but a myth.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Biden is VP --- But What Now?

Barack Obama made the right choice.  I know what I've said before about potential veeps for Obama, but Biden was the best choice out there.  Biden brings experience, enthusiasm, and possibly most important of all, an absolutely captivating background story.  Obama, in addition to needing someone to bring experience and blue collar workers to the Democratic ticket, needed someone to play the role of the "attack dog".  We all know that the Republicans are going to go after Obama head on, holding nothing back.  Biden is uniquely positioned to hit back on John McCain and to do it with a smile.  I believe that I speak for millions of Americans when I say that I am truly looking forward to seeing Barack Obama and Joe Biden in the White House. 

But now what for Obama?  He's named his VP and the convention is coming up.  But what else can he do to assure voters that he should be the next President of the United States?  I have a suggestion.  Barack Obama should come out and name who his Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Treasury, and Attorney General will be.  Not only would it assure some uneasy voters if Obama makes the right picks, but it will also give Obama four more high profile surrogates and campaigners.  Let's look at some suggestions for these four positions:

Secretary of State: If anyone but Biden was named VP, then Biden would have to be the frontrunner for this position.  But since Biden was rightfully named the VP nominee, Bill Richardson has to now be the considered the leading candidate for Secretary of State.  In addition to Richardson's experience in foreign affairs, Richardson, if named by Obama to be his Secretary of State should he win, would be able to almost certainly deliver New Mexico, and possibly Colorado, for the Democrats.

Secretary of Defense: This is yet another position where naming the right person could help Obama immeasurably.  Who would I name?  General Wesley Clark.  Clark, despite the ridiculous attack on him by the media a few months ago, has earned the respect and trust of the American people.  Wes Clark could be yet another surrogate to go talk to white voters uneasy about Obama in Appalachia.  

Secretary of the Treasury and Attorney General: I'm not sure who would be considered a frontrunner for these two positions.  Surely John Edwards was a leading contender for Attorney General before his scandal.  Now, however, I'm not sure.  As far as the Treasury Secretary is concerned, someone like a Mike Bloomberg, who is well versed on economics, could bolster Obama's poll numbers on this election's number one issue. 

Again, why stop at the Vice-President?  Let's show the American voters true transparency by letting them vote not just on the President/VP, but the next administration as a whole.  As I've said, if Obama makes the right choice for cabinet members, he can more easily win this election.  

Friday, August 22, 2008

VP Update

NBC News is now reporting that Evan Bayh and Tim Kaine have been informed that they will not be the Vice-Presidential choice of Barack Obama.  So, on that note, I suppose that you can disregard that previous announcement.  

So I guess that leaves us with Joe Biden or a surprise pick.  We'll just have to wait and see.  

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Stephanie Tubbs Jones: A Tribute

Senator McCain Steps on His Own Tongue

Republican Presidential Candidate McCain once again stepped on his own tongue when he said, "Obama tried to legislate failure in Iraq and failed to admit the surge was working."  It was McCain who tried to legislate success in Iraq over WMD when they did not exist.
The reasons McCain said we went to war was bogus so there can be no victory when the reason given for going to war proved to be a lie.  McCain, elected republicans and conservatives who continue to support this war in Iraq and continue to lie about why the war has to continue are a disgrace to our men and women in uniform who are still paying the ultimate price. 
If McCain's military experience is used to justify our occupation and war in Iraq for the next 100 years and is a window to see how he would act if elected president, that should be very disturbing to the american people and the country.
We have many veterans in public office but McCain is one of a few who truly have no concept of the serious consequences of committing our nation and military to unnecessary wars.  McCain is also one of a few veterans who try to talk tough to cover up their arrogance and character flaw.  Cue, what has Bush's tough talk accomplished?
The country and our people deserve better from the next president.  McCain's actions show he lacks the fundamentals to be president.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Stephanie Tubbs Jones: 1949-2008

I would like to send my condolences to the family of Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones.  I think I speak for all of us when I say that I will for always remember her enthusiasm during this primary season.  She was a woman of great accomplishment who served Ohio proudly in the Congress and will be greatly missed.  

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Olympic Games: A Study In Diplomacy

The Olympic games --- a gathering of nations and its people in display of their collective spirit in sport competition.  This despite all the turmoil going on all over the world.  That should be a positive story about how nations and people can live and work together in peace and for the common good.
How can this mass of humanity in the games get along so well despite the various difference in background and etc?  They show genuine enjoyment about being together and sharing the same stage.  How come world leaders, including our president can't get along as well to work for the common good.  One gets the idea if it were left to the people to run the worlds countries we would not have the problems we have today. 
Why do our leaders commit these men and women to wars over ideology and other lame excuses to show how tough they are.  The bottom line is that our leaders are not problem solvers.  They take advantage of their positions and try to impose their own will on others.  World leaders don't withhold their people from the Olympic games because of their differences, on the contrary, they promote the games.  So why not promote the same Olympic relationships among our leaders?
Leaders of the world would do well to rethink their attitudes and always have the well being of their people in mind when approaching problems.  Leave your ego's at home and think about the people.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Now Comes The Reckoning

Five and half years ago President Bush ordered the invasion and occupation of Iraq over WMD that did not exist.  Iraq was a sovereign nation and Mr. Bush decided to bypass the U.N. to address a bogus problem.  Most of our major allies opposed the invasion and sat on the sidelines.  There's no need to go over all the mistakes made during the Iraq War, but one consequence we are now realizing more clearly than ever is that Bush opened the door for other nations to take the same actions against another nation regardless of a threat that was real or a threat that was manufactured.
Now it is Russia's turn to act the story out in Georgia.  Mr. Bush says Georgia is a sovereign nation and Russia should end the war and pull all troops out.  The U.S. still has 140,000 troops in Iraq after 5-1/2 years, so the presidents words ring hollow. 
I have mentioned on several occasions in the past that two can play this reckless game and now its Russia's turn.  There will be more leaders who will take their turn if this ideology is not reversed.  The day of reckoning has arrived for our reckless decision concerning Iraq.  The most frightening part is that the people responsible for the war in Iraq have convinced the American people to forget about the real reason we went to war in the first place and instead we are debating the surge --- a surge over WMD that did not exist and Americans are still dying because of that reckless behavior. 
Part of the silent reason of Russia's action in Georgia is the push to have Georgia become a member of NATO which Mr. Bush supports and Mr. Putin opposes.  Also a missile defense system in that part of Europe close to Russia that Bush supports and Putin opposes.  Mr. Putin is sending a message to stay out of Russia's back yard.
There will be more days of reckoning ahead if our next president does not change this dangerous and reckless policy and change this copy cat notion that world leaders can do what ever they want.  If that effort is not made the men and women in the Olympics will be facing each other in war instead of sports competition.  Is that what leadership is all about?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Georgian-Russian Conflict

I'm no foreign policy expert, but here is how I access the current situation: If South Ossetia wanted independence from Georgia, for whatever reason, Georgia should have looked more seriously into the request instead of just dismissing it.  Secondly, if the Russian rebels in South Ossetia were attacking the mainland of Georgia, Georgia did have a right to defend itself and it's people. Thirdly, Russia had no reason whatsoever to interject themselves in this essentially civil dispute.  Russia should not have sent troops into Georgian territory.  This aggressive act by Russia really needs to be a turning point in regards to the U.S. foreign policy towards Russia and Putin.  Too long has George Bush appeased Putin.  Putin has one goal in mind: returning Russia to it's Cold War power status.  

I have long held the opinion that Iraq, Iran, and North Korea are not the most dangerous countries to the U.S. and the western world.  Pakistan and Russia are.  Pakistan because it has nuclear weapons that could unfortunately fall in to the hands of terrorists and Russia for its complete disregard for basic human rights and it's authoritarian nature.  

Let me be clear: I do not advocate the U.S. getting involved in this dispute between Russia and Georgia. We should mind our own business.  What I do advocate, however, is the U.S. getting tougher with Russia in regards to diplomacy and our foreign policy.  Russia is not our enemy, but they sure as hell aren't our friends.  We need to have some "straight talk" with Russia and let them know, in the strongest terms, that the U.S. does not, in any way, condone it's policies, either domestically or internationally.  In many ways, Putin has been testing to see how far he can push the envelope with the U.S. and western Europe.  It is about time we push back.  

"He Will Make Cheney Look Like Gandhi"

Spread the word, this is a must watch for every American voter:

Television Journalists and Their Big Push

We all remember how, during the primary season, T.V. journalists piled on Senator Clinton everyday and promoted Senator Obama non-stop.  On the Republican side, they treated Senator McCain and his flip flops with kid gloves.
I mentioned during that period of time that if Obama received the Democratic nomination, in time,  journalists would turn on him and promote McCain in the general election.  Well, it is already starting to happen.  They are now promoting a so called rift between Senator Clinton, her husband, and Obama.  They are even saying that Senator Clinton wants her name to be placed in nomination at the convention, although that is pure speculation.  Mike Barnicle, while guest hosting MSNBC's Hardball on 8/7, devoted some time on the subject with 3 guests.  Their tone was that Senator Clinton was going to make demands and split or hurt the party.  What they all failed to report and/or mention is that Senator Clinton herself said that she would work for party unity at the convention and, in fact, campaigned for Senator Obama this week.
Journalists will continue to plant the seed that their pronouncements are fact in an effort to create and distract from the actual news on the subject.  They are showing their ass again in trying to manipulate the general election vote in McCain's favor.   Anything to hurt Sen. Obama or portray the Democratic Party weak in any way will be what journalists continue to portray until November.  Hopefully the American people wise up and do their own research in order to inform themselves since journalists can no longer be trusted to do so.  

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Campaign Finance Reform Made Easy

Since we are in the middle of a Presidential campaign and fundraising is still going on by both candidates, lets talk about reform:
Senator Obama, after securing the Democratic nomination, informed the Democratic National Committee not to accept any campaign contributions from lobbyists or special interest groups --- a good move for the American people and for politics in general.  However, individual Democrats running for office can still accept campaign contributions from those groups and that has to be changed if true reform is to ever be accomplished.  

Senator McCain, the Republican candidate, on the other hand, does receive contributions from lobbyists and special interest groups and has had representatives of those groups on his campaign staff.  

To complete the circle on the Democratic side, every Democrat in Congress should announce that they will not accept any campaign contributions from lobbyists or special interest groups and will use public financing starting now.  No tricks, no gimmicks, no loopholes --- just plain old fashion common sense that no court can strike down and where the people can get an honest shake.  At the same time, the Democrats should announce that those groups will be seen by them on the same basis they see the average taxpayer.  Access to elected officials should be the same for everyone. 
The practice of taking trips with special interest groups or using their planes and lodging also has to stop.  If a trip is necessary, it can be taken by the elected official and his aids.  No special interest people allowed.  The average American would not mind the government picking up the tab if the fact finding trip is necessary.
Elected officials would tell you this is naive thinking and it would not work.  But of course it would work if elected officials had the backbone and character to stand up and be counted.  It is very simple: stand up for the American people; no legislation and/or debate is required.  The Democrats in Congress should adopt this approach and change the game while letting the Republican brand die with the present corrupt system of special interest.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Quick Reaction to Edwards Affair

So, John Edwards admited to having an affair in 2006.  I've heard the reaction of those in the media, of David Bonier, former Edwards campaign manager, and of bloggers from the right and left.  My reaction: Who cares?  Who cares what someone does in their personal life unless they make that aspect of their personal life into a public issue (i.e. Vitter and Craig)?  Who cares about an affair that someone had who hasn't held elected office since 2005 and is not running for office currently?  Why is this such a big story when there are so many issues that matter so much more?  

The media is covering this story non-stop.  It is ridiculous.  Why not inform the American people about where the Presidential candidates stand on the issues instead?  What is this affair story doing to advance the much needed conversation among Americans of all backgrounds about the future of this country?  Nothing, nothing at all.  

For once, I wish the media would leave these tabloid stories to the tabloids. There is nothing wrong with the media pointing out the hypocrisies of  David Vitter and Larry Craig, or the illegal doings of Elliot Spitzer, but this John Edwards story has none of that.  John Edwards is not a hypocrite; he never put himself and his morals on a pedestal while criticizing those of others and, of course, Edwards did nothing illegal.  

Too often we let politicians' personal lives get in the way of what they do for the country.  Some of our best Presidents have been lacking in the morality department --- Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Clinton, etc.  And the Presidents who arguably have been the most moral --- Nixon and Bush --- have turned out to be two of the worst Presidents in American history.  The bottom line is this: we elect politicians to better this country and to advance the issues we care about.  We do not elect them for their morality.  John Edwards was a politician, a great one at that.  He served the people of North Carolina well and advanced the issues they cared about.  He then went on to represent and become a strong voice for the hard working men and women of America in this campaign season.  John Edwards tried and succeeded in many of those ways, both as a Senator and a Presidential candidate.  That is what should be discussed when we talk about John Edwards --- not this man's personal life.   

This Just About Says It All

credit to Steve Greenberg

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Dream Scenario

As highly unlikely as it is, the first thing that came in my mind when it was announced that Bill Clinton would speak before the Vice-Presidential nominee at the Democratic convention was that maybe, just maybe, Hillary Clinton would be announced by her husband as the Vice-Presidential nominee at the end of his speech.  As I said, it's highly unlikely, but a man can dream can't he?  I wouldn't give it more than a 5% chance of happening at this point, but if Obama hasn't announced his VP by the start of the convention, then I would say the chances of a surprise Hillary VP announcement by Bill on Wednesday night rise sharply.

Now many commentators rightfully point out that Hillary is slated to speak on Tuesday night and if she was going to be the VP, or was even in serious consideration, her speaking slot would not be announced until much closer to the convention when a final VP choice was made.  But could this be a ruse by the Obama campaign to keep the media speculating and focused on everybody but Hillary for VP?  Secondly, it stuck me as odd that Obama would want the Clintons to take up two out of the four nights of the convention.  Let's face it, unless the VP is Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton is mostly likely going to overshadow anyone who speaks after him and will suck up at least some of the attention that a VP address would normally 
receive from the media.   It seems that Obama would only risk two nights of Clinton if it was to advance a larger cause --- party unity and a simply beautifully orchestrated surprise.  Plus, would Barack add insult to injury by having Bill Clinton speak and possible introduce a VP that is not his wife?  Also, it is important to look back at history for some context.  It's not unheard of that a politician can speak twice at a national convention --- George Bush did it back in 1980.  

Again, I am not projecting that this is going to happen; I am just outlining some reasons that it could happen.  Plus, can you imagine what the crowd reaction would be at the DNC --- Bill Clinton gives a great address on the values of the Democratic Party, he begins to walk off stage, then at the last second, he turns around, goes back to the mic, and says, "Oh, and by the way, I forgot one thing: the next Vice-President of the United States of America, Senator Hillary Clinton."  I get chills up my spine just thinking of such a moment.  Surely I shouldn't get my hopes up, but it's announcements like the one today that keep that hope --- as small as it might be --- alive inside me and alive inside those other 18 million Americans who supported Hillary Clinton for President.  

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

You Read It Here First --- Obama's Energy Plan

Barack Obama, the Democratic nominee for president, spoke in Michigan on August 4 and outlined what his and America's energy policy would be if he is elected president.  Much of what he said was outlined here first on Politidose in posts dated May 5, July 4, and July 31.
Renewable energy instead of our dependence on oil and gas; fuel efficient automobiles, and etc.  The greening of America would produce new industries, create new jobs that pay well and reverse the environmental problems that are piling up on us today.  A $1000 energy rebate to the people to help with rising fuel costs.  Tax credit of $7000 to purchase fuel efficient automobiles and etc.  All of that has already been written about here.  
Senator Obama rightly threw down the gauntlet.  America has to change its energy policy and its use of energy as we know it and start now.  The country can not wait any longer; time is running out and action is needed.  To erase any doubts that America can accomplish these goals, Obama reminded the people of President Kennedy's pledge to put an American on the moon when the doubters asked, "How can we do that?".
Obama's comprehensive energy plan is a positive and bold step towards the greening of America.  The people should embrace his sensible and practical approach to our energy problems. I would suggest that people read his entire speech on the subject.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Need Some Extra Cash?

As this economy is surely taking a toll on all of us, I just want to share with you a great website I found called Cashcrate.  It is 100% legit and you can make real money easily.  All you have do is complete surveys.  Just give your address and Cashcrate will send you a check the next month.  A survey takes about 1 to 3 minutes to complete and they pay anywhere from $.25 to $5.00 a piece.  Here's a tip: give a fake phone number and an email account you don't use often.  I have not had any problems, but I don't like giving out phone numbers and I don't want to start getting a ton of spam mail.  

Click here to sign up or click the banner on the front page of POLITIDOSE.  Good luck!

(And of course, if you are fortunate enough to be financially secure, you could complete a few surveys and donate your earnings to Barack Obama, the DNC, or one of the great Democratic candidates running in your home state.)

Road to Victory: Jeanne Shaheen (New Hampshire)

Election '08: The People's Responsibility

We, the people of America, can play a major role in shaping our own future and the future of this great country in the November election for president, and for that matter, Senate and House races as well.  Although there are certain unknowns about the candidates, we still have to make a choice.  Experience is important, but not the over riding controlling factorsince, let's face it, there is no school to train future presidents.
So how do we choose?  By Campaign ads that attack?  But why should we believe ads when there exists an easy, clear, and factual way to check a candidate's record and position on the issue?  By character or personal attacks?  But do we really want to stoop that low?   
Every candidate has weakness and strength.  So how do we choose intelligently?  One important way is the make up of the candidate.  Will he/she govern by ideology or be progressive and look out for the best interest of America and its citizens.?Ideology is a loser because every issue has to be bent and shaped to meet one's ideology, and the problem is never solved. We've seen that with our current President. We need a problem solver in the White House this time around.  
Which candidate has the best proposal to fit the needs of the people and the country?  Does the proposal meet the current needs and problems?  Does it offer reasonable and attainable solutions?  Who is the forward looking candidate and which one will pursue the status quo and policies that have failed?  Which candidate do you think will best work toward the future you would like to see for your family, your children, and your grandchildren?  
Senators McCain and Obama are no strangers to the American people.  It is up to us to make the final judgement on who will best lead our country in the coming years.  We the people should not take that responsibility lightly.  The future for progress or stagnation is our choice to make.  Let's choose wisely. 

Monday, August 4, 2008

Big Oil: The Root Of The Problem

As a follow up to past post I have written concerning American oil companies, the following information has been released by the Associated Press in various newspapers.  They report:
The oil companies insist they are trying to find new oil that might help bring down gas prices but the money they spend on exploration is nothing compared with what they spend on stock buy backs and dividends.  The percentage they spend to find new deposits of fossil fuels has remained flat for years, in the mid-single digits.  The five biggest international oil companies plowed about 55% of the cash they made from their businesses into stock buybacks and dividends last year, up from 30% in 2000 and just 1% in 1993 according to Rice University's James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy.  Said Amy Myers Jaffe, an energy expert at Rice University, "if you're not spending your money finding and developing new oil, then there's no new oil".

With record oil and gasoline prices still going strong the bottom line for American Oil is still greed.  They are not concerned about increased drilling or production as proven by the fact that their expenditures to find new deposits have remained flat for years.  They don't want to drill on the millions of acres they already own, or lease in the U.S.  Instead, they want the government to open up ANWAR and the Arctic --- just another power play while holding America hostage to foreign oil and record prices.

George W. Bush & Ehud Olmert

George Bush and Ehud Olmert, the leaders of the U.S. and Israel respectively, have failed to live up to their responsibilities of doing what is necessary to bring peace to the Israeli-Palestinian situation.  Mr. Bush has been disengaged in the peace process for much of his tenure in office until last November when he hosted a U.S. peace conference for the Middle East.  That conference was about reaching a deal with both parties by this year's end.
The New Orleans Times Picayune, on July 29, reported that Olmert told a closed door meeting of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that there is no practical chance of reaching a comprehensive understanding on Jerusalem during 2008 and that he has scaled back Israel's ambitious goal of signing a deal before Bush leaves office.  It should be noted and remembered by the people that the leaders of Israel and Mr. Bush had always taken the position that there could be no peace in the Middle East because of Yassar Arafat.  Well Mr. Arafat has been gone for awhile now, so yet another excuse is introduced. 
Now comes a report from The Washington Post that Israeli leaders routinely get half or more of their campaign contributions for party primaries mostly from American donors.  The fund raising trend is especially pronounced on Israeli's political right --- politicians who advocate aggressive military action against Iran and Hamas and who maintain an uncompromising stance against ceding land to Palestine.
Abraham Foxman, director of the Anti-Defamation League and a prominent Jewish American leader, said he's uncomfortable with the idea of Americans playing such an important part in determining who gets to lead Israel. It is the height of arrogance.
The U.S. does not allow foreigners to contribute to our political campaigns.  We should adopt the same law and forbid Americans to contribute to foreign campaigns.  There should be no outside monetary influence in any country's political system.  I have reported on more than one occasion that the leaders of Israel like nothing better than for U.S. leaders to emulate their sad and sorry behavior. 
The next U.S. President needs to change our foreign policy and relationship with Israel before that country gets us into an unnecessary war.  The policies that Israel carry out are done with impunity.  That is un-American.  Something has to change.  

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Road to 60: The Ad Wars

As Democrats seem almost certain to pick up five Senate seats this November (Virginia, New Mexico, New Hampshire, Colorado, & Alaska), with many other races in single digits (Oregon, North Carolina, Mississippi, Kentucky, Minnesota, & Maine), the ad wars have already gotten heated.  

This latest ad from the DSCC is up in response to Elizabeth Dole's ad claiming that North Carolina needs her because of her "clout" in the Senate:  

In Oregon, in a race that has gone from double digits to neck and neck in just a few months, incumbent Republican Gordon Smith would like to fool Oregonians into believing that he is an independent, maybe even a Democrat.  How is Smith going about doing this? Well, the latest two ads Smith has released tout his relationship and supposed friendship with Senators Barack Obama and John Kerry and claim that he (Smith) has stood up to George Bush.   Smith is clearly doing everything he can to hide the fact that he is a Republican, but Smith is a Republican and this ad exposes why Oregon needs to elect Jeff Merkley to the Senate:

It's great to see the DSCC putting its extensive financial warchest to good use early on --- exposing the incumbent Republicans as what they truly are while allowing the Democratic candidates to stay above the fray and talk about solutions to the problems of their respective states and the country at large.   

The Republican Cycle Of Record Federal Deficits And Debt

The champions of deficit spending and the creation of debt are indeed the so called conservative Republican presidents.  On July 28, Mr. Bush's White House announced that the federal budget deficit for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2009, Mr. Bush's final budget, will be another whopping record of $482 billion --- by far the largest ever.  It was originally projected to be $400 billion. 
The White House also announced that this year's budget deficit for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2008 will be $389 billion.  It was projected early on to be $260 billion.  The White House and Mr. Bush are now trying to blame everything and everyone under the sun for this deficit explosion, but now it won't wash because of his record of reckless fiscal policies.  Lets look at Mr. Bush's irresponsible deficit spending and debt:
If the latest two projections on the deficit hold up Mr. Bush's total deficit spending for 8 years in office will be over $2.5 trillion and he will have added over $4 trillion to the national debt.  Ronald Reagan's total deficit spending for 8 years was $1.4 trillion and he added $1.9 trillion to the national debt.  Mr. Bush 41 (George Herbert Walker Bush) deficit spending for his 4 years in office was $1.03 trillion and he added $1.5 trillion to the national debt. 
I will let the readers add those numbers up so they can understand the reckless behavior of those so called conservative Presidents.  They will have served a total of 20 years when Bush 43 leaves office and did not balance one federal budget in those 20 years.  The reckless fiscal behavior of those 3 Presidents is the reason the economy was never sustained on their watch and why job creation was uneven and suffered job losses.  They never had a true economic policy.  They had a tax policy of trickle down economics which never worked to sustain the economy. 
Bill Clinton reversed Reagan-Bush 41 reckless behavior of 12 straight years of deficit spending and debt by reducing the deficit every year his first 4 years in office and then created a balance budget with surpluses each of his last 4 years.  His administration had a $62.8 billion surplus for his 8 years in office and paid down over $400 billion on the national debt.  Mr. Clinton had an economic plan that produced the greatest economy and created a record number of over 22.7 million new jobs.  He also left Mr. Bush a projected surplus of $5.6 trillion which Mr. Bush squandered. 
The Republican Party has no record of being fiscal conservative despite their lies.  The record shows their real intention, to bankrupt the country to deprive the government of funds for Social Security, Medicare, and other programs that have been a benefit to the American people.  Their tragic record speaks for itself.  And the present Mr. Bush is by far the most tragic.