Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Speaker Of The U.S. House Paul Ryan: What The People Do Know About His Ideology

Paul Ryan will not allow the House to take up the issue of immigration reform until after the 2016 elections.  Ditto family leave and the minimum wage.  He wants to privatize social security and medicare.  He still wants a tax structure that benefits the wealthy and corporate America.  The same plan he put forward when he was Romney's Vice Presidential running mate in 2012.

If all of that sounds familiar its because we have had that debate already and President Obama and the democratic party has rejected that ideology.  So have the American people when they elected the President twice.  Ryan has demonstrated by his actions he believes in the conservative ideology that republicans should be allowed to run the country when they lose elections to democrats.  I would say that their understanding of democracy is warped.

Yes, time will be the factor that defines Ryan's career as speaker of the House and going in his ideology is more aligned with the tea party.  Will his opposition to President Obama's policies continue the dysfunction of the U.S. House on Ryan's watch.  Stay tuned, "PolitiDose" will offer the answers in due time.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio