Friday, September 9, 2016

NBC's "Commander in Chiefs Forum" Was A Major Failure

NBC's "forum" program failed the test thanks to Host Matt Lauer's non "Commander in Chiefs questions.  It was a continuation of the news media in general and their corrupt reporting on this years Presidential campaign.  Elections are no longer respected by the news media and that was exhibited at the "forum" last night when Lauer tried to rush up the candidates answers.  That alone showed the networks disrespect for the subject matter.  After all it was billed as a "Commander in Chiefs" forum so was rushing the answers in line with the subject matter which one would think was important.

The one positive aspect of the program was Hillary Clintons willingness to answer all the questions asked by Lauer and members of the audience.  And that is what Clinton has done all through the campaign.  Her actions show she is a better woman than Frump is a man.  Trump did not answer any question at all that Lauer or the audience asked.  He skirted all around the questions.

Of course, NBC was the network that aired Trump's television show and its affiliate MSNBC continues its love affair with Trump every day on its shows.  The "Commander in Chiefs" forum added another layer of tarnish to a news media that is out of control at a very important time of a national election.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio