Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Democratic Congress: A Real Voice For America

Thirty four Democracts in the U.S. House voted against their own party's health care plan Sunday night. Unlike the ditto head republicans who all opposed and voted no against the plan and used the same old sad talking points, the democratic party once again proved their members can think for themselves and do not have to toe the party line.

In the future some democratic sponsored legislation could be defeated by their own members and the news media and republicans will say the democratic party does not know how to govern. That is what politics has become, but it will not wash. I hope the democratic party continues to think for itself and that each individual democrat introduces his own ideas in debate on all the issues facing the country and its people. I would prefer to have that kind of democracy than the ditto head republican ideology of talking points for their members to act like robots and all vote the same way because of that unAmerican ideology.

President Truman, that great democrat who was noted for giving the republicans hell once said:
when you have an efficient government, you have a dictatorship. That is the type of government the republicans want and what is behind their ideology of being ditto head voters.

Our democratic system in congress is not perfect, but the democratic party represents the American people and their interest much better in debating the real issues than the republican party. The final 3 years of the Obama administration will be met with continued ditto head opposition on all fronts and their personal attacks will become even more bitter. This sad story will continue because they have no record to compete and stand on.

Hang in there Mr. President. You have the party that will do right for the people and the country. The democratic party may disagree some times but they will end up doing what is best for America.