Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Republican Leadership Conference In New Orleans: An Embarrasment To Republican Voters.

The only thing worse than ditto head conservative republicans is ditto head journalists.  In the Times Picayune dated 6/1/14 there were three articles published under the by line of Adriane Quinian, a staff writer, Bill Barrow of the Associated Press, and New Orleans writer James Varney who claims conservative credentials.  After reading all three articles about the conference and its speakers there was no mention of what any of the speakers or their party would do to move the country forward or address the short falls the country faces.

Adriane Quinian's article was about the speech given by Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty and the following is what his speech was all about.  Reevaluate the current view about church and state: The discovery of DNA;  Obamacare:  Urged the GOP to more closely ally with christian values:  get godly: you can't be right for America if you are wrong with God: The discovery of DNA proves God created life on earth: half of our scientist jumped ship after DNA was discovered. (Note:  they really did not)

Bill Barrow's article was about speaches that covered:  Ronald Reagan; how conservatives led a budget fight that sparked a partial shutdown of government last fall;  the Reagan Revolution;  Reagan compromised on every thing;  in Texas we define gun control real simple, thats hitting what you aim at.

James Varney's article was mostly about republican national chairman Reince Priebus and how to best remake the republican party;  congressional and Presidential elections;  the big tent idea;  Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin;  a hostile media;  Donald Trump and birthers.

The three articles was void of any policy talk about what republican hopefuls and their party would do for the economy, job creation, balancing the budget, keeping America safe, increase middle class income or anything about what they claim ails the country.

The leadership conference provided no leadership for those in attendence or any voter, republican or otherwise.  Conservatives failure to articulate what they stand for is directly related to their ideology and failure to be "serious" public servants.  And once again their base is the big loser and taken advantage of.  The speakers at the conference named by the three writers were:  Phil Robertson, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, Haley Barbour, Reince Priebus and Donald Trump. 

We know the George W. Bush disaster is the reason why republicans and conservative journalists never talk about his administration.  It is too painful.  But don't republicans have at least a duty to tell the American pleople what they would do besides divide the people with divisive issues such as the ones reported by the above three journalists. 

The bottom line is that the people know where President Obama stands and also the democratic party.  But as President Kennedy once said, those who are afraid to trust the American peoploe with the facts are afraid of its people.  Conservative republicans need to develop some character and courage.  The tea party needs to develop a brain.  And those who talk about DNA and know zero about the matter need to keep their mouth shut.

This commentary written by John Lucia.