Monday, July 30, 2018

Nancy Pelosi: The Pundits Are At It Again

Nancy Pelosi, the democratic minority leader in the U.S.House is an effective public servant who understands it is plans and policy that accomplish much and move the country forward.  She and Hillary Clinton share the same work habits and get things done.  That is why both are the favorite target of Trump  and the GOP to demonize.

With the congressional elections only a few months away, the news media pundits continue to try and create a story questioning if Pelosi is in trouble of losing her leadership of her party if the democrats take control of the U.S. House in the November elections.  It is really a non issue because the democratic party represents more than one person and the party will adjust no matter who becomes their leader since the democratic party stands for progress and make decisions based on needs and not ideology  That is the reason democrats govern much better than the GOP.  Trump and the GOP understand Pelosi and Clinton accomplishments and are well aware of their own failure to govern.

Because Pelosi is an effective public servant, she will continue to serve her country and her state well regardless if she retains her leadership role or becomes one of the rank and file democrats.  Her knowledge is valuable to the party and can make a difference that benefits the country and its people.

The news media will continue to bring up a hundred questions that matter not and the democratic party will still be the party that is best for the people.  And if the voters elect a democratic controlled U.S. House in November, who ever is elected democratic speaker of the House, will do a much better job than the republicans who have been in the majority control of the House for the past seven and a half years.   And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, July 27, 2018

President Trump and Russia's Putin Team Up Again To Meddle In America's Election Process

The trumpet man postponed his invitation to Putin to visit Washington in the fall and now says it will be early next year after the November congressional elections.  Putin said he would be glad to come to Washington and said he just might invite Trump to visit Russia.  But in between those events we have learned a few things.

Trump postponed Putin's visit because he was so ill prepared for his one on one visit in Helsinki and could not possibly be ready for another Summit in the fall and show his ignorance once again before the November elections.  Trump also knew the democratic party in congress would have some tough questions for Putin about Russia's interference and would want to know what decisions were made by he and Trump in Helsinki.  Putin stuck his nose in the November elections by saying Trump keeps his word to the American people, like as if he really knows.  And it was also announced that Russia was trying to hack into the office network of U.S. Senator Clair McCaskill who is running for reelection in Missouri, a state that Trump carried in 2016.  The republicans would like to win that seat.  The hack was similar to the one tied to Hillary's campaign.

And just yesterday we learned that Michael Cohen, Trump's former attorney, said Trump knew of the 2016 meeting with the Russians in Trump tower before the meeting took place.  Trump's son attended that meeting which was supposed to produce dirt on Hillary Clinton.  Trump denied he knew of the meeting in advance both as a candidate and as President.  The collusion with Russia by Trump and members of his campaign allows evidence of both party's desire to help Trump win the election and interfere with America's democratic process.  That meeting was truly a traitorous act.

Russia's attempt to hack into Senator McCaskill's office network confirms American intelligence reports that the Russians are still trying to undermine the election process, this  time in the  November congressional elections.  It is a sharp reminder how far Putin is willing to go with a patsy President named Donald Trump.  Putin sees no reason to back down.  The American people can look for more disclosures to come that will show just how cooperative Trump and his campaign has been with America's greatest adversary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, July 26, 2018

The November Congressional Elections Are A New Opportunity For America

The American voters have an opportunity in November to reverse the regression of the Trump administration and change the direction to a new beginning.  The voters need to elect enough democrats to give the party control of both houses of congress so real change and governing can take place.  The madness of Trump and the GOP, their lack of governing and the ongoing lies and scandals must come to an end.

The democratic party understands the issues and what has to be done to move the country and its people forward  They are the lone steady voice for the people the last 18 months with a President and republican controlled congress out of touch on the issues and no plans or policy to act on.  Trump's tariffs we are told are causing harm to America's farmers so now Trump  and  the GOP are considering billions of dollars in farm aid to those farmers who the tariffs have harmed.  Does that really make sense to anyone?  The extreme ideology continues to harm our country and its people.

A democratic controlled congress will not only keep Trump in check, it will bring clarity to the issues with sound planning and fiscal responsibility.  The country and its people should not be exposed to a Trump-GOP controlled government the balance of Trump's term in office.( If he last that long) The disfunction and corruption that has taken place for the past 18 months continues to take a toll on the country.

This November, the American people's vote will count like never before and hopefully the voters will agree a new direction is needed to change the regressive attitude of the Trump-GOP disaster.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

What Really Chaps Trump, The Republicans and The Clinton Haters

Hillary Clinton has not held an elected office in over nine years which goes back to the days when she served as the U.S. Senator from New York.  Yet she remains the focus of attack for Trump and his supporters.  What really chaps them is Hillary has been investigated by three separate republican committees controlled by the republican party and the only thing they could find was Hillary's use of a private server instead of a government server.  And unlike Trump with Mueller's investigation, Hillary testified before those republican controlled committees.

But Hillary's use of a private server later exposed the fact that Condi Rice and Colin Powell who served as Secretary of State during the George W. Bush administration also used private servers.  And also members of Trump's cabinet and staff did the same thing.  What also chaps Trump, his party and the Hillary haters is the fact that Hillary's comments about Trump's lack of qualifications to be President has proved to be true and so has her prediction of Trump's involvement with Russia.

So now President Trump is still the subject of Mueller's investigation that has already produced several guilty pleas and several indictments of people associated with Trump's Presidential campaign.  And Trump's former campaign manager, Paul Manafort will be standing trial this month for his indictment.  Hillary was not the crooked Presidential candidate after all as Trump tried to sell.  But people who follow the truth never took the bait because they knew who the crooked Presidential candidate really was.

Trump has been in office a full 18 months, more than enough time to prove he is a man.  He not only has failed that test with his personal attacks on others, along with his lack of respect, he has failed the test of the Presidency itself with his traitorous acts.  Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in the 2016 election by a wide margin because the voters knew she was the best qualified for the job and that she was more of a woman than Trump is a man.  Some things never change, especially facts.

There is no evidence that Hillary's use of a private server compromised the state department or other government functions.  There is evidence that Trump's actions with Putin and his campaign actions to work with Russian operatives to obtain dirt on Hillary and support the Trump campaign against Hillary put our democratic election process at risk.  The Trump campaign even stooped to the low of trying to set up a back channel with Russia to escape transparency.

Hillary Clinton was a public servant and a patriot who understood what America and its values are all about and she still speaks out on the issues facing America.  On the other hand, Trump  has only Trump.  And that really says it all.

This  commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, July 23, 2018

What Has America Learned From President Trump's Meeting With Russia's Putin?

Well, nothing new from what any fair minded person realized long ago.  The one on one meeting between Trump and Putin with only an interpreter was another shameful and traitorous act by the President to keep the people of America in the dark about the Trump-Putin relationship and what they discussed.  This writer feels certain the talks were about how to sabotage the Mueller investigation and divert attention from Russian and the Trump campaign involvement in the 2016 Presidential elections.

President Trump's statement after the meeting indicating he believed Putin's denials and cast aside the conclusion of American intelligence concerning Russia's interference with the elections and that Trump supported making a former U.S. Ambassador to Russia available for Russia to question constitutes high crimes and misdemeanors by President Trump.  And then Trump made matters worse a few days later by inviting Putin to America in the fall.

The President caught flack for his private meeting with Putin and his later remarks from both parties and people who served in government in the past.  And of course, Trump lashed back with his usual childish comments.  But the GOP in congress still supports Trump and actually enable his un-American behavior.  Republican leaders in the U.S. House should be drawing up impeachment orders on this President who has become a disgrace and who continues his traitorous acts.

After 18 months in office the President and the republican controlled congress are still in a chaotic state.  No plans or policy to address immigration after Trump's loud mouth talk.  Trump's so called zero tolerance immigration action of separating parents and children at the border are still under a courts order.  The republicans in congress are leaderless and marking time until the November elections.

And all the while, America is paying a heavy price because Putin has the goods on Trump and the ability to set Trump's agenda.  The President has responded by selling out America, its values and the institutions that have made America the great nation that the world always looked up to.  And the republican party, the party that holds the power in congress has failed its responsibility to put a end to this President who has betrayed his country and his countrymen.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Will Louisiana's Next Tax Debate Be Over Internet Sales

Hopefully, it will be over true tax reform that the governor would like to see and which he supports.  A fair tax system, something the state lacks is needed for a balanced fiscal approach for operating state government.  There are too many exemptions, loopholes and special interest deductions like the $8 billion annual tax breaks for business that erode state revenue which no state can afford.

Taxing internet sales will certainly be on the agenda since the recent supreme court ruling.  It was estimated that Louisiana lost $800 million in sales tax collections to the internet in 2013.  (per Michael Hecht's letter to the editor in the Times Picayune of 12/3/14.  He is President and CEO of Greater New Orleans, Inc.)  There is no denial that Louisiana and other states have lost millions of dollars to internet sales.

The question becomes, how is this problem addressed in a responsible way.  We know local business have lost revenue due to internet sales and some have had to close their doors.  This is another reason why the state legislature has to take up true tax reform.

With the state budget fight behind us now, the Louisiana legislature should take up the matter and work with governor Edwards to come up with a fair and reasonable solution concerning tax fairness.  It can be accomplished if we really care about the state and its problems.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Another Huge First For PolitiDose: The Indictment Of 12 Russian Intelligence Agents.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller continues his pursuit of the truth in the investigation of the Russian government's involvement in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election.  The indictments are another rebuke of President Trump's attempt to sabotage the investigation by claiming it to be a "witch hunt" and "fake news."  He repeated the claim even after the Department of Justice informed him of the indictments.

The indictment made clear that Russia tried to hack into Hillary Clinton's emails not long after candidate Trump at a campaign rally asked Russia to find Clinton's emails if they were listening.  PolitiDose was the first to write commentary about Trump's speech at the time and that it was a traitorous act by Trump.  The commentary was published July 31,2016, titled: A Traitor Among Us:  Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Russia.  Trump's speech laid dormant with the regular news media who never realized how close that speech linked Trump to the Russians.  This writer believes Trump knew Russia was listening and Trump's request was taken seriously by the Russian hackers.

In light of the new indictments, President Trump should cancel his meeting with Putin scheduled for Monday and let Putin know he believes the U.S. intelligence, the FBI and the indictments and no longer believes Putin's "fake news" of denial.  The President should also take immediate action to punish Russia for its actions and lies of interfering in the democratic process of our country's elections.

The President's constant criticism for the past 17 months of the investigation and his refusal to face Putin on the issue and his acceptance of Putin's denials is a disgrace and constitutes a traitorous act.  Trump's blame game will bein full mode now and his supporters are trying to sell the idea that the indictments clear the President, but it DOES NOT.  It actually moves the next phase of the investigation to those who colluded and aided the Russian effort.

And to make matters worse, the republicans in congress are ditto heads who are willing to stoop as low as the President, sacrifice those principle's that have made America the great country it is, support Trump's agenda and even his hateful lies.

But PolitiDose early on understood the importance of Trump's asking Russia to hack Clinton's emails and how that was the act of a traitor and unstable person.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, July 13, 2018

Make America's Presidency "Great Again" Impeach President Trump

President Trump is incapable of making America "great again" because America has never lost its greatness.  But the Presidency can be made "great again" by the impeachment of Donald Trump.  The latest Trump attack on our NATO allies at the summit in Brussels was another sad chapter in the instability of America's President and Commander in Chief.  NATO is a stable alliance that allows American troops and military bases on their soil.  America does not like to admit it but those bases and troops are there to have a strategic military presence close to Russia and not for the sole purpose of protecting the NATO countries.

Trump's remarks at the summit that Germany was a captive of Russia drew a sharp rebuke from German Chancellor Merkel who told the President Germany was not a captive of Russia or the USA.  The unnecessary remark by Trump displayed the trumpet man's ignorance, lack of character and corrupted persona.  Actually, the case can be made that President Trump is a captive of Russia's Putin but Merkel would not stoop to Trump's low.  Trump also lied about how much energy Germany purchases from Russia.

The people of the world are watching America's President and after the summit the President will visit England and Prime Minister May who also has come in for Trump's bashing.  The Prime Minister is civil and won't answer in kind but the people of London have scheduled a massive protest against Trump's visit.  As a result, the President will by pass the city.

Yes, there was a time not long ago when American Presidents were welcomed around the world and as a leader with moral character.  Impeachment is the only way out for this President to make the Presidency "great again"

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Conservatism, Pro Choice and Pro Life: The Fairy Tale Spin Of Repubicans

Conservatives use those words to divide people knowing people in general don't understand the real meaning or interpretation and casually accept the way conservative republicans apply those words.  Yet, all those words play a large role in political and civilian life and many times in heated arguments.  But never in a real debate because that would expose the fairy tale, the division and the republican party.  So lets explore all those words.

Conservatism:  The word being practiced and used today goes back to the Newt Gingrich era and represents an ideology of hate, personal attacks, elitism and an alleged superior understanding of government, religion, division, fiscal responsibility and small government and blame.  Prior to Newt republicans in congress never much talked about themselves as being conservative.  They were satisfied as being conservative and pursuing a conservative agenda without personal attacks.  The first words out of a republican's mouth today is, "I am a conservative."  Well, so what?  I am a American and  proud of it.

The conservative movement since Newt has proved there is no such thing as a conservatism in the republican party or a republican White House.  Ditto when it comes to big government or government spending.  The most recent examples are the republicans failure to pass health care and immigration reform.  What the so called republican conservatism actually cover is several factions of extreme ideology with in the party that disagrees on everything and of course their tax scheme that will add $1.5 trillion to the national debt is no where near conservatism.

The underline ideology behind Newt's conservatism was to break the democratic hold the party enjoyed in the U.S. House for many years.  Newt resorted to vicious personal attacks against democrats and started the push to dilute the states voting districts in favor of republicans.  He also tried to use religion and moral values to divide the people.  And today, several states are tied up in court over gerrymandering by the republican party to assure a vote advantage for their party.

The reasons why there is no such thing as a conservative republican party was laid out in PolitiDose many times over in the past several years  And just recently the CBO announced that Trump's first fiscal year budget will end on 9/30/18 with a federal deficit of over $800 billion.  A 21% increase over President Obama's last fiscal year budget.  Conservatism?  Yeah right, in fairy tale land.

Pro Choice:  The republicans have done a good job convincing the news media and many voters with the fairy tale that Pro Choice means one is for abortion, but nothing could be farther from the truth.  Of course they try to use their favorite opponent Hillary Clinton and try to use her Pro Choice position as advocating abortion.  But they have a big problem because Hillary choose Life and brought a daughter into this world who in turn chose life and also became a proud Mother herself.

Pro Choice simply means the Supreme Court ruled a woman has a right to choose and make a choice under certain circumstances.  Those who protest the loudest about a woman's right to choose are men, the political kind who use the subject matter to divide and seek votes.  It is a reminder of a time in our past when women were denied the right to vote.  That was a Pro Choice decision too that was also protested by many when they were given the right to vote.  The Supreme Courts decision heard the thoughts of the religious and scientific community before they gave their finding.  And what chaps most conservatives about the courts ruling was the fact that the court was actually described as a conservative court.

The fairy tale about Pro Choice has gotten so out of hand by those who try and use religion to define the matter have even suggested abortion is murder.  Women who make a Pro Choice decision deserve better and the majority of women who support Pro Choice are mothers who chose life.

Pro Life:  Conservatives like to describe Pro Life as one opposed to abortion.  But Pro Life is about life itself and how one lives life.  A person can actually be Pro Life and Pro Choice at the same time and not be a contradiction.  Political motivation is used to try and misuse words or their meaning in order to infame some one even though the words can actually apply in another sense.  Those who support Pro Choice and who are mothers are Pro Life also.  They just understand the real meaning of the two words.  If Pro Life is related only to the opposition of abortion it has lost all meaning.

And now, the country will be  talking about the issue of Pro Life and Pro Choice once again with the nomination of a new Supreme Court Justice.  The story still goes on after 45 years because our political system has to find blame and because of ideology.  Those who claim to be Pro Life should respect others point of view to live their own lives, after all, that is what life is all about.

Real conservatism does not exist in our political body any more because conservative values have been absent and ideology has been substituted.  It is a fairy tale that has even lost civility.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, July 9, 2018

The Republican Leader In The U.S. Senate: Mitch McConnell

Senator McConnell, the majority leader in the republican controlled senate did what he does best, rubber stamp Trump's wishes.  In this case, will hold senate hearings to confirm Trump's new Supreme Court nominee even though he adopted a different standard when President Obama nominated his Supreme Court pick and refused to give Obama's nominee a hearing.

Democrats usually do not play bard hard because they have accomplishments when they are in power and know how to achieve results, should play hard ball when they once again become the majority party in congress.  McConnell's actions are so partisan on the Supreme Court issue it requires a hard ball response from the democratic party.  In the mean time the party can play hard ball on a few issues before they become the majority again and should use that option.

The republicans will end up confirming their so called conservative nominee, but the Trump Presidency and the republican controlled congress will continue to govern in chaotic fashion with very little accomplishments.  The past 17 months tells the real story.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, July 7, 2018

The Failure To Govern and The Blame Game

President Trump and his Vice President continue to show their unstable persona on the immigration issue.  Their attacks on the democrats as being for open borders may sell to the ignorant and their blame game mentality which is used by those who have failed at governing is telling and will continue until the November elections.

It is easy to tell the bad guys because they are in the White House with a 17 month record of regression.  It has become evident how President Obama's economic policies of success is the only positive force taken place on the Trump-Pence watch.  But as this writer noted not long ago in another commentary, the Trump recession will surely take place in the near future.

Trump and Pence's immigration rhetoric will continue on the campaign while they and their party fail to pass immigration reform.  When the party in power fails to govern, they have to blame some one else and that some one else has to be the democratic party.  Look for Trump and Pence to be on the campaign trail until the November elections.  Both want to take the people's mind off an administration mired in chaos and under investigation by special counsel Mueller, whose investigation is closer and closer to Trump.  Mueller is a man of integrity and will not let Trump intimidate him with threats.

There will be more side shows by Trump and Pence and more of the same rhetoric.  However this is an administration that is so unAmerican, neither will finish their first term in office.  Trump's actions tells this writer he knows his days are numbered as President of the United States.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee Report On Russia and The 2016 Presidential Election: More Proof of Trump's Big Lies

The Senate Intelligence report concerning Russia and the role they played in the 2016 Presidential election is out and their findings support the accuracy of the Intelligence community's report.  The Senate report confirmed Russia's effort was extensive and sophisticated and its goals were to hurt Hillary Clinton and help Donald Trump.

President Trump's portrayal of the intelligence community report being "fake news" and the whole Russian affair as being a "witch hunt" and a democratic ploy has been exposed by the report as just another lie by the President of the United States.  The senate report also tells the American people how low Trump is willing to stoop in his effort to destroy the checks and balances in our democracy and his willingness to degrade America's institutions.

Trump's actions prove how willing he is to try and destroy our political process.  He is the first Presidential candidate of either party to seek outside influence from a foreign country to meddle in a Presidential election and to seek dirt on his opponent, Hillary Clinton.  There is no record of any other Presidential candidate who ever sought the help of a foreign government in America's election process.

And we now read where Trump and Putin will meet in private before they meet at the summit.  That is some thing no past American President has done.  Trump has walled he and Putin off so no one knows what they talk about.  This President has a lot to hide with Putin and Russia and it shows.  Putin is calling the shots and Trump is a willing follower and trust Putin more than he does America's intelligence community.  If any one thinks Trump will talk tough at the Russian summit about the 2016 Presidential election, don't hold your breath.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, July 2, 2018

The News Media: Out Of The Loop On The Issues, The Story Continues

Television, Radio and the press let the people and the country down on the two most important legislative issues in the past several years.  And our elected officials are the ones who moved those issues to the top of their list.  The two issues are the republicans attempt to repeal and replace the ACA and immigration.  The news media failed to explore what could be done about those issues and allowed our elected officials spin the myth that they had the answer by telling lies.

The news media had to know that Donald Trump and the republicans claim of having a health care plan to repeal and replace the ACA and at the same time lower cost and insure more people was a scheme and that they had no plan at all.  What the news media failed to do was offer and make the case to the people that the best course of action would be to make the necessary changes to the ACA to make the program better.  They should have devoted more time to that with democratic input and input from other groups that had ideas.  The media itself had the resources to make the case that the republicans were lying thru their teeth and that input to the ACA would be the better way to make health care more affordable, less expensive and cover more people.

The republican controlled congress has kicked the immigration can down the road for the past three and half years they have been in control and did zero on the issue during the administrations of President's George W. Bush and Barack Obama.  The news media also had to know the republicans never did and still don't have a immigration plan, only rhetoric.  The media failed to point out that an option was and still is available on immigration.  That is the comprehensive immigration reform bill that the democratic controlled senate passed in 2013 by a vote of 68-32.  It was a bi-partisan bill with 52 democrats, 14 republicans and 2 independents voting for the bill.  It was a good immigration reform bill that also secured the border and provided funds for a 700 mile fence among other measures.

The media should  have pointed out the republicans had an option on immigration reform and should have done a series on the issue.  The democratic bill that was passed could be used as a model and make necessary changes to make the bill better and use democratic input.  After all, the 14 republicans who voted for the bill in 2013 were considered strong on immigration.

But the American people were given only spin on the two issues and not a real debate on the options available.  Yet, the media spends 24 hours a day covering Trump' and his party's lies and divisive tactics.  In the mean time, Trump and his party are slowly killing the ACA and still have no replacement and they do not plan to take up immigration until after the November elections.  So the people are left with Trump and his party's rhetoric and lies on the issues.

Today, the news media in a political sense is a mouth piece for elected officials spin and mis-information for public consumption.  They are not capable of or have no desire to challenge elected leaders remarks in a civil way to flush out truths, facts or other options on matters under discussion.  The volume of the republicans rhetoric grows louder and louder with less and less accomplishments and the media has forgotten its commitment to the public and the country.

What might have been on immigration and health care could  have been if all the options available   were debated by the news media as a helping hand to fully understand legislation should not be a one way street and that various ideas have merit.  With an unstable President in the White House, now is not the time for an unstable news media.  Do we have a news media "host" capable of having a civil debate with those elected officials concerning issues that are deemed so important to the country.  This writer has his doubts.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio