Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee Report On Russia and The 2016 Presidential Election: More Proof of Trump's Big Lies

The Senate Intelligence report concerning Russia and the role they played in the 2016 Presidential election is out and their findings support the accuracy of the Intelligence community's report.  The Senate report confirmed Russia's effort was extensive and sophisticated and its goals were to hurt Hillary Clinton and help Donald Trump.

President Trump's portrayal of the intelligence community report being "fake news" and the whole Russian affair as being a "witch hunt" and a democratic ploy has been exposed by the report as just another lie by the President of the United States.  The senate report also tells the American people how low Trump is willing to stoop in his effort to destroy the checks and balances in our democracy and his willingness to degrade America's institutions.

Trump's actions prove how willing he is to try and destroy our political process.  He is the first Presidential candidate of either party to seek outside influence from a foreign country to meddle in a Presidential election and to seek dirt on his opponent, Hillary Clinton.  There is no record of any other Presidential candidate who ever sought the help of a foreign government in America's election process.

And we now read where Trump and Putin will meet in private before they meet at the summit.  That is some thing no past American President has done.  Trump has walled he and Putin off so no one knows what they talk about.  This President has a lot to hide with Putin and Russia and it shows.  Putin is calling the shots and Trump is a willing follower and trust Putin more than he does America's intelligence community.  If any one thinks Trump will talk tough at the Russian summit about the 2016 Presidential election, don't hold your breath.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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