Sunday, July 16, 2017

It Was One Year Ago This Month When !!!

Candidate Donald Trump at a campaign rally asked Russia to find Hillary Clinton's emails because he was hoping to find something damaging on her.  The news media only reported the story in general and failed to understand the significance of what Trump said as it related to hacking into an American's privacy.  However, this writer did and wrote commentary concerning it here in PolitiDose titled, A Traitor Among Us, dated July 31, 2016.

And now today, with all the new revelations concerning members of Trump's family (son and son in law) meeting with Russian agents one can see how Trump's request of Russia a year ago fits in with Russia's hacking into the election and the democratic national committee's records in order to support Trump for the Presidency.  American intelligence confirmed long ago Russia wanted Trump to become President.  In other words, Russian hacking was not a isolated act, it was carried out for a purpose and Trump's campaign was willing to cooperate.  And this writer believes Donald Trump knew what was taking place.  Members of his campaign, especially his son and son in law would have talked to Trump about the meetings.

The Trump-Russian affair even undermines the U.S. relations with our NATO allies, especially after all the negative remarks Trump has made concerning NATO.  And of course Putin and Russia would love to see a splintered and ineffective NATO led by the U.S.  Trump has put America in harms way with family advisers that do his bidding but are not professional or experienced in political matters and diplomacy.  Plus they themselves hate government and people who do have political understanding.

Hopefully, the special prosecutor can complete the investigation in a timely matter concerning the Trump-Russia affair.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio