Monday, July 24, 2017

Another First For PolitiDose Concerning The Affordable Care Act

Two articles in the Times Picayune of July 24, one by three writers with the Washington Post titled, "Trump's  first 6 months:  A fact-check tally" the other by Paul Krugman, titled, Health Care in a time of sabotage" confirms that the ACA is working, not dying or imploding and according to the Congressional Budget Office the ACA exchanges are expected to remain stable for the foreseeable future.  And if that seems familiar its because you read it here first in PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary just recently and many other times in the past since Trump and the republicans started their lies.

Other information pointed out in the two articles state that Trump lied approximately 44 times that the ACA was dying and essentially dead.  One article explains how Trump can sabotage the ACA and not make it work which Trump has already alluded to on numerous occasions.  The article also list three areas the Trump administration is already doing to sabotage the ACA.  First:  Weakening enforcement of the requirement that healthy people buy insurance.  Second:  Its letting states impose rules on people seeking medicaid.  Third:  It has backed off advertising and outreach designed to let people know about options for coverage.  The article list other things the Trump administration is doing to discourage the uninsured to join the ACA.

The health care issue has exposed Trump and the republicans for what they really are, liars with an unAmerican ideology who are willing to even lie to their supporters to destroy anything democratic.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio