Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Senate Comes Up Short On Planned Parenthood Vote

The republican controlled U.S. Senate fell short of the 60 votes needed to cut off debate in their quest to cut off funding for Planned Parenthood.  So what did the little boys do in the republican party?  Well, they said they would shut down the government.  That is what they did two years ago when they could not get their way and defund the ACA.

Even though their party controls both houses of congress their legislative agenda is out of step with the legislative process.  The party is willing to hold the country and its people hostage once again because of their own right wing ideology.  Is there any wonder why Donald Trump is exposing the republican Presidential field as a bunch of losers with out any accomplishments.

There is another problem the party made for themselves.  They thought President Obama was going to be a lame duck President his last two years in office but discovered the President intended to be active with legislation and executive orders until he leaves office.  That will deny the republicans their plans to control the agenda leading up to the 2016 elections.

The republicans did wrong  to the people by not funding those necessary programs they have put on hold and wasted time by trying to cut off existing programs the President said he would veto.  Gaining control of both houses of congress and not using that advantage to move the country and its people forward is a great example how their ideology has warped their sense of judgement and responsibility.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio