Monday, May 30, 2016

Coming Soon In "PolitiDose"

After the Democratic and Republican conventions are completed and the Presidential nominees of each party are officially declared, "PolitiDose" will offer a series of commentaries as to which nominee will best serve the country and its people as the next President and Commander in Chief.  The commentaries will also offer the reasons why.

Each party's past record will be explored because it tells a story, some good, some bad and some in between.  Some political facts that many voters have accepted as facts with out any fact checking will be exposed as myths.  The regular news media and the cable networks will not be much help to the average voter during the general election because they are more in tuned to the sensational and let the facts of many issues just slide by.

Unlike state elections, the Presidential election affects everyone and all the states combined as a nation.  All one has to do is remember the war in Iraq over WMD that did not exist.  Thirteen years later we are still there and Iraq is still unstable.  The worst economic recession since the great depression and by the way the Wall Street banks did not provide the only reason for that recession.  It happened because of several reasons.

The 2016 Presidential election will be an important one so stay tuned to "PolitiDose" for your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio