Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Republican Cowards In The White House and The U.S. Congress Are Worse Than Those Who Take A Knee

Cowards never take the responsibility for their own actions and therefore have to lie and blame others when the truth becomes known.  That is the latest story about Trump and some republicans in congress concerning the separating of migrant children from their parents when they cross the border and enter the U.S. illegally.

Under Trump's zero-tolerance policy on immigration attorney general Jeff Sessions announced that parents who enter the U.S. illegally with their children will be separated from them and held for farther disposition.  Sessions added that if parents do not want to be separated from their children they should not try to enter the U.S.  As a result of Trump's policy over 2000 children have been separated from their parents at the border.  The result has been a moral outcry against Trump's policy.

How did the cowards in the White House and congress react to the outcry?  Well first they cited the bible and religious grounds to justify the policy and when that failed and caught flak from religious leaders the cowards lied and blamed it on the democrats and then on a court decision and both were big lies as no such democratic actions or court decisions existed.  Those lies are a cowards way of trying to escape blame for their own failure and immoral acts.

Those who take a knee do it in public and all know where they stand and don't lie about their positions.  Their actions are opposed by most Americans but they are not cowards. Cowards lie because they have no respect for anyone, especially the truth, American values and they also have no balls.  That's why they are liars and cowards.

And for those who are scratching their heads, after 17 months in office and a lot of huffing and puffing about immigration the cowards have yet to enact immigration reform as of this date.  And that really says it all, especially for the big coward in the White House.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio