Sunday, March 20, 2016

Donald Trump: Is He A Dilemma For The GOP Or A Diversion For The Party?

The republican conversation about what to do with Donald Trump has picked up steam just in the last few days and in Sunday's Times Picayune "reflection" section there appeared three long editorials about the subject.  One of the commentary even injected religion into the matter.  It seems like the GOP itself, various leaders of the party and journalists have laid out a story line to divert attention from the real problem.

Trump will go into the convention with the most delegates and if he does not have the total delegates needed on the first ballot a new vote will be taken and the delegates can cast their votes where ever they want.  He has the most popular votes than any of his republican opponents and if some one else is selected it will make the primary and caucus votes of the people moot.  Ditto if the party turns to some one outside the candidates and or goes to a third party.

The GOP is not in a dilemma because of Donald Trump.  It is, because the party itself wants a conservative candidate who is extreme on the issues.  Ohio governor John Kasich presents them with a problem because they have doubts about his conservatism even though he was extremely conservative when he served in the U.S. House, especially during the Clinton administration.  In fact he held an extreme position against Clinton's policies that actually worked for the country and its people.  He voted against Clinton's deficit reduction and economic plan that was passed by the democratic controlled congress in 1993.  He also voted to impeach the President.

This writer smells a ploy when the GOP talks about their options at the convention.  They want to win back the Presidency so bad they would sell their soul.  There is no one in the party at the time to unite them in a civil way.  Newly elected speaker of the House Paul Ryan could not even pass his republican budget because of their tea party's opposition and the word was Ryan was the one person who could unite them.

The best option for the country in November of 2016 is for the people to elect the democratic nominee.  It was bad during the last republican administration and today's bunch offers a worst alternative.  The country can not afford that.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio