Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Republican Presidential Candidates And The Flat Tax

Trickle down economics is in the fore front again with several republican candidates for President, this time in the guise of a flat tax. It is Reagan and Bush all over again and their failed past. Romney, Perry and Cain are in the lead on the subject matter and once again the winners in their flat tax are Corporate America and the wealthy. The loosers are the middle class, working Americans. Corporate America and the wealthy also get to keep their exemptions and other tax breaks under the flat tax.

The issue of trickle down economics republican style is the product of what this writer has reported many times over. Repubulicans use their failed policies because they have no record of accomplishments for the country and its people to articulate. The idea is to keep the news media and the democrats from debating the real issues concerning the country.

It is very noticable the republican party and their Presidential candidates never talk about the last republican administration because it would remind the people they have nothing to say about the sad shape Bush left the country in. It would also be a quick reminder that the republican party controlled both houses of congress for most of Bush's eight years in office and rubber stamped his failed policies. Voters should also take note that the present republican Presidential candidates also supported Bush's failed policies at the time and were silent while record deficit spending and debt was the order of the day during the Bush years.

What really chaps the republicans is that the Obama administration has reversed the massive job losses that took place while they ran the country and as a result they will not lift a finger to help in the recovery. A recent republican governor of California called a few elected officials girlies, now we know he was really talking about republicans. That says it all.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

An Unnecessary War Finally Comes To End

President Obama announced Friday that the Iraq war will come to an end eight years and nine months after being launched by President Bush over WMD that did not exist at any time during his administration. December 31, 2011 will be the ending date according to the President and our troops will be home for the holidays.

ThePresident displayed leadership and courage with his decision to end a sad chapter that took the lives of over 4400 brave Americans who served their country well and without complaining. Over 30,000 of our troops were wounded, many severly with the loss of limb and a life they once knew.

The reaction of most republicans to the decision was the usual so called tough talk about how we should stay in Iraq and finish the job. What job are they talking about? It is ironic that most of the tough talk comes from those who never wore the uniform of their country. The President's decision will still be the right decision even if Iraq restarts their civil war. That, along with Al Queda in Iraq and the road side bombings were born because of Bush's decision to launch an unnecessary war and occupation over WMD that did not exist. None of that violence was happening in Iraq prior to our invasion.

CBS announced that the cost of the war so far was in excess of $800 billion. And who paid the price of the war. Our men and women in uniform with many deployments, loss of life and limb and their families. Bush and the republicans did not think the people back home had to pay for the war or make a sacrifice. It all fell on the back of our troops.

It is a sad piece of American history to think that an American President used his power to start a war and occupation of another country over WMD that did not exist and for eight years and nine months be treated by the news media and the administration as just a footnote in history. Our men and women in uniform that paid a terrible price deserve better. And make no mistake about it, George W. Bush knew Iraq was no threat to the U.S. and had no WMD.

During the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 President Kennedy showed the American people and the world intelligence photo's of Russian missiles and war heads in Cuba. There was no doubt. Bush never did so with Iraqi's WMD because he knew along with the CIA they did not exist. There was nothing to take a photo of.

The past is still the key to the future and it is up to the people, the news media and our future Presidents to make sure an unnecessary war never happens again to our country.

Note 1: See my past two part commentary titled: The Rosetta Stone to The Iraq War dated 12-8 and 12-11, 2007.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Speech President Obama Should Make To The Nation

The do nothing attitude of the Republicans in congress, their past failures on the economy, job creation and their often stated goals of seeing Obama and the nation fail should prompt the President to give the following speech.

Before I was elected President the Republicans controlled the White House 20 of the previous 28 years. Their rhetoric during those years represents the same talking points they are using against my administration and democratic policies. Lets exmine the facts of that 28 year period.

The republicans say government regulations have destroyed the economy and jobs: Fact, it did not destroy the economy and jobs on President Clinton's watch as the nation, the economy, job creation and its people enjoyed the best of those benefits.

The republicans say democrats are the big spenders: Facts, Federal spending under the Reagan administration increased 50% in his first term and 25% in his second term. Under George Walker Bush it increased 28% in his only term. Under Bil Clinton it increased 14% in his first term and 14 % in his second term. Under George W. Bush it increased 28% in his first term and 33% in his second term.

The republicans say they are fiscal conservatives: Fact, Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 never balanced one federal budget in the 20 years they ran the country. President Clinton, not only balanced the federal budget, his administration ended eight years where federal surpluses exceeded deficit spending. President Clinton also decreased the federal deficit four straight years in his first term in office. No republican President can say that.

The republican say democratic policies destroy jobs and republican policies create jobs. Fact, it was the George W. Bush dministration policies that destroyed jobs and at the greatest number since the great depression. More new jobs were created on the watch of Bil Clinton in eight years than were created under Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 in the 20 years they ran the country. Job creation under Reagan was 16.1 million, under Bush 41 it was 2.5 million, under Bill Clinton it was 22.7 million and under Bush 43 it was 1.1 million.

The republicans say the national debt exploded because of democratic policies and spending. Fact, The nationad debt increased 186% on Reagan's watch, 54% on Bush 41 watch, 31% on Bill Clinton's watch and 105% on Bush 43 watch. If those 3 republican Presidents would have balanced the federal budget like Clinton did the national debt would not be a problem as we speak today.

The republicans say federal regulation of business destroy their ability to compete and create jobs. Fact, The two greatest financial failures happened on Reagans and Bush 43 watch. The great failure of the Savings and Loan industry under Reagan and the great failure of the wall street banks under Bush 43. It was the lack of inforcement on those two Presidents watch that had a direct affect on those failures along with greed.

The republicans say their policies are better at keeping unemployment low: Fact, it was the democratic administration of Bill Clinton who had the best record of doing so. The unemployment rate on Clinton's watch never exceeded what it was at the time he took office. Unemployment on Clinton's watch was the lowest in 40 years and it stood at less than 4% for 5 months in his last year in office.

The republicans say their policies know how to create jobs in the private sector. Fact, over 90% of all new jobs created under the Clinton administration came from the private sector, the highest percentage in any administration. No republican administration who followed a democratic administration created more jobs than the democratic administration it followed. But every democratic administration that followed a republican administration did.

The true story and fact of those 28 years is that a democratic administration in only 8 of those years performed better for the country and its people in every area that counts. The 20 years of republican rule never measured up to their past or present rhetoric. The 20 year fiscal record of Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 was a failure never seen before for America and the republicans in congress rubber stamped those failed policies.

The past can only be changed by future decisions and the future is now. Time is running short and I and congress need to act in a responsible way to chart a course of progress for the country and its people. It is time for the do nothing republican party to do something about the situation they created. They should not use their want to see Obama fail attitude at the expense of the country and the average American. It is past time for them to step up to the plate and shed their anti American ideology.

The nations economic recovery must put the average American first with job creation. That is the basic of a thriving and lasting economy. The ideology of trickle down economics and tax breaks for corporate America and the wealthy has proven to be a fairy tale for a lasting economy and job creation. That past has to be put to bed now for a better future for the country and our people.

If the republicans in congress continue to follow their do nothing policy I will no longer seek their imput and I will do those things I can legally do by executive order to keep the economic recovery and job creation moving forward.

As for my administration, I will be held accountable for what happens on my watch. The record job losses of 2008 was reversed on my watch by my policies and new hiring has taken place. Hiring is not the best and I have introduced a plan that would do better in that regard. I am not at all happy with the economic progress on my watch and I will continue to deal with that. I will also do what ever is necessary as time goes on and will not sit on the side lines. The economy, job creation and lowering the unemployment will continue to be my immediate and main focus. My present jobs plan before congress will put our people back to work and it will be a democratic administration once again who moved the country and its people forward.

Note 1: See past commentary concerning the 28 year period above.

Note 2: The U.S. Economy: Which Party Performs Best dated 1-27-08

Note 3: The Fiscal Legacy of George W. Bush dated 10-30-09

Note 4: Federal Spending: Fact vs Myth dated 10-31-09

Note 5: The National Debt: Betrayal and Devastation dated 12-10-09

Note 6: Job Creation for Presidential Terms: 1929-2008

Saturday, October 8, 2011

September U.S. Job Creation

The labor department announced there were 103,000 net new jobs created in September. The pundits were predicting the economy would show a loss of jobs. The department also revised its figures for July and August. July's new jobs total was revised from 85,000 to 127,000 jobs. August new jobs was revised from zero to 57,000 new jobs. The numbers are still not high enough to lower the unemployment rate but the President's policies continue to add jobs to the economy.

If it were up to the republican party in congress the country would still be losing jobs every month like it did under the previous administration. The party also knows if they pass the President's job bill he presented to congress the job creation numbers would be even higher and unemployment would start coming down. The three stooges, Boehner, McConnell and Cantor's game plan is still to let the country fail on the President's watch. They are well aware that democratic administrations always out perform republican administrations in job creation and being aware of what happened on their watch under the Bush administration they do not want to see another democratic administration be a success.

The fact of the matter concerning job creation, try this on for size. No republican administration that followed a democratic administration in the last 80 years created more jobs than the democratic administration they followed. But every democratic administration who followed a republican administration in that same time period created more jobs than the republican administration they followed. When one has the facts it is easy to understand why the present republican party want the Obama administration to fail.

Concerning unemployment I would point out again that the unemployment rate jumped to 10.1% in Reagan's 21st. month in office and stayed above 10% for 10 straight months. It was 7.5% when he took office. (Source: Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics) The current 9% unemployment is unacceptable but any fair minded person can understand the situation Obama inherited was much worse than Reagan inherited.

The republicans need to pass the President's job plan policy and act like men for a change. If the President's plan does not work the voters will hold him accountable at election time. The republican's anti-American ideology and attitude has been a major failure to a sound economy, balanced budgets and job creation. That says it all.

Note 1: There are various reports on job creation during Presidential terms such as wikipedia. All contain minor differences in numbers but when put together all come to the same conclusion.

Note 2: See my commentary dated 11/5/2010 titled, "Job Creation for Presidential Terms 1929-2008.

Governor Bobby Jindal And The Family Research Council

Republican Presidential candidates and Louisiana governor Jindal spoke at the Family values voter summit in Washington over the last few days. The get together with the Council is one of the many platforms so called conservative republicans use to rev up the religious right vote and use that platform to divide American between religious lines.

Forty eight years ago the republican party accused then democratic Presidential candidate John F. Kennedy with the rap that if elected he would be taken orders from the Vatican because he happened to be Catholic. They knew as a member of the U.S. House and then the U.S. Senate, Kennedy never wore his religion on his sleeve or promoted any religion for that matter. Their personal attack on Kennedy's religion is still strong as ever today as a method of operation.

Jindal and conservatives are hyprocrites because today they use the religious right to promote their political ambition. Kennedy never did that, period. According to the Times Picayune of October 8 Jindal tried to compare James Carville's remark, "its the economy stupid" to a "common sense of culture." Jindals comparison of oranges to apples showed how far he would stoop and how ignorant he is concerning Carville's remark. It is the way Jindal, conservatives and the religious right try to demonize democrats who can think for themselves.

Jindal and conservatives do not believe in the separation of church and state. They loss their moral compass long ago for political gain and the party used separation of church and state against Kennedy even though they knew it was not an issue. Even now at the Values summit mentioned above some are using the religious issue against fellow republican Mitt Romney because he is a Mormon. The conservatives and the religious right have no shame and that is a reflection of the type of values they preach.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Another First For Politidose: Former Louisiana Governor Buddy Roemer

Stephanie Grace in an editorial for the Times Picayune dated Oct. 4 made the case why former Louisiana Governor Roemer should be allowed to participate in the republican Presidential debates. That was welcome news coming from the largest newspaper in Louisiana, however, politidose was out in front on the subject matter long ago. My commentary titled, Buddy Roemer: Republican Presidential candidate dated 8/3/11 spoke about the issue and how the influence of the wealth lobby and our elected leaders are toxic for the public good.

The news media, T.V., printed and radio really do not pay much attention to the issue because they benefit directly from the wealth lobbyist pass around that support the political ads of the candidates that do their bidding. When it comes to the issues of wealth being transferred to the wealthy from the middle class and the serious problems Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 left the country in concerning federal deficit spending and debt, politidose has been well ahead of the main street news media on the subject matter and for the last several years.

If the news media wants to impact the real issues to the general public that affect them then I suggest they follow politidose. Ditto for the people themselves. Why buy a newspaper when you can read about those things that really matter and make a difference right here in politidose.