Friday, August 18, 2017

The American Flag Of The United States of America

It is the only flag we pledge allegiance too.  It flies at the top of the U.S. Capitol and all state capitols.  The United States military raises its colors every morning at military installations.  It is the flag we take to war if war comes and represents a democracy we fight for.  There is a respect as to how it is raised and lowered and how it is folded.  We never let it touch the ground.  It represents liberty, strength, freedom, justice and trust.  It covers the coffins of millions of Americans who served their country in uniform.  There is a procedure to follow when the flag has to be taken out of service because of wear and tear.  It is America's conscience.

So why do protesters have to carry the confederate flag, a Nazi flag or a swastika symbol if they are sincere in their protest.  Why use such flags and symbols that represent the past.  The confederate flag is part of American's past history and as such had its time.  But that was so long ago.  Hate groups and individuals have used it to promote racism, bigotry and white supremacy.  We know that as a fact because its been exposed.  And when Nazi symbols, signs and flags are used that represents the worst of the worst.  The removal of confederate monuments do not change history as some think.  It is part of an everlasting process of change that takes place in a democracy.

Flags and symbols that are used in a hateful way will accomplish very little and do more harm than good.  And any time an issue is taken to the extreme, bad things happen.  The United States is a diversified country but we are still one people with one flag and one country under God.  It is the American flag that give the people the right to protest, not the confederate flag or Nazi symbols.  The American flag, that star spangle banner can unite us all and govern every ones behavior.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio