Saturday, July 24, 2010

President Obama's Leadership In The BP Oil Spill

It is over three months since the explosion of BP's blown out Macondo well and resulting oil spill in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. That explosion killed 12 workers and injured many more. Up to this point in time President Obama has showed his leadership and wisdom by his actions.

The President has visited the Gulf Coast several times since the blow out and is scheduled to return again soon. V.P Biden has also done the same. A $20 billion commitment over four years was secured from BP by the President to compensate those affected by the spill and the President put the blame where it belongs, on BP.

Kenneth Feinberg was appointed by the President to administer the $20 billion fund and will operate independently from BP and the White House in discharging his duties. Mr. Feinberg has experience in doing this type of thing and administered the 9/11 fund. The President also appointed Thad Allen as "incident manager" of the spill. Mr. Allen retired from the Coast Guard not long after the explosion and has displayed his leadership and toughness in the matter and is holding BP accountable to cap the well for good and clean up the spilled oil from the Gulf.

Obama's moratorium on deep water drilling in the Gulf as a result of the explosion and loss of life until answers can be found as to the cause of the explosion. There are those in the news media, elected officials, the oil industry, the business community and others who oppose the moratorium and want it lifted before answers can be found even though 12 workers lost their lives. Past Presidents shut down the U.S. manned space flights program that took the lives of our astronauts after two accidents. One was the space shuttle Challenger that broke up in flight and killed all aboard, and the space capsule on earth that caught fire while being tested and killed all inside the capsule. The shutdown lasted over a total of three years and for good reasons.

The establishment of a commission by the President to investigate the causes of the explosion and come up with recommendations for future safety in deep water drilling showed the President's leadership in recognizing the fact that never again should lives be lost and lively hoods be put at risk.

The President has showed his leadership and wisdom concerning this incident despite all the negative talk about his actions, especially by those who continue to take oil lobby money for their campaign war chest. The President needs to stay the course until the issue is settled in favor of the people and the environment.