Saturday, December 14, 2019

Crooked President Trump Caught Again

New York Attorney General Letitia James reported President Trump has paid $2 million in court ordered damages for missing funds in a tax-exempt charity he controlled.  The payment was ordered by a New York state judge in reference to a suit filed against Trump by New York attorned general who alleged the President illegally used funds from the Donald J. Trump foundation to buy portraits of himself, pay off his business legal obligations and help his 2016 campaign.

The $2 million will go to the eight charities that deserved the funds.  Those charities will receive an added $1.8 million between all that was left in the Trump foundation.  New York attorney general added:  FUNDS HAVE FINALLY GONE WHERE THEY DESERVED - TO EIGHT CREDIBLE CHARITIES.  MY OFFICE WILL CONTINUE TO FIGHT FOR ACCOUNTABILITY BECAUSE NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW - NOT A BUSINESSMAN, NOT A CANDIDATE FOR OFFICE, AND NOT EVEN THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.  It was a complete rebuke of President Donald Trump.

This sad chapter concerning Trump's charity foundation reminds this writer of the $25 million settlement Trump had to pay for fraud charges in another suit against President Trump and Trump University brought about by the New York attorney general a few years earlier.  The trumpet man originally said he would not settle either suit but he did because the attorned general discovered the facts.  It is also a clue why the President is fighting the release of his tax records ordered by a district judge.

No matter which way one looks at the President, he is corrupted to the core and toxic to every thing he touches.  The record is clear why President Trump should be impeached.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Job Creation for November 2019

The U.S. Labor Department reported the U.S. economy created 266.000 jobs in November and the unemployment rate came in at 3.5%.  The job numbers included 40,000 plus union workers that had been laid off concerning the General Motors strike who returned to work in November.  The department also reported the country's economic expansion was in its 11th straight year.

So in Trumps first 34 months in office 6,255,000 jobs have been created for a monthly average of 183,970 jobs .  In President Obama's last 34 months in office 7,367.000 jobs were created for a monthly average of 216,676 jobs.  The numbers tell us that the Trump administration continues to fall behind the Obama administrations job creation record despite all the predictions by President Trump.  Trump said he would be the greatest job creating President in history.  Not even close and in fact the Trump economy is on schedule to create less jobs when his 4 years are up compared to Obama's last 4 years.

On another front the National Association of Business Economics expects economic growth in 2019 to come in around 2.3%, down from 2.9% in 2018.  And also projects it will be down again in 2020 at 1.8%.  The association also reported a decrease in business investment for the second and third quarter.

And to top if off, after 34 months in office the President and his party still have no legislation plans to address immigration reform or the rebuilding of the nations infrastructure which were two of their top priorities.  All they have is all the people hear or their rhetoric but no action.

Note:  Do not be surprised when the Labor Department announces the December job numbers, they end up reducing November's job numbers.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio