Monday, September 2, 2013

President Obama And Syria

The President's decision to consult congress concerning U.S. action in connection with Syria's use of chemical weapons on its own citizens that killed many including over 400 children was the right decision.  Now the President is catching flack from all sides because of his decision.  There are many so called "hawks" in congress and the news media and many of them never wore the uniform of their country during their generations war who are leading the charge.

It goes something like this:  the action if any will be too late, too little, too much, not well thought out, no end game, should not get involved, a loss of credibility or all of the above etc, etc,etc.  Dispite the flack the President has handled the situation well so far.  The middle east is not a place for a U.S. President to over react and think the problems of that part of the world will be solved easily when they have been going on for over 2000 years.  George W. Bush found that out too late and is still in denial.

The U.S. entered WWI and WWII late, the Gulf War of 1991 late after much consultation with allies and other middle east countries;  entered the Afghanistan war late after the terror attack on 9/11/0l.  Those decisions by our past Presidents did not constitute weakness and neither should President Obama's decision concerning Syria.  The problem today is that our political system and the news media, radio, television, print and internet are always looking to blame some one.  There are not many of us from the greatest generation who are still around in our political system or the news media to act civil and responsible. 

Even some in Israel took a shot at the President according to an article in the New Orleans Advocate dated September 2.  Some Israeli's criticized Obama's "inaction"; some said the delays sent a terrible message to terror states;  Israel" media said Obama "zigzaged."  Those who made those remarks should be ashamed since Israel is as much to blame as Palestine for not solving their mutual problem and have had more than enough years to do so. 

The war and occupation in Iraq over WMD that did not exist should not be forgotten.  It is a stalk reminder that that war destabilized the country and created AlQueda in Iraq who were not there killing people before the invasion.  They were responsible for killing more Americans in that war than the Iraqi military and are still killing people in Iraq today.  We had a President who thought he could remake that country into a legitimate democracy as a model for other middle east countries and never achieved that misguided goal.  To top it off there was never a real debate , instead, there was a concerted effort to demonize any one who opposed the war.  And of course the outright lies about WMD and the reconstitute of Iraq's nuclear program that also did not exist.  Our country, its people and especially our men and women in uniform paid an awful price for that mistake.

President Obama should continue to be cautious concerning his final decision on Syria.  He still has time to act in the best interest of the U.S. and should reject the advise of those who clamored for war in Iraq and are now pushing him on Syria.  He should also remember that he has a responsibility greater than his military advisers and that President Kennedy rejected his military advisers during the Cuban Missile Crisis when they wanted nothing less than an invasion of Cuba.  Kennedy made the right decision with the blockade.  The middle east is much more volatile than Cuba so President Obama needs to remember his over all responsibility to the country and its people when he reaches a decision on Syria.

The bible tells us that man was placed in the Garden of Eden;  that God spoke to Moses and Abraham;  that Jesus walked, lived and was put to death and that all that happened in what is known today as the middle east.  It all happened over 2000 years ago and the land is still in turmoll.   So President Obama and no one else has the answers concerning the problems in the middle east or Syria.  That is why it is so imortant for the President to seek wisdom in what ever decision he decides to make.  Like wise, our elected officials in congress and those in the news media should understand their responsibility in keeping a civil tongue in their head.  These types of challenges require mature thought, something in short supply in today's political environment. 

Just maybe, the President's decision will start a dialog that will start a change for the better in the middle east for the next 2000 years.  It is a long shot but anything is possible with wisdom.

This commentary written by John Lucia