Thursday, September 28, 2017

Trump and The Republican Senate Pull Their Latest Cassidy-Graham Health Care Scheme Bill

The republicans health care scheme died its third death when once again their party failed to obtain enough votes to pass.  But those who have heart should know the senate's leader Mitch McConnell said they will try again at a later date.  The trumpet man and his party are the dishonest ones when it comes to health care and their proposals never matched their rhetoric of how it was going to be much better than the ACA, insure more people, etc., etc., etc.  The CBO's report exposed and destroyed their lies.

Democratic senate leader Chuck Schumer said after the bill was pulled the democrats stand ready to work with the republicans to improve the ACA and make it better when the republicans take repeal and replace off the table.  Otherwise, they will continue to oppose the republicans health care scheme.  It has been the position of the democrats since day one.  The republicans rhetoric on the issue shames the trumpet man and his party's ability to govern.  Their foolish statement that with a republican President and republican controlled congress they could repeal and replace the ACA rather quickly was to appeal to their base even though they knew better.

This writer is waiting for a conservative opinion writer to ask the trumpet man when he was going to introduce his own health care plan.  After all, as President, he said he would do so before the end of March.  That was over 6 months ago.  To my knowledge, they have never asked the question.  I guess they think the question is too tough.  On the other hand, they probably know they will learn nothing from his answer.

After seven months of failure the trumpet man will now turn his attention to tax reform and visit Puerto Rico which he has caught criticism for his failure to visit after Hurricane Maria and its destruction to that island.  He already tried to change the conversation to the NFL.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio