Saturday, May 16, 2015

President Obama, The TTP Free Trade Agreement And Democrats In Congress

President Obama's quest for fast-track authority to negotiate a TPP agreement with Asian nations was blocked by democrats in the U.S. Senate which cut off debate in that chamber.  The Senate needed 60 votes to debate the issue but could only register 52 yes votes.  Both of Louisiana's republican senators, Bill Cassidy and David Vitter voted yes.

There were good reasons why democrats voted no.  They are mindful how previous trade agreements have hurt the average American and union workers in favor of corporate America and is a major reason for the decline of the middle class and the transfer of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy.  Democrats want the GOP to add several trade bills that will over come the deficiency of the TPP that will be fair to the middle class and those who are left behind before they vote to debate the issue.

The news media in their rush to judgement called the democrat's actions a revolt against the President but their vote was the democratic system working as it should and proved that democrats are not ditto heads like the republicans who adopt, repeat and rubber stamp their own party's policies.  The TTP is now back in the republican's lap.  They can do what is right for America and add those democratic provisions or they can continue to support only the special interest groups.

Legislation and policies that are fair and productive for the average American will be what the democratic party campaigns on and the people will continue to know where the democratic party stands on the important issues for the people.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio