Friday, April 6, 2012

Who Will Be The Republican Party's Nominee For President?

Does it really matter? After all is said and done the party's nominee will be like a robo call. The same ditto head conservative anti-American ideology that gave the country and its people the second greatest depression, job losses and financial failure. Based on previous republican campaigns, this one will be ugly and nasty because the candidate and party will have no record of accomplishment to run on, therefore the usual personal attacks.

President Obama in the 3 years and two months he has served has taken away the issue of the economy and the American people and country are better off today than they were four years ago. New job creation is exceeding job layoffs by a wide margin. Total federal spending is down compared with the Bush administration year to year.

America and its people have been kept safe from foreign terror attacks contrary to the predictions of republican presidential candidate John McCain and then V.P. Dick Chaney during the last Presidential election. Bin Laden and many of his terrorists have been brought to justice and can never harm the United States again. Tax cuts for the middle class has been in effect since Obama's election and the President is moving in the right direction of a more fairer tax for the country so everyone will have to pay his fair share.

The Iraq war is over thanks to the President's pledge when he ran for office. If it were up to the republicans, our men and women in uniform would still be in Iraq over WMD that did not exist. The U.S. now has a more coherent foreign policy based on real threats to our security and not on a conservative ideology that use our military power with impunity to start unnecessary wars and multiple deployments for our troops who end up paying the ultimate price. Our military drones are being used successfully to bring terrorists to justice without putting thousands of our people in harms way. These are just some of the many reasons the republican party and their candidate will use personal attacks against the President this election year and will be unable to debate the real issues.

It took the U.S. over 10 years to emerge from the great depression. President Obama and the democratic party are moving the country out of the second great depression in a shorter period of time despite the massive debt the last three republican Presidents has cast upon the country and its people. And seven months before the November election they still want to see the President fail.

President Obama should be reelected so he can continue the progress made for the country and its people.