Saturday, October 12, 2013

America and Its People Need A Democratic Controlled Congress In 2014

The November 2014 congressional elections will be one of great importance becuse the people will have an opportunity to say if they agree with a divided government or if they think we should change course and give President Obama an opportunity to work with a democratic controlled congress for his last two years in office. 

The present government shutdown, budget battle, possible defaulgt and those that make up the republican party in congress today tell this writer the people and country would be better off with a democratic controlled congress.  Our past history, especially in the last 33 years confirms this.  The only party in that time period who vowed not to lift a finger to help the President move the country forward is today's republican party.  Their vow to obstruck is unprecedented.

Every phase of our economy works better for the people with a democratic President and democratic controlled congress.  President Clinton's deficit reduction and economic plan was passed by the democratic controlled congress in 1993 that gave the country its best economic times and fiscal stability with balanced budgets and surplusses.  Every republican in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate voted against that bill.  President Obama with a democratic controlled congress passed a $787 billion stimulus package that moved the country out of the second great republican depression, created jobs and helped in reducing the yearly deficits left by the Bush administration.  The democratic controlled senate passed Obama's jobs program of rebuilding the nations infrastructure only to see the bill killed by the republican controlled U.S. House. 

One could go back past 33 years and you would still find the nation and its people did better under democratic control.  You would also find when congress is divided with a republican President, democrats worked with the President and did not obstruct or vow to make him a one term President.  Nor did the democrats impeach any republican President over an affair or shut the government down. 

To those voters who believe in balancing the federal budget vote democrat for it was President Clinton and President Lyndon Johnson who are the only two Presidents to balance the federal budget in the last 52 years.  To those voters who believe federal spending is out of control, vote democratic because federal spending has grown at a much lower rate under Clinton and Obama than any republican Presidential administration in the last 52 years.  Federal spending increases under Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 increased dramatically.  To those voters who believe in job creation vote democratic because job creation has always had its best years under democratic administrations.  For instance, more jobs were created under Clinton in the 8 years he served than were created under Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 in the 20 years they ran the country.

To those voters who are concerned about taxes, vote democratic because they are better at fair taxation and protecting the average American.  To those voters who want to see middle class income grow instead of being stagnet vote democratic because the greatest advancement in middle class income has happened on the democratic watch. 

Wht is taking place at the present time with the republicans shutting down government services and having a past history of doing so is unAmerican and a discrace to congress.  Their hatred for the President and their willingness to obstruct the President from moving the country from the second great republican depression is tantamont to treason.  The older republican party is gone from the scene and the new republican party is mentally incompetent politically and their ideology makes them unfit for office.

This commentary written by John Lucia.