Thursday, July 13, 2017

Trump Jr. Said He Wanted To Be Transparent: Yeah, Right.

Donald Trump Jr. said he wanted to be transparent with a Russian agent and that is why he made his emails public about the matter.  His father, the President tweeted that same line of transparency to back up his son's statement.  The reality  of the story is that Trump Jr. only made his emails public after the New York Times broke the story of his meeting and was also ready to make his emails public.

Transparency concerning the Trump-Russian affair has never taken place.  Both the President and Vice President Pence are on the record as saying on numerous occasions that the Trump campaign had no contact with Russia which has proven to be out right lies.  And the New York Times just exposed the lie once again with their story of Trump Jr's meeting with a Russian agent.

The Trumps seem like they have a life living in the world of "dirt" and Trump Jr. loved the thought of Russia possessing some "dirt" on Hillary Clinton.  But in the end, it was Trump Jr. who was covered with "dirt."  Russia knew what Presidential candidate they could deal with and influence and that is why they backed Donald Trump.  They also knew Trumps' campaign would do any thing to meet with the Russians.  And sadly, Russia is still pulling Trump's strings.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio