Saturday, November 9, 2019

Another HUGE, HUGE First For PolitiDose

Long ago the readers of PolitiDose learned that the American economy does best by far on the watch of Democratic administrations.  The facts were laid out in a four part commentary, including a recap that began with Part I dated January 27, 2008 and ever since then, PolitiDose has carried commentary that Democratic administrations also do best at balancing the federal budget, reducing deficit spending, smaller increases in the national debt, smaller increases in federal spending and so much better creating jobs.

Now comes an opinion column published in the New Orleans Advocate of 11/7/19 by Proma Harrop titled The Democrats preside over better economies.  The commentary speaks for itself and addresses President Trump's fake news about the economy and stock market being the best ever on his watch.  Harrop destroys that fake news and self serving statement and so has PolitiDose in its ongoing commentary about the economy under Trump.  Precedent tells the tale over the past 60 plus years how and why Democratic administrations are more successful for the country and its people.

And yes, you read it here first in PolitiDose and just recently how the stock market performed much better under President Obama than Trump.  The shame of it all belongs on the news media in general who do not inform the people of the facts and those who fail to seek the facts for themselves.  But PolitiDose has been there for years with commentary and facts so stay tuned for your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio