Thursday, July 27, 2017

Another Piece of 'FAKE NEWS' By Times Picayune Conservative Writer Tim Morris

In a Times Picayune column of July 26 titled, "The Most Corrupt State?  Louisiana Owns It., ditto head Tim Morris displays a picture of former Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards and tries to connect the Governor to corruption along with other elected officials from several other states that he mentions.  Morris talks about Edwards conviction in 2001 in bribery and extortion charges and the fact that Edwards fought criminal indictments in the past.

But the facts tell the real story that Edwards was never convicted of any wrong doing while holding public office, not even his conviction in 2001.  That chaps Morris and the Times Picayune because while Governor, Edwards always got the best of the news media by admitting in public, some of his bad habits.  But Edwards was never found guilty of any crimes that took place during his 4 terms as Governor.

"FAKE NEWS' is alive and well with conservative opinion writers and the Times Picayune and especially since Trump became the author of "FAKE NEWS'.  And when one becomes a ditto head, 'FAKE NEWS' is substituted for facts.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio