Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Mike Huckabee: The Latest Republican Presidential Candidate To Display His UnAmerican Conservative Ideology

The former governor and guitar playing host for the Fox News Network followed the conservative script of personal attacks against the President and his policy towards Iran. Huckabee said the Iran agreement would march Israel to the door of the oven.  Of course he was talking about the holocaust.  A happening before the President was even born.

Huckabee and his fellow conservatives have no respect for the President or the office he holds.  They want this President to go to war in the middle east so bad they have betrayed the country and its people.  They have aided and abetted Israel's attempt to circumvent American foreign policy.  The conservatives thought they could intimidate the President to make the same mistake President George W. Bush made, but found the President was no push over for their radical ideology.

Huckabee's accusations and personal attacks expresses a mentality and ideology that is so flawed, can not compete in the world of ideas.  The American people are well aware of Huckabee's past attempts to divide the country along religious lines, the sexual orientation of some people, along with same sex marriage.

The country has heard the same conservative divisive song for over 20 years now and the republican presidential candidates will keep up the drum beat through out this election cycle.  The last thing the people need is a UnAmeican conservative ideology in the White House.  And "PolitiDose" will continue to expose their effort to under mine American democracy.

Huckabee's comparison of the holocaust to the Iran agreement tells this writer he is not wrapped tight.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Ohio Governor John Kasich Announces His Intention To Run For The Party's Nomination For President

Republican John Kasich is the 16th to commit for his party's Presidential nomination.  In doing so Kasich said he is the only GOP candidate with experience in three broad areas of political leadership.  THE FEDERAL BUDGET, NATIONAL SECURITY AND STATE GOVERNMENT.  Protesters at his rally said they would spread the word how the governor cut the budget for school districts and closed centers for people with development disabilities.  The unions told how they turned back efforts by Kasich and state republicans to limit public workers collective bargaining.

The Associated Press's Julie Smyth who covered the rally and whose article appeared in the Times Picayune of 7/22 must be a Kasich supporter and wrote this about him.  AS BUDGET CHAIRMAN IN THE U.S. HOUSE, HE BECAME AN ARCHITECT OF A DEAL IN 1997 THAT BALANCED THE FEDERAL BUDGET.  Smyth is living in a fairy tale world as Kasich and the republicans in congress had nothing to do with balancing the federal budget.

The democratic controlled congress passed President Clinton's deficit reduction and economic plan in 1993.  Every republican in the U.S. Congress voted against that plan and predicted doom if it passed.  Well it passed and the gloom never took place.  They were all wrong including Kasich.  When the federal government balanced its budget in fiscal year ending 1988, President Clinton threw a balanced budget party celebration for democrats.  The republicans complained they were not invited.  The President reminded them they had nothing to do with the budget and that it was his plan that was passed that was working. Clinton was well aware of the republican party's total opposition to his economic policies.  That balanced budget was the first since President Lyndon Johnson's balanced budget in fiscal year 1968.  Johnson was another democrat.

Kasich was one of the U.S. House members to vote to impeach Clinton and used personal attacks against the President like his fellow republicans were known to do on a daily basis.  He served in the U.S. House from 1983-2001.  That period of time covered most of Reagan's eight years in office and all four years of President George H.W. Bush's term in office.  Yet Reagan and Bush 43 never balanced one federal budget in the 12 years they served.  Kasich had his chances of being an architect of balanced budgets during those two Presidential administrations and failed miserably.

Governor Kasich worked for the Fox News Network and was an investment banker for Lehman Brothers, a Wall Street Bank.  He is a ditto head conservative with ties to the Wall Street Banking Industry.  The same industry that was involved in the economic collapse of 2008.  With the kind of announced republican candidates, is it any wonder why President Eisenhower was the last republican President to balance a federal budget in 1960.  Republicans like to take credit for every success that happens on the democratic watch and deny responsibility for failure that happens on their watch.  It is part of their unAmerican conservative ideology.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Note l:  President Clinton knew more about the federal budget than all the members of congress even though those members had served in congress many years and had to deal with the budget every year.  It was no accident it was the Clinton administration who left the nations fiscal health in such good shape.

Trump Steals A Page From His Republican Party's Notebook

The Republican party wrote the book for personal attacks against their democratic opponents and now the republican party's presidential candidates are on the receiving end of personal attacks but not from democrats.  Donald Trump has turned the page and is using those personal attacks against his republican opponents.  He has spared none of them and they are upset.

Trumped has dumped the republican's eleventh commandment according to Ronald Reagan who said never talk bad about a fellow republican.  What really upsets his opponents is the Donald saying they talk a lot but have accomplished very little.  (He is right on target there)  Most of his republican opponents are office holders so they take it personal.  There will probably be a lot of fireworks in the republican debates on August 6 and coming from all angles.

Trump, like his opponents knows personal attacks works in politics and also like his party can not articulate to the public how he would deal with the many problems the country faces.  It is the same republican con game.  The larger problem for his opponents is he has the financial staying power if he chooses to use it all the way.

The news media will bleed this thing as long as they can but the people will learn very little how any one of the 16 republican candidates would govern if elected.  And that is pretty sad if a republican is elected President since he would be taking over an economy, job creation, low unemployment and falling deficits, all in much better shape than when their party left office.

Trump is giving his opponents a taste of their own medicine.  Is there any republican in the bunch that has the courage to act like a democrat for the two party system to survive?  In fact, who knows what might happen.  Trumps opponents are starting to respond by saying his attacks disqualify him to be President.  If that is so, then they should be disqualified also.  After all Trump is only repeating the book they themselves wrote.  So why don't they all just go home and spare the people.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Statue Of Robert E. Lee and The Confederate Flag. There Is No Comparsion

When bad things happen there is usually a reaction that is not directly related to the subject matter and as a result bad decisions are made.  A good example is comparing the tragic event in South Carolina concerning the killings of 9 innocent black people in church during bible study by a white young man.  That resulted in the removal of the confederate flag from a state building because the shooter used that flag in racial terms.

New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu then expressed concerns about the statue of Robert E. Lee which has stood at Lee Circle for many years as a possible future source of racial agitation and the possibility of removing the statue.  This writer believes it is a comparison of apples and oranges and there fore should not be used in comparison.

Landrieu ran on a platform of ONE CITY, ONE FIGHT, ONE VOICE, ONE TEAM and anyone who knows the Mayor surely knows he is no racist nor has his administration promoted any racist policies.  He is an elected official who believes in inclusiveness.  One can understand the Mayor's desire to prevent someone from using the statue as an excuse to inflame violence.  After all, we should know by now there are people out there who look for any excuse to start a violent reaction.  

But this writer does not believe the statue should be removed.  Unlike the confederate flag which has been used for many years by various groups and individuals in a racial way, the statue of Robert E. Lee has not.  The Union wanted General Lee to serve with them during the Civil War but Lee said he could not fight against his own people.  When Lee surrendered to end the war he urged the people of the confederacy to accept the union of the U.S. without bitterness and to help the new union work.  Lee was not about promoting the confederacy after the war ended.

In this writers judgement anyone who would use the statue in a racial way to promote its removal is an excuse for promoting trouble.  The WWII museum in New Orleans recently opened a new section that tells the story how blacks were treated in the military during WWII. Are we supposed to tear down the WWII museum because it is telling the story of history? I think not. There is nothing to compare when one tries to relate the confederate flag to the statue of Robert E. Lee at Lee Circle.  

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Netanyahu, Republicans In Congress And The Iran Agreement

Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu continues to show that he is not a friend of America by his many negative remarks about the Iran agreement.  He came to congress and tried to influence them that the talks were a bad deal.  Forty eight republicans sent Iran a letter to try and scuttle any agreement.

It should be noted that those republicans who oppose the agreement are the same ones who supported the war in Iraq over WMD that did not exist.  They would also do the same thing again.  They have also allowed Netanyahu to interfere with U.S. foreign policy.

I wrote three commentaries in 2007 concerning nuclear weapons in the middle east, near by and the leaders of Israel.  See Note l.  Those commentaries can be related to what is happening today and how the larger threat of the use of nuclear weapons comes not from Iran but from Israel, Pakistan and India.  In fact it is worthwhile repeating the U.S. and the world knows more about Iran's nuclear capability than they do about Israel, Pakistan and India's capabilities.  The U.N. has had inspectors in Iran  since the talks started with the U.S. and its allies.    Their facilities have been inspected and the removal of a number of centrifuges has taken place.

Netanyahu does not like American diplomacy because diplomacy is a two way street.  Israel wants to remain the dominate military power in the middle east so it can use that power with impunity.  President Obama needs to keep Netanyahu away from American foreign policy decisions and has done a good job in that regard.  America does not need to be dragged into another unnecessary war in the middle east because of Netanyahu's failed foreign policy.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Note 1
Trouble Ahead:  Pakistan, India and Israel   dated 11/4/07
Nuclear Arms In The Middle East  dated 12/1/07
Israel's Sad Excuse For Leadership  dated 12/19/07

Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Iran Agreement

The ditto heads in the republican party continued their opposition to any thing coming out of the Obama administration.  This time it is the agreement approved by Iran, the United States and other world leaders.  They disagree with and oppose the agreement even though they have yet to read its wording.  Congress has 60 days to review and vote on the agreement.  One would think those in congress would use those 60 days to be objective about the agreement but their constant effort to damage the President no matter what, over rides their responsibility to the country and its people.

President Reagan sold arms to Iran even though Iran was listed as a sponsor of terror at the time and President George W. Bush looked the other way while North Korea and Iran made progress in pursuing nuclear arms.    And the republicans in congress were silent the whole time.  Now we have a President and an administration who can achieve something positive in controlling Iran's nuclear ambitions and perhaps lend stability to the middle east and the republican party makes a fool of themselves.

The most productive Presidents who achieved most for the country and its people dealing with foreign policy believed in and used diplomacy to accomplish those goals.  The ditto head naysayers have learned nothing from American history.  And to top it off, most all of the republicans running for their party's Presidential nomination opposed the President's diplomacy not only concerning Iran but Cuba also.  Cuba, that tiny island that is a threat to absolutely no one.

The ditto heads are out of control, out of step, do not represent what congress stands for and display an attitude of arrogance toward America's role as moral leaders.  Their conservative ideology has failed so badly, they are left with only opposition and opposition to everything deemed democratic.  And sadly, Louisiana's ditto heads are marching in step.  Scott Walker, one of the republican Presidential hopefuls even said if elected President he would cancel the Iran agreement on his first day in office if it passed.  That statement alone should disqualify him from even being the republican nominee, much less President.

The Fox news network's reaction to the Iran agreement was in the usual conservative way.  They rushed to air Dick Chaney, Lindsay Graham and John McCain's comments that blasted the deal.  Those three stooges are the ones with no credibility  on middle east issues.  They not only were wrong about the war in Iraq over WMD, Cheney was dead wrong when he said Iraq reconstituted its nuclear program. They and Fox believes if you tell the same lie often enough, people will believe its the truth.

President Obama stood tall once again and understands there are legitimate alternatives to war, especially in the middle east.  We have been there and done that under the previous administration and it failed big time.  And yes my fellow Americans, understanding the past mistakes is still the key for a better future for the country and its people.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Fox News Network, The First Republican Party Debate and The Republican National Commitee

Fox News will be hosting the first debate of republican candidates for their party's nomination in early August and like every thing Fox touches the debate will be about Fox news and not the candidates.  The network will not allow all the republicans to be in the debate and the RNC gave their approval.

In other words Fox will choose what candidates they think the people should hear from.  Rick Santorum does not like it one bit and blasted the RNC for agreeing with Fox.  Other candidates put their two cents worth in also and are opposed to the set up.  Fox news is known to push certain republican candidates.  They appear all the time on the network and spout the same negative comments as Fox.  

Those who follow Fox and the republican party will gain no knowledge of what the candidates policies will be if elected.  It will be a ditto head rerun of the past including scare tactics.  There are 15 announced republican candidates and a few more in waiting the people have been told and so far little excitement.

On the other side, three of the four candidates for the democratic nomination have announced policies they would follow if elected and continue to give out details as the campaign goes along.  Its what serious elected officials do.  We are still a long way off from election day but things are happening on a daily basis.  People should pay attention to how the candidates respond to those daily issues and compare how their positions stand compared to past actions.

Its the little things that count in big elections.  

This commentary written by Joe Lorio   

Monday, July 13, 2015

The Republican Party and Donald Trump

Donald Trump's remarks about immigrants from Mexico has upset the republican party and its other Presidential candidates.  Republican U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham's latest remarks on the subject matter said Trump's position does not represent the republican's position on immigration and that Trump could cause a voter backlash from the Latino community and hurt the party's chances at the polls in the 2016 election.

Graham of course should understand that his party is responsible for setting the table for Trumps remarks.  The party has failed to take up the immigration issue in the congress they control and have no plans to deal with the issue before the 2016 election. (unless Trump's remarks force them to do so)  Both Trump and the republican's are playing to the party's base.  They want the court to handle the issue like they tried to do with the Affordable Care Act.  The democratic controlled Senate passed immigration reform over two years ago but the republican controlled House has never even taken it up to be debated and or voted on.

Trump is not a conservative and that also riles his republican rivals who are running for the party's nomination.  But once again, Trump's idea of government is the same as his party.  He is part of corporate America who believes in lobbying congress for a lot of tax breaks and loopholes and uses his wealth to help politicians fund their campaigns.  When Trump says the country is going to Hell he fails to mention that corporate America is doing just fine but their employees not so well.

Trump is the only candidate among his republican rivals generating any excitement.  It wont stand up when the real questions will be asked about his positions, but what all this points out is a republican party who still lacks any coherent policy or message concerning the many important issues facing the country.  

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

The BP Settlement For The Gulf Rig Explosion

The U.S. Supreme Court denied BP's request for a new hearing concerning the federal trial and its judgement against BP for the macondo well and the oil spill that resulted.  The courts actions ended BP's options and now BP is talking settlement numbers with Louisiana and other gulf states that were harmed.  The exact numbers are not in yet but BP will pay billions to Louisiana and other states.

The Obama administration and the federal government's rules and regulations carried the day and enforced the law by holding BP responsible and accountable for its negligent acts of damaging the environment.  The federal government stood tall under the President's leadership despite the noise from those Louisiana elected officials who opposed the moratorium which was necessary until what went wrong could be sorted out.

Too bad Louisiana's elected officials have failed to hold the oil industry accountable for the environmental damage caused by their operations for the past 40 plus years.  They have even opposed the Levee Board's law suit against those companies to bring justice to Louisiana.  The people of Louisiana should be glad the Obama administration and the federal government was looking after the state's interest and had the fore sight to pass federal regulations that would hold the industry accountable for their offshore operations.

The federal government does a lot of things right under democratic administrations.  When policy is void of ideology, decisions are made that benefit the people and the country.  It is really a fore gone conclusion.  It is what precedent is all about.  The next step for Louisiana is for the people to elect a democratic governor this fall to replace the disaster called Bobby Jindal.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Major News Media And The Cable Networks: Not Very Informative For The People.

Two of the latest Supreme Court decisions brought out the worse in news reporting.  The first was the challenged part of the Affordable Care Act that deals with state exchanges and subsidies.  The vote was 6-3 to uphold those provisions of the ACA.  The headlines and news reports said it was a victory for the President.  It was not.

It was a victory for those Americans who were insured under the ACA who were without health insurance before the act became a law.  It was also a victory for those who are still uninsured but will be able to register under the act when registration opens again.  And it was a victory for the Supreme Court for having the courage and foresight to understand the intent of the legislation.  That was the real story.

The second decision of the Supreme Court that gave same sex couples the right to marry in all 50 states also brought out the worse in reporting.  The majority reports quoted the ditto heads who said the decision put an end to traditional marriage.  (marriage between a man and a woman)  However, the court ruling had nothing to do with marriage between a man and a woman and does not change that one iota.  The only people who can change that are those couples themselves.  Marriage between a man and a woman was not the story.  It was the enforcement of the public right of citizens under the Constitution that carried the day and was the real story.

The negative voices always receive top billing because the networks have so much time to fill and those voices are used to keep the reports flowing.  The Fox News Network uses all of those voices to keep their shows alive.  The network will not allow facts and substance top billing.

Some day people will come to understand that Supreme Court decisions in most cases are not conservative or liberal.  When that day comes the negative voices wont make so much noise and the news media will find more time for positive reporting.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, July 6, 2015

The U.S. Justice Department Should Step In and Prevent Aetna Health Insurance From Acquiring Humana Health Insurance.

Aetna Health Insurance reported it has agreed to acquire Humana Health Insurance for $37 billion.  They are two of the largest health insurance companies in the United States.  The combined company would have an estimated operating revenue of $115 billion and serve 33 million people.  The companies said they would be able to operate more efficiently and negotiate more effectively with large health systems.

The reasons given for the acquisitions is the usual outright falsehoods.  There are reasons for this type of venture, that is to eliminate competition, create a monopoly and create more income for CEO's and executives via larger salary and bonuses.  There has never been a merger or buy out of another company that produced better service for the people or lower rates or prices for its products.  Bank mergers that comes to mind such as the buyout of Whitney Bank by Hancock Bank.  They also promised better service and then closed down the Whitney Bank in Algiers Point that had been in operations over 80 years.  This writer wrote a commentary about that merger.

What Aetna sees is the Affordable Care Act bringing lower policy premiums to consumers and another government program that works.  They don't like that so they want to eliminate competition and become a monopoly.  Monopolies, if allowed to operate can set their own prices so they have to be broken up or prevented.  The greatest of all monopolies are the 7 largest Wall Street Banks whose business went unregulated and played a large part in the second great depression of 2008.  Those 7 banks hold assets that equal 65% of the nations GDP.

The next President should work to break up those 7 banks and the justice department should deny Atena's attempt to acquire Humana.  The economy and the people have suffered enough.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, July 3, 2015

Jim Webb Announces He Will Seek The Democratic Nomination For President.

A U.S. Marine veteran of the Viet Nam war, former Navy Secretary in the Reagan administration and former U.S. Senator from Virginia will compete for the democratic nomination for President.  Webb is the fifth democrat to announce his intentions and is 69 years of age.  He served one full term in the U. S. Senate and did not seek reelection.

Webb brings knowledge, experience and creditability to the campaign and is well aware of military, economic and political matters.  His book, "A Time To Fight" should be a must read.  This writer's commentary titled, Innovation:  Lost In America dated 7/23/08 quoted some passages from the book.  Webb opposed the invasion and occupation of Iraq over WMD that did not exist.  His Marine son served in the Iraq war.

Webb will be a candidate who will spell out what policies he will follow if elected President and the people will understand his positions.  His military experience will be first hand and that would give him wisdom in making decisions that are needed in the dangerous world we live in.  He would also understand what really constituted a real threat to our national security.

The five democrats who have announced so far will give a good account of themselves and I believe
Webb will be a surprise to a lot of people.  This writer said some time ago I would like to see at least three democratic candidates in the race.  There could be more, but as of now five will bring out the best for the people.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

June's Job Numbers And The Unemployment Rate

The U.S. Labor Department announced that the economy created 223,000 jobs in June, the 64th straight month of positive job growth. The unemployment rate fell to 5.3%, the lowest in seven years.  Those positive numbers are a reminder that the policies of democratic administrations work for the country and its people.

The conservative ideology of trickle down economics do not work nor the republican lies that the ACA is a job killer.  And so far the republican controlled congress shows no interest in working with the President to make the economy even stronger.  They have yet to deal with that 8 year disaster in the economy during the Presidential administration of George W. Bush.

There has never been any doubt in this writers mind or commentaries that the democratic administration of Barack Obama would turn the economy and job creation around for the better and that reducing the federal deficit would happen.  The facts are there for all to see if looked at with open eyes.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Confederate Flag

That Civil War icon, became the top story last week when 21 year old Dylann Roof  killed nine black people while at bible study in a black church in Charleston, S.C.  The killing of people in a church is not new but it is a reminder how sick some people really are and how symbols such as the confederate flag are misused for conveying the wrong message and hateful actions by some like Roof who happen to be white.

The news media, especially the cable news networks spent more hours on the flag than on the actual killings.  That is the nature of the news media today.  We do know from what police reported the killing was a hate crime and related to racism.  They have the evidence from  Roofs own mouth and words.  They also know that Roof used the Confederate flag in a racial way and that he wanted to start a racial war.  They also have pictures of him burning the U.S. flag.

Roof said the Council of Conservative Citizens, whom many call a White Citizens Council, inspired his contempt for black people.  Such organizations along with the Ku Klux Klan have been known to use the confederate flag in a racial way.  When it was reported the above Council gave political contributions to members of congress, those members said they would return the money or give it to charity.  Louisiana's Senator Bill Cassidy and his republican challenger in the U.S. Senate race Rob Maness said they would donate the money they received to the family of those killed.  (Per Times Picayune article of 6/28.

Soon after the killings , South Carolina's republican governor asked the state legislature to vote to take the flag down from the state building.  Republicans and democrats also said the same thing saying the flag should not fly over the state building.  It was the chorus of the same thing from elected officials on the state and federal level and also from some who are running for their party's Presidential nomination.

The sad story is that the confederate flag is taking a beating because so few people know the history of the flag.  South Carolina's representative in the U.S. Congress Jim Clyburn told the story of the flag on national TV shortly after the killings.  It was the flag of the confederacy and not a state flag or the state flag of South Carolina.  It served its purpose during the Civil War and is a part of that history.  It has been misused and disrespected by many people and organizations in racial overtones and has been used in that way on purpose.

The Civil War ended over 150 years ago and we are one nation, still under God with one flag.  This writer believes only the U.S. Flag should fly over the nations capitol and that the U.S. Flag and States flag should fly over the state's capitol.  The confederate flag, its history and what it stood for should be respected and preserved in the nations historical records and be displayed in the proper places where history is told.

The WWII generation has been called the "greatest generation" and the history of that war is told by New Orleans' own WWII museum and others around the country.  It is a fitting place to learn the history of that war.  So too should there be such places to tell the story of the Civil War and the confederate flag.  It deserves that respect for a time in the nations history.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio