Thursday, July 23, 2015

Ohio Governor John Kasich Announces His Intention To Run For The Party's Nomination For President

Republican John Kasich is the 16th to commit for his party's Presidential nomination.  In doing so Kasich said he is the only GOP candidate with experience in three broad areas of political leadership.  THE FEDERAL BUDGET, NATIONAL SECURITY AND STATE GOVERNMENT.  Protesters at his rally said they would spread the word how the governor cut the budget for school districts and closed centers for people with development disabilities.  The unions told how they turned back efforts by Kasich and state republicans to limit public workers collective bargaining.

The Associated Press's Julie Smyth who covered the rally and whose article appeared in the Times Picayune of 7/22 must be a Kasich supporter and wrote this about him.  AS BUDGET CHAIRMAN IN THE U.S. HOUSE, HE BECAME AN ARCHITECT OF A DEAL IN 1997 THAT BALANCED THE FEDERAL BUDGET.  Smyth is living in a fairy tale world as Kasich and the republicans in congress had nothing to do with balancing the federal budget.

The democratic controlled congress passed President Clinton's deficit reduction and economic plan in 1993.  Every republican in the U.S. Congress voted against that plan and predicted doom if it passed.  Well it passed and the gloom never took place.  They were all wrong including Kasich.  When the federal government balanced its budget in fiscal year ending 1988, President Clinton threw a balanced budget party celebration for democrats.  The republicans complained they were not invited.  The President reminded them they had nothing to do with the budget and that it was his plan that was passed that was working. Clinton was well aware of the republican party's total opposition to his economic policies.  That balanced budget was the first since President Lyndon Johnson's balanced budget in fiscal year 1968.  Johnson was another democrat.

Kasich was one of the U.S. House members to vote to impeach Clinton and used personal attacks against the President like his fellow republicans were known to do on a daily basis.  He served in the U.S. House from 1983-2001.  That period of time covered most of Reagan's eight years in office and all four years of President George H.W. Bush's term in office.  Yet Reagan and Bush 43 never balanced one federal budget in the 12 years they served.  Kasich had his chances of being an architect of balanced budgets during those two Presidential administrations and failed miserably.

Governor Kasich worked for the Fox News Network and was an investment banker for Lehman Brothers, a Wall Street Bank.  He is a ditto head conservative with ties to the Wall Street Banking Industry.  The same industry that was involved in the economic collapse of 2008.  With the kind of announced republican candidates, is it any wonder why President Eisenhower was the last republican President to balance a federal budget in 1960.  Republicans like to take credit for every success that happens on the democratic watch and deny responsibility for failure that happens on their watch.  It is part of their unAmerican conservative ideology.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Note l:  President Clinton knew more about the federal budget than all the members of congress even though those members had served in congress many years and had to deal with the budget every year.  It was no accident it was the Clinton administration who left the nations fiscal health in such good shape.

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