Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Democratic Presidential Candadites

The field is large, over 20 candidates but that number will not be sustained past the end of this year in this writer's opinion.  The candidates are a diverse group in every category and represents America.  The polls are ranking them already but don't pay much attention to them now because polls change like the wind at this point in a campaign.  Once the debates and the Presidential primaries start, the public will have to decide if they think the younger can have the experience to be President and lead the nation.  Or would it be wise at this point to choose an older candidate with more experience.

With so many candidates the debates will probably not do them justice, especially with all the silly questions they are asked by the moderators.  One thing this writer likes is the fact that democrats in congress are not rushing to indorse any one candidate yet.  That is a good sign because it is so early in the campaign and all of the candidates views are not known at this time.

Trump and the GOP ae already trying to brand all democratic candidates as socialist.  But it is the GOP and Trump who are the socialist party for corporate America and the wealthy and have no other record to run on or articulate even though they are in charge of government  They still have no plan or policy on immigration reform outside of Trump's rhetoric.  Their so called conservatism on balanced budgets and deficits has been one great big lie since Reagan became President.

The other talking point being pushed by some in the news media, Trump himself and the GOP is that the economy favors Trump in the Presidential election of 2020.  But don't be misled by that claim because the economy will turn in the opposite direction before the election.  The signs are already there and the Trump-GOP tax cuts have not really increased job creation and that happens to be the only economic plan that Trump and the GOP have articulated so far.  There is another issue that has not been picked up on yet and that is Trump's republican opponent, former Governor Weld.  If he stays in the race he could be big trouble for Trump and he has what it takes to answer any of Trump's attacks.

This writer will look for the democratic candidate that has the political understanding to run government and who has the knowledge and understanding of the issues facing the country and its people, especially those critical issues talked about in the past but never addressed.  Also a candidate who understands how important it is to balance the federal budget and reform the tax code with real reform where everyone pays his or her fair share and there are no special interest given special treatment.  After Trump, the nation will need a President who knows how to lead.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio