Monday, July 30, 2018

Nancy Pelosi: The Pundits Are At It Again

Nancy Pelosi, the democratic minority leader in the U.S.House is an effective public servant who understands it is plans and policy that accomplish much and move the country forward.  She and Hillary Clinton share the same work habits and get things done.  That is why both are the favorite target of Trump  and the GOP to demonize.

With the congressional elections only a few months away, the news media pundits continue to try and create a story questioning if Pelosi is in trouble of losing her leadership of her party if the democrats take control of the U.S. House in the November elections.  It is really a non issue because the democratic party represents more than one person and the party will adjust no matter who becomes their leader since the democratic party stands for progress and make decisions based on needs and not ideology  That is the reason democrats govern much better than the GOP.  Trump and the GOP understand Pelosi and Clinton accomplishments and are well aware of their own failure to govern.

Because Pelosi is an effective public servant, she will continue to serve her country and her state well regardless if she retains her leadership role or becomes one of the rank and file democrats.  Her knowledge is valuable to the party and can make a difference that benefits the country and its people.

The news media will continue to bring up a hundred questions that matter not and the democratic party will still be the party that is best for the people.  And if the voters elect a democratic controlled U.S. House in November, who ever is elected democratic speaker of the House, will do a much better job than the republicans who have been in the majority control of the House for the past seven and a half years.   And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio