Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Donald Trump Held His Hand On The Bible, Swore An Oath and Then Started His Administration Of Lies

The Presidential oat of office is a very short statement on inauguration day that the President swears to while placing his hand on the bible repeating the words of a Supreme Court Justice that performs the swearing in ceremony.  The complete oath is as follows:  I DO SOLEMNY SWEAR (or affirm) THAT I WILL FAITHFULLY EXECUTE THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, AND WILL, TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY PRESERVE, PROTECT AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES.

The President is also Chief of State, Chief of Government, Commander in Chief and the person above all with the responsibility to preserve, protect and defend the constitution.  President Trump lied when he placed his hand on the bible and swore the Presidential oath.  Instead of preserving, protecting and defending the constitution he has done the opposite at every turn.  He has attacked our constitutional laws with his personal attacks against those carrying out their responsibility to enforce the laws, criticized our institutions so vital to constitutional government.  He has degraded the U.S. Justice Department, the FBI, the intelligence community and violated all norms of democratic governing.  His constant attacks against Robert Mueller's investigation and accusing him of a witch hunt solely to undermine a lawful investigation that becomes ever so close to the President's doorstep is done to discredit the nations constitutional process.

And just today Trump tweeted that Attorney General Jeff Sessions should end Mueller's investigation.  That is not defending or protecting the constitution Trump swore to uphold and his total assault on the constitution constitutes high crimes and misdemeanors in this writers judgement and Trump should be impeached.  The corruption persona of President Trump can no longer be tolerated nor his lack of respect for the United States, its people and the constitution.

Trump and his GOP ditto heads have to be defeated in the November election and the sad Trump chapter can not come to an end soon enough.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio