Saturday, June 23, 2012

Bobby Jindal's Record On Unemployment

If one follows Louisiana politics it is easy to understand why Gov. Jindal is just another republican conservative ditto head.  Like a good robot he follows the national party's talking points and attack against President Obama.  Everyone has heard the talking point that the President's policies are job killers.  (They are really talking about the Bush 43 administration)  So lets examine the record.

Compare Jindal's record concerning unemployment in Louisiana to President Obama's record using the first three years in office of both and this is what you will find.  The unemployment rate in Louisiana in January 2008 when Jindal took office was 3.8%.  Three years later in January 2011 the unemployment rate in Louisiana was 7.8%, an increase of 4% in Louisiana.  When Obama took office in January 2009 the national unemployment rate was 7.8%.  Three years later in January 2012 the national unemployment rate was 8.3%, an increase of 1/2% in the national unemployment.  President Obama did a much better job than Jindal in handling the unemployment problem.

In other words President Obama did a much better job at creating jobs nationally than Jindal did in Louisiana and Jindal had to contend only with his own state.  25% of Jindal's budget goes for tax breaks to businesses that is supposed to create jobs but the unemployment rate in Louisiana tells the real story.  When you have no character or courage and no record to run on, conservatives always go on the attack.  But they can not change their own sad record.

Louisiana Unemployment numbers shown above taken from Louisiana Workforce Commission and National Unemployment numbers taken from U.S.Labor Department.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Federal Spending, The Obama Administration and Republican Lies

Increases in federal spending continues to be lower under the Obama administration than the administrations of Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 despite the lies of Mitt Romney, the republican party, conservatives in general and the right wing network of Fox News that have accused the democrats of being the big spenders.  They have been wrong for over 30 years and during that 30 year period there has been only one democratic President who has served a full term.  That was the administration of Bill Clinton that had the lowest increase in federal spending by far.

I wrote a commentary dated 10/31/09 titled Federal Spending:  Facts vs. Myth that documented the spending of Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton and Bush 43 and this report will include spending under President Obama for the first two full fiscal years of his administration.  The President's third full budget fiscal year will not end until 9/30/12 so those numbers are not yet available.  Lets examine how federal spending played out for the last two fiscal years of George W. Bush and the following two fiscal years of Barrack Obama. 

Total federal spending at the end of Bush's 6th fiscal year budget that ended 9/30/07 was $2,728.7 trillion.  Total federal spending at the end of Bush's 7th fiscal year budget that ended 9/30/08 was $2,982.5 trillion, an increase of $253.8 Billion or a 9% increase in federal spending.  Total federal spending at the end of Bush's 8th fiscal year budget that ended 9/30/09 was $3.517.9 Trillion, an increase of $535.2 Billion or an increase of 18%.

Total federal spending at the end of Obama's first fiscal year budget that ended 9/30/10 was $3.455.8 trillion, a decrease in spending of $62.1 billion dollars and a decrease of 1.7%.  Total federal spending at the end of Obama's 2nd fiscal year budget that ended 9/30/11 was $3.603.1 trillion, an increase of $147 Billion or and increase of 4%.  The so called conservative administration of George W. Bush continued the big spending spree of Reagan and Bush 41while the administration of President Obama continued the precedent set by President Clinton of much smaller spending by the federal government.

The Obama administration has controlled federal spending much better that Bush 43, Bush 41 and Reagan contrary to the conservative republican lies and the news media still have egg all over their faces for not reporting the facts.  If one reads my commentary mentioned above you will see that Republicans are the party of increased federal spending in whopping amounts and during the years they accused the democrats.

President Obama has also controlled deficit spending better than Bush 43 who holds the record of the largest one year fiscal federal deficit that ended his last fiscal year budget on 9/30/09 at $1.412 trillion.  Obama's deficits are as follows:  Fiscal year ending 9/30/10 $1.294 trillion and for fiscal year ending 9/30/11 $1.299 trillion.  And if one has the character and courage to admit that Bush 43 inherited a much better economy than Obama did it makes Obama's administration look even better than the actual numbers. 

In taking up the talking points of the republican party, Mitt Romney is just another ditto head when he talks about federal spending being out of control on Obama's watch and is just another conservative who is incapable of competing with the facts.  I will end this commentary the same way I ended the one dated 10/31/09.

Conservative Republican Presidents are best at controlling federal spending??????????????  That is pure myth, the numbers speak loud and clear. 

Note:   All budget numbers shown above taken from the CBO reports published on line.

           For related articles see my commentary dated 12/6/09 titled The National Debt:  Betrayal and Devastation,  and the Fiscal Legacy of President GEorge W. Bush dated 10/30/09.

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Great Obstructionist Party

The Grand Old Party lost its real "Grand" a long time ago when it turned to Newt Gingrich as its leader in congress.  That was a turn for the demise of the real GOP that in the past worked across party lines in congress to move the country and its people forward.  The "Newt" finally had to resign his position as Speaker of the House in disgrace.

The torch in congress for the Great Obstructionist Party has passed to John Boehner, Speaker of the U.S. House and Mitch McConnell, minority leader in the U.S. Senate.  Both men decided to take the party to a new low after Obama was elected President by promising to obstruct the President's agenda that would bring the country back from the second great republican depression and oppose the President's policies just to make him a one term President.  That was an act of Treason against the country and its people and a violation of the public trust by elected officials.

As of this writing the Treason continues by those two republican leaders and the party it controls in congress.  Their obstruction prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the republican party today practices and promote a conservative ideology that is anti-American in nature.  The obstruction in congress by the republican party is a creditable reason why President Obama should be reelected in November. The President does have a positive record to run on and the people will be hearing about that record in the coming months. 

The Great Obstructionist Party is a good reason also why the voters should put the democrats back in charge of both houses of congress in the November elections.  Ditto for giving the democrats 60 votes in the Senate to stop the republican filibuster. The President needs another four years to complete the job and put the second great depression to bed.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Governor Scott Walkers Recall Election

Democrats should have no fear of the republican talking point that what happened in Wisconsin would spread through out America like republican senator Rand Paul proclaimed after the election was decided.  The people of Wisconsin made it clear they did not like or believe in recall elections and it was not about union rights or Walkers agenda. 

The democratic party did turn out their party's vote at the polls and voted for Walker in double digits but support Obama in the November election over Mitt Romney.  Some republicans are still upset over that prospect.  The right wing news media tried to make a story out of President Obama not campaigning in Wisconsin before the elections and conveniently forgot to mention that President Obama has several reelection headquarters in Wisconsin that are active there while Romney has none.

It appears that the democratic party will take control of the senate in Wisconsin if the lead stands up.  If that happens the democrats will be able to block any future attempts by Walker to eliminate workers rights.  If that happens the recall election will take a new twist.  Time will tell.

After all the hype and cliches are forgotten about this election, President Obama will win the state in November.  Have heart democrats, as Yogi Berra always said, "It aint over till its over."  And you know in your heart, Yogi is always right.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Wisdom, Knowledge, Leadership, Courage And Character: A Lacking In America

Yes, America and its people did possess those virtues at one time that led to the founding and greatness of our nation and its people.  Those virtues were the hallmark of past great leaders of America.  Today and for the past 30 years those virtues have been eroded by our political system that has succumbed to the demands of Corporate America and their lobby, the so called super PAC's funded by the wealthy, a news media not interested  in facts and an electorate who has been led around by the nose and who have chosen to believe lies and fairy tales instead of seeking out the truth and the facts on their own.

Our elected officials on the state and federal level have taken the low road of accepting campaign contributions that amount to legal bribes from the wealthy special interest groups who's only concern is to seek concessions for their own benefit at the expense of the many.  Elected officials have partnershiped with those special interest groups which has resulted in the greatest transfer of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy.  They are no longer public officials who represent the best interest of the people or the country.  They have even gone so far as to allow some special interest groups such as the NRA to write legislation that affect the public good.

Those special interest groups have seduced elected officials to reduce their taxes that are at the lowest level in over 50 years and in many instances loopholes that allow those special interest to pay no tax at all.  Corporate America and the special interest have turned their backs on America and its people by their ego demands of creating more wealth while ignoring their own responsibility to country in paying their fair share.  Seven Wall Street banks control more than 60% of the economy thanks to their partnership with congress who regulate them and who are suppossed to break up monopolies.  The wealth that the special interest groups pass around to elected officials take front and center stage while the public good is ignored.  The most recent example is the second great depression that occured during the Bush 43 administration.

The major news media to a certain extent are owned by Corporate America and as a result are not in the business of being objective in their reporting.  Some are not above using lies as a tool to influence the public.  The news media, special interest groups and elected officials are a tight circle of wealth to influence an electorate that is uninformed on many issues.  Take for instance the official republican talking point of the democratic party being the big spenders in Washington.  The news media promotes that talking point of the republicans as fact but according to the CBO's own records it is the republican party that are the biggest spenders and have been so for the past 30 years.  This has been previously reported and documented in my past commentaries published in politidose.  The news media has access to the CBO records and the facts but they could care less. 

Elected officials can easily end this partnership by refusing to take campaign contributions from Corporate America, their lobby, PAC's and all special interest groups and use innovation to come up with a new way to finance their campaigns where the people are in control.  That would not cost the government one penny for campaign finance reform and no court in the land could change that.  That action would be the first step in returning Wisdom, Knowledge, Leadership, Courage and Character to our political system.  And that says it all.