Friday, June 8, 2012

The Great Obstructionist Party

The Grand Old Party lost its real "Grand" a long time ago when it turned to Newt Gingrich as its leader in congress.  That was a turn for the demise of the real GOP that in the past worked across party lines in congress to move the country and its people forward.  The "Newt" finally had to resign his position as Speaker of the House in disgrace.

The torch in congress for the Great Obstructionist Party has passed to John Boehner, Speaker of the U.S. House and Mitch McConnell, minority leader in the U.S. Senate.  Both men decided to take the party to a new low after Obama was elected President by promising to obstruct the President's agenda that would bring the country back from the second great republican depression and oppose the President's policies just to make him a one term President.  That was an act of Treason against the country and its people and a violation of the public trust by elected officials.

As of this writing the Treason continues by those two republican leaders and the party it controls in congress.  Their obstruction prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the republican party today practices and promote a conservative ideology that is anti-American in nature.  The obstruction in congress by the republican party is a creditable reason why President Obama should be reelected in November. The President does have a positive record to run on and the people will be hearing about that record in the coming months. 

The Great Obstructionist Party is a good reason also why the voters should put the democrats back in charge of both houses of congress in the November elections.  Ditto for giving the democrats 60 votes in the Senate to stop the republican filibuster. The President needs another four years to complete the job and put the second great depression to bed.

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