Thursday, June 7, 2012

Governor Scott Walkers Recall Election

Democrats should have no fear of the republican talking point that what happened in Wisconsin would spread through out America like republican senator Rand Paul proclaimed after the election was decided.  The people of Wisconsin made it clear they did not like or believe in recall elections and it was not about union rights or Walkers agenda. 

The democratic party did turn out their party's vote at the polls and voted for Walker in double digits but support Obama in the November election over Mitt Romney.  Some republicans are still upset over that prospect.  The right wing news media tried to make a story out of President Obama not campaigning in Wisconsin before the elections and conveniently forgot to mention that President Obama has several reelection headquarters in Wisconsin that are active there while Romney has none.

It appears that the democratic party will take control of the senate in Wisconsin if the lead stands up.  If that happens the democrats will be able to block any future attempts by Walker to eliminate workers rights.  If that happens the recall election will take a new twist.  Time will tell.

After all the hype and cliches are forgotten about this election, President Obama will win the state in November.  Have heart democrats, as Yogi Berra always said, "It aint over till its over."  And you know in your heart, Yogi is always right.

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