Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Democratic Party Represents The Sanity Needed To Govern In Washington, Especially At This Time and Place.

 With less than two months before the Presidential election, President Joe Biden and the democratic party remains the only sane voices in Washington and on the campaign trail.  Their voices are the only ones that are representing America and it's people.  Democratic nominee Kamala Harris is running a positive campaign with a positive and brighter approach to the future.  Trump and J.D. Vance are running a campaign of fear, doom and gloom and as always, their rhetoric is violent and toxic.  It lit the fuse when Trump urged his mob to storm the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.  Trump lit the fuse even before that in the 2016 campaign when he told his audience he could shoot someone in the streets and his supporters would not care.

The GOP CULT controls the U. S. House and are once again threatening to shut down the government this month if the democrats do not meet their demands which have no good reasons.  It is a rerun of previous threats that they use to back off on paying for legislation the congress already passed and committed too.  They are a CULT organization for Trump and do not represent America or it's people.

The doom and gloom Trump and his GOP CULT are anti everything in America and what America the Beautiful stands for and fought for.  They have no policy, just an extreme self agenda that uses personal attacks, rhetoric that is toxic, violent and anti-American.  They attack our military, our veterans who served their country, law enforcement, the rule of law and American's institutions.  Then blame others for their own corruption.

The media has played a role in the rise of Trump and his CULT, especially the conservative media.  Both have enabled Trump and continue to do so.  They gave more coverage to President Biden's age than Trump's convicted criminal status.  The media failed to note that the GOP was the very first major political party in America to nominate a convicted criminal as their Presidential nominee.  The media has played it as the NORM in politics, but the actions of the party was a disgrace on our political system. Chaos is the framework of Trump and his CULT party and the media has become part of it with few exceptions.

America made the right decision when they elected Joe Biden President.  The President and his party have been the sane voices ever since, navigating the chaos of Trump and his CULT who have tried everything to damage the administration.  The President and his party's sanity on the economy, foreign policy, domestic issues and the budget has kept the country moving forward.  Consumer spending is still steady, inflation is retreating, unemployment at historic low levels, record job creation, lower deficit spending, lower drug prices, etc., etc.

As of this writing, the President and his party has retained the sanity of governing for the country and it's people. while Trump and his CULT continue to wallow in their own vomit of extreme rhetoric.  The media has never risen to the occasion to inform the people just how well the country has done on President Biden's watch.  Instead, they made the decision to flood the news cycle with the doom and gloom negative voices of Trump and  his CULT and their desire to tear down all that is good in America.  The shame has never been greater.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio