Wednesday, September 30, 2015

New York Yankee Yogi Berra: Hall of Famer and World Champion

Notice of Yogi Berra's passing was a sad day for baseball, baseball fans, this writer and those in the generations that were able to witness Yogi's baseball career.  It was a magical time, especially for Yankee fans to see their team win so many World Championships.  And it was even more magical to see Yogi's love for the game he played.

Everyone in and outside baseball knew Yogi because he talked to everyone, even the umpires.  As a hitter Yogi had no strike zone.  No matter where the pitcher threw the ball Yogi would hit it and many of those hits were home runs.  He was a catcher most of his playing days but played the outfield also in his last few years.  Who can forget the 1956 World Series when Yankee pitcher Don Larson threw a perfect game and after his last pitch Yogi running up the the mound and leaped in Larson's arms with a bear hug.  That was Yogi Berra and his love for baseball.

This writer was fortunate to live through all of Yogi's baseball career.  Having played all three sports (none on a professional level) baseball was my favorite.  I can still remember the thrill going to Pelican stadium to see the New Orleans Pels play.  In the late 1940"s the Yankees played an preseason game in Pelican stadium and yours truly was in the stands.  That team had Joe DiMaggio, Charlie Keller and many of the great Yankees that preceded Yogi's era.  DiMaggio hit a home run in that ball game.  For a teenager who loved to play baseball, it was a game I will never forget.

Yogi Berra was a WWII veteran who served overseas in the European theater.  Many baseball players served their country during WWII and the Korean War.  Some of them served in both wars.  It was a time of patriotic duty that cut short years from a players career.

Yogi Berra will be greatly missed by this writer who still gets chills when I think about the years I played the game and the great players like Yogi who gave so much to baseball.  Besides being a Hall of Famer, a World Champion multiple times, Yogi was a world class human being.  Baseball's song,  Take Me Out To The Ball Game will forever live because of players like Yogi, and yes, I still get chocked up whenever I hear it played.

Thanks for the memories Yogi, I know you will continue to play baseball with your team mates in those Field of Dreams.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Pope Francis: The Holy Father Comes To America.

It is not often that the American people have a chance to see the Pope in person and up close but Pope Francis gave America and its people that opportunity four days last week and the people turned out and responded with great appreciation, enthusiasm and admiration.  Pope Francis was energetic, at ease and made sure his visit would include meeting with the disadvantage, the poor and even those in prison.

There was much speculation about what the Pope would talk about, especially when he addressed congress.  Would it be about the issues that divide the people such as abortion, same sex marriage, sexual orientation, religious freedom or religion itself.  Would it be just a religious speech for all to understand?  Pope Francis surely thought about all those things before hand and before his speech was written because the issues he discussed were not religious or political in nature, nor was it divisive.

The Pope spoke about the issues that occupy the present time but in a way that could be understood by all without putting those issues in a political, religious or divisive content.  In fact he never used divisive words instead said we must, take care of the earth, our fellow man, even those with different views and immigrants. The Pope also said excluding people not like us is wrong and alluded to the fact that people in positions of authority have to lead the way for needed change.  Pope Francis also spoke about the abuses within the Catholic Church.

Congress responded in a positive way to the Pope's message but will it change things for the better or will congress just forget since the Pope has departed.  Will the division continue by those in congress whose ideology will not allow them to change.  Time will provide the answer to that question soon enough.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, September 27, 2015

John Boehner, Speaker Of The U.S. House Of Representatives Resigns From Congress

Boehner's resignation caught the news media by surprise and launched a guessing game about why and why now.  Every one on cable news seemed to have a variety of reasons why it happened.  The why really does not matter for a number of reasons, that started soon after Obama was elected President in 2008 when Boehner proclaimed he and his party would do nothing to help the new President.

Boehner was leader of the U.S. House in name only and could not control his own members, especially the tea party right wing radicals.  He allowed the House to shut the government down for 16 days just a few short years ago and the House was unable to function as an arm of congress.  They voted over 50 times to defund the ACA which died in their own House.

Does Boehner's resignation and the election of a new Speaker indicate a more productive House?  Don't count on it, the right wing conservative who have taken over the party hate the President and will continue the party's obstruction.  They will also continue to try and divide the country.  It is part of their conservative ideology.

With the election of a new President next year the republicans in both houses of congress will do its best to prevent President Obama to achieve any of his remaining goals.  John Boehner was in a position of power where he could have achieved much for the country and its people.  He choose instead to use his position to obstruct.  It is a sad reminder how many leaders fail the test of leadership when given the opportunity to make a difference.

But strange as it seems he can still leave on a positive note by teaming up with the democrats in the House and enough republicans to prevent another government shutdown that the tea party said it will do over Planned Parenthood.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Louisiana's Budget Woes Continue To Pile Up

Readers of "PolitiDose" were warned that last years state budget ending June 30 would not be balanced as Jindal and the republican controlled state legislature said it was.  The Times Picayune carried a story dated 9/23 that warned that the budget ended in deficit.  The article quoted state treasurer John Kennedy saying the deficit would exceed $100 million.  The story also indicated the Jindal administration was quietly informing legislators of the deficit and would give out the deficit exact number in October.

Republican Senator Fred Mills said, I'm worried, I'm really worried.  He sits on the Senate's Finance Committee.  He and the republican controlled legislature were not worried enough to make the hard choices and do what was required to balance the budget in the right way for the last several years.  They just rubber stamped Jindal's corrupt process.  Of course, the present fiscal year budget will not be in balance either and a special session with the new governor will have to address the problem.  Mills said he expects funding for medicaid and Louisiana universities and college will be slashed to reduce last years deficit.  That should sound familiar to every one.

The loss of state revenue because of falling oil prices and the tax loop holes and give aways to business will continue to make the state's budget problems worse if the state fails to adopt a pay as you go budget instead of the gimmicks used in the past as one time revenue and the movement of numbers.  The state needs to get real in the forecast of state revenue.

The Jindal administration and the republican controlled legislature has been a dismal failure on the state's budget and the budget process for eight years and now it is fourth down.  "PolitiDose" has been far out in front on the budget issue while the Times Picayune is satisfied by reporting the status quo.  Democratic candidate John Bel Edwards is the only candidate who can turn things around for the better for the state and its people.  He is also the only candidate without a super PAC raising money on his behalf so he is not beholden to any special interest group.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Fox News Joins The GOP's Republican Circus.

Today's GOP and the Fox News Network has always been a mirror image and has now become a circus for everyone to understand, even those with closed vision.  And Donald Trump brought it all out in the open.  Fox news is noted for their personal attacks on other people, especially democrats.  But during the republican Presidential campaign they also turned their attack against Trump.  But Trump is not a person to sit back and just take it so he has returned the favor to Fox.

The news media in general call it a feud between the two but it really is not.  The public has turned off the republican Presidential candidates and Fox's favorite, Jeb Bush has been so Ho Hum the GOP and Fox have become the clowns of the circus.  They have turned a Presidential campaign that should be about issues into a campaign against American values.  The clowns posing as candidates and the Fox news have no respect for any one, not even the President of the United States.

This writer can not remember any Presidential campaign being as divisive as this republican campaign or any news media outlet that reflected the actions of the republican campaign.  The GOP of today and the Fox news pose the largest threat to democracy and are a embarrassment to American ideals.  Next time the circus comes to your town, watch a movie or play bridge.  It will be better for your health.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Its A Little Early For Sports Writers To Be Talking About LSU's Leonard Fournette And The Heisman Trophy

There has been very few Heisman winners who achieved long and or successful years in the NFL.  So what is the rush this early in the season to push Fournette for the Heisman?  First of all is that a fair thing to do to Fournette?  It only puts more pressure on him and his team mates which they do not need.

Fournette will not play out his four years at LSU because of his talent and will turn to the NFL soon enough.  Sports writers should focus on that problem more than the Heisman.  If Fournette does indeed turn out to be one of the finalist for the trophy it will happen naturally, so be satisfied in letting it unfold that way.

A lot of things can happen (both positive and negative) on the way to the Heisman trophy so during the football season Fournette's mind should be on the team and not the hype.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, September 20, 2015

More Reasons Why The Voters Should Elect Democrat John Bel Edwards As Louisiana's Next Governor.

Louisiana's three republican candidates for governor, David Vitter, Scott Angelle and Jay Dardenne are attacking each other with their TV and radio ads and each say the other is not qualified to be governor because of this or that.  They are playing like the republicans who are running for their party's Presidential nomination and in the process exposing their own lack of leadership and accomplishments.

Those three would be governors after seven and half years finally spoke out about the reckless agenda of the Jindal administration and confirms what democrats have been saying all along about the failed ideology of republican candidates and their party.  When the democrats point out those failures, the republicans say it is partisan politics.  But now the republicans themselves are confirming the democratic position with their own personal attacks against their fellow republican opponents.

Louisiana's democratic representative John Bel Edwards is the only candidate that can turn the state around with sound policies that relate to the real needs of the people and the state.  The state will have tried the republican gimmicks and ideology for 16 of the past 20 years when Jindal leaves office so we know how they failed.  Democratic governor Kathleen Blanco interrupted their party for four years (thank goodness) and her administration accomplished more for Louisiana than Mike Foster or Bobby Jindal.

There is no secret to the success of democratic administrations and its called policy.  Policy that recognize what needs to be done to move the state and its people forward.  John Bel Edwards has the political understanding to make that happen for Louisiana and its people.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, September 18, 2015

The Second Republican Debate

Wednesday night's debate did little to distinguish any of the 11 republican candidates on the big stage or the 4 on the little stage.  In fact most of the questions asked were covered in the previous first debate.  Good for Ohio governor John Kasich to stand up and express his opinion early on about the back and forth swiping at each other and even said the folks back home may be tuning out the debate.

The news media as usual picked the winners and losers after the debate.  It is a ritual that is meaningless to those who watched the debate and heard no real answers to questions on issues that go back to previous administrations including republican administrations.  CNN's moderators were bent on using questions that opened the door to attack Trump and some of his past comments.

The sad part about the debate were the questions and answers concerning immigration.  Why is that still on the debate agenda wasting time when the republican party has already ruled out any immigration reform legislature until after the 2016 elections and they control both houses of Congress until the election.  They are afraid to do immigration reform before the election but the moderators are afraid to touch that.

Jeb Bush still can not handle the question about Iraq when it comes up, especially when Trump talks about the subject.  When it came up in the debates Jeb made the biggest gaffe when he said his brother kept us safe.  Has Jeb forgotten about what happened on 9/11 on his brothers watch?  Also his brother did not keep us safe when he started the war in Iraq over WMD that did not exist that killed or wounded thousands of Americans.  How can Jeb Bush be a good President if he can not face up to reality?

Carly Fiorina made three gaffe's when she said:  (a)  2/3 of the states are necessary for a constitutional amendment when it is 3/4 of the states.  (b)  The democratic party does not want immigration reform.  Well, it was the democratic controlled senate that passed immigration reform over two years ago and then died in the republican controlled house.  (c)  President Obama should watch the video of the abortion concerning planned parenthood.  The fact of the matter is the video has yet to be found as being authentic.

But there is good news for the people.  The democratic debates will produce answers that Americans can relate to and Vice President Joe Biden has not yet ruled out a run for the Presidency.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Arizona Cardinals 31 New Orleans Saints 19

The Saints were defeated in their regular season opening game in Arizona on Sunday and on the road.  If that sounds familiar its because the Saints have not been a good road team the past few years.  This first game was a reminder of little progress from last years team.  Does the loss and the way they played indicate another sub par season?  That depends how they handle the number 15, that is the number of games they have left to play.

This writer has the following thoughts on the Saints based on Sunday's performance:  (a)  The Saints are allergic to playing and winning on the road.  Since half of their schedule is on the road (8 games) they need to win there to avoid another sub par season.  (b)  Brees and the offense is still having problems like last year.  Their running game needs a jolt.  Brees continues to be out of sync and off target and their last two offensive series before the game ended was sorry.  (c)  Having to settle for four field goals indicates those offensive problems exist.  (d)  Payton has to let the defensive coordinator alone and stop bothering him on the sidelines.  How can the defensive players have any confidence in Ryan or Payton with that going on.  Besides, Payton is not doing such a good job with the offense.  (e)  Payton and the Saints players said a lot of positive things about the team when they reported to camp this year but they were not on display Sunday.

This writer believes the coaching staff and players still have a problem between each other and is a carry over from last season.  Also, the effects of bounty gate is still haunting them and continues to play a role in the problems they have.  The coaching staff and the players show little confidence on the field.  Sunday's game did little to make this writer believe all is well in Saint land.

Note:  New Orleans Sports writers have taken "PolitiDose" at heart and that is a positive development.  So far this year their reporting has been mostly void of all the hype and cliches they were know for in the past.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, September 14, 2015

The GOP's Presidential Campaign Is A Circus and Washington Post Columnist Kathleen Parker Is Right There With Them.

The republican candidates for their party's Presidential nomination has turned their campaign into a circus.  It's nothing new but on a larger scale with so many of them running.  First it was just Trump with his personal attacks and silly statements and now his opponents are returning the favor with the exception of Carly Fiorina and John Kasich.  Mike Huchabee and Ted Cruz tried to act like ring masters by going to Kentucky to support Kim Davis position of disobeying the law on the issue of marriage licenses.

Does the voting public really believe those candidates are serious people who should be elected to the highest and most powerful office in the land.  Every day they display their lack of political understanding which is so important and necessary to make decisions that affect the people and the country.  Like their fellow republicans who control both houses of congress they have no policy or plans to talk about that are positive.  They only know America is going to hell.

Kathleen Parker, columnist for the Washington Post joined the circus with her opinion column published in the Times Picayune of 9/13/15 titled, Jindal Unmasks The Truth About Trump concerning Jindal's comments before the National Press Club about Trump.  Parker praises Jindal's record in Louisiana even though the people in Louisiana rate him poorly.  

Jindal said in one of his statements Trump was not a serious candidate and was devoid of substance.  Well Kathleen Parker, that statement and others made by Jindal actually describe Jindal and the republican party in general along with their Presidential hopefuls.  She also believes Jindal's statements are true about Trump.  You can not have a circus without news media attention and Kathleen makes that possible.

The republican party, conservatives and a Presidential campaign circus is not very entertaining except to the news media.  Unfortunately, the wrong message is sent to the voting public.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Wealth Parade Continues: Part II

On October 18, 2008 (almost 7 years ago) I wrote a commentary here in "PolitiDose" concerning Hedge Fund Managers, the staggering amount of money they made and the resulting power they possess on the economy and the nations financial system.  It was just another example pointed out in "PolitiDose" many times over how wealth was being transferred from the middle class to the wealthy.

That October 18 commentary talked about an article in Forbes magazine reporting that the top 20 Hedge and private equity fund individual fund managers earned a combined total of $18.7 billion in 2007, up 43% from 2006.  In other words those 20 earners earned an average of $935 million each for that year.  Oil man T. Boone Pickens was one of the 20 hedge fund managers.  Pickens has also been the subject of past "PolitiDose" commentary

Now comes two articles published in the Huffington Post dated September 10 concerning the same subject matter written by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and filmaker Robert Greenwald.  Their two articles reported that the 25 top hedge fund managers in 2014 made more money than every single kindergarden teacher in America, over 150,000 of them and paid a lower tax rate than the average kindergarden teacher because of an IRS loophole that was created for other purposes before hedge funds even came into existence.

Some other findings in the articles are as follows:  (a)  If hedge fund managers were taxed like everyone else, there would be at least $17.7 billion tax dollars to:  (b)  pay the salary of 560,000 new classroom aides for over crowded classrooms,  (c)  fund free school lunches  for the entire country with $5 billion to spare.

Those two articles are certainly welcome and should have been recognized by the two authors a long time ago, but better late than never.  The subject matter of fair taxation for all and the transfer of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy was put at the top of "PolitiDose" commentary long before any one started to talk about income inequality, for that is what the transfer of wealth is all about.

It is another example why the public needs to elect serious public officials to make a difference and rewrite the tax code where everyone pays his or her fair share and to eliminate the special interest of those who care only of themselves.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis Invoke's The Name Of God

THOU SHALT NOT TAKE THE NAME OF THE LORD THY GOD IN VAIN is one of the ten commandments, yet there are those like Kim Davis and others who have used God to justify their own actions and religious beliefs to discriminate against others.

Davis as a public employee of the state or county and who is responsible for issuing marriage license to those couple's who are qualified to be married under existing laws that are made by man.  Her refusal to do so by taking the name of God in vain is a violation of her job and laws she swore to execute and as a result was found in contempt of the law and sentenced to jail time.

Republicans Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee who are both seeking their party's nomination for President went to Kentucky to support Davis.  Like many so called conservatives, both support using the name of God and freedom of religion to discriminate.  And like the republican party in general use religion to divide the country and its people.

There is documented evidence that four thousand years ago kings in the middle east went to war with other middle east countries in the name of their God, or by order of their God.  Those religious wars in that part of the world are still going on today with the various factions.  Those wars will continue to go on as long as religion is used for justification.

The separation of church and state in the U. S. Constitution has worked well and will continue to do so as long as religion is not allowed to preempt the civil laws of the country using religious freedom as a means to discriminate and overturn civil laws.  The U.S. has always been a nation of laws and have accepted even those laws when there is disagreement.  But now conservatives have adopted a new tactic.  Use religion to oppose and not enforce the laws you don't like even if it means discrimination.

The judge who sentenced Kim Davis to jail for her refusal to obey the law made the right decision.  She was released from jail yesterday because her office in her absence has begun to issuing marriage license to some same sex couples.  If people like Davis get their way what is the next step?  Well it will be intolerance of other people's religion and a break down of civil law.  Judge Bunning in releasing Davis ordered her not to interfere with the issuing of marriage licenses by her office.

At the inauguration of an American President he places his hand on the bible and swears to up hold the constitution and the laws of the land.  Republican's Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee supported Davis in her position of disobeying the law and refusing to do her job.  I guess if one of them were President they would be willing to violate their oath of office and the laws they swore to uphold.

Where are our serious public officials?  That and leadership is what is missing in our political system today.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Unemployment And Job Creation: A Positive Continuation Of The Economy

The U.S. Labor Department announced that the unemployment rate in August was 5.1%, down from the 5.3% in July and U.S. business continues to add jobs.  The economy created 173,000 jobs in August and that was the 66th straight month of positive job growth.

Congress returns from their many breaks this week and has a full plate of legislation to consider for the balance of this year and next fiscal year of the federal government which begins October 1.  Funding for this fiscal year ends September 30 and congress needs to find a way to avoid another shutdown that some republicans are talking about doing.

Congress also needs to pass the highway bill that the republicans have kicked down the road for the past 3 years.  The democratic controlled Senate passed a highway bill three years ago only to die in the republican controlled U.S. House.  A highway bill will create jobs and good paying ones and will be an additional positive factor for the economy.  It is time for the republican party to step up to the plate and act like serious public officials.

I believe any fair minded person would agree its time for the republicans in congress to stand up and be counted and support the President's agenda for the next year and four months.  It is past time they separate themselves from the do nothing party.

In the mean time the democratic administration of President Obama continues to move the country and its people forward.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Louisiana's U.S. Representative Charles Boustany: Another Failed Conservative On The U.S. Tax Code

In a Times Picayune article dated 9/4/15 Boustany opposes Trumps suggestion to raise the tax rate on Hedge Fund Managers and raise tariffs on products produced over seas.  Boustany said that was simply not conservative and sounded like a liberal policy coming from Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.

Hedge Fund Managers make billions in profits, create no jobs, is speculative in nature and the tax code allows a tax rate on their income that is lower than many middle class family pays. It is sort of like Romney's Venture Capitol where other companies are bought and sold.  According to the tax records Romney released he paid an effective tax rate between 12-13% on millions of dollars of income.

Boustany called the corporate tax system one of the harshest corporate tax system on the planet.  But he failed to mention corporate America does not pay nearly the tax burden he talks about and actually pay less than the middle class.  Boustany is a member of the U.S. House tax writing committee.  His committee and congress are responsible for all the tax loopholes and tax breaks granted to corporate America and the wealthy.

Trump is right on wanting a fair tax to be paid by the Hedge Fund Managers.  Boustany and conservative tax policies have been a failure in creating a robust economy and job creation.  Just ask the most recent republican conservative administration, that of President George W. Bush.  Their tax policies are also the reason the national debt has increased so much and the fact that no republican President has balanced the federal budget since President Eisenhower in 1960.

Boustany is one of a long list of republican conservatives who disregard the facts because of their ideology.  And the facts are Democratic administrations perform better than republican administrations for the country and its people because of policy.  That includes the economy, job creation, reducing federal deficits and balancing the federal budget and keeping America safe at home and abroad and so many other areas of governing.  And yes, it was the democratic administration of President Obama and his policy that reversed the second great republican recession of 2008 with its massive job losses and record deficit spending.

The U.S. House which Boustany is a member and which has been under republican control for the last 4 years is a dysfunctional one with no accomplishments.  They have wasted the tax payers time to vote on defunding the ACA over 50 times.  The conservative ideology Boustany and his party preach has been a total failure.  Just look at the latest low poll numbers of their established conservative republican Presidential candidates.  That really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, September 4, 2015

Another Huge First For "PolitiDose"

On Thursday September 3 Donald Trump did what republicans do, sign pledges.  The Donald signed the republican pledge and in doing so swore to not run as a third party candidate and to support who ever wins the republican nomination for President.  Trump's actions confirm what has been written here in "PolitiDose" from day one.  That is Trump and the republican party are one and the same.

Trump is now squarely in the republican camp and there can be no separation of the party's extreme positions.  Republicans are good at signing pledges but have failed to sign the most important one, the pledge to put America and its people first.  In all probability the signing will tarnish Trump's campaign and will be thought of as just one of the 17 republican candidates whose campaign so far has been HO-Hum.

The American people don't seem to be impressed with the attention the news media has given Trump and his republican opponents for the latest polls show Clinton defeating Trump, Carson and Bush in the general election and while that same news media has tried to paint Clinton in trouble over her emails.  For those who follow politics, Trump is just an extension of the republican party's ideology that has been out of step with America's ideals for many years.  He just talks a little different.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Louisiana Representative Steve Scalise: Still Deeply In The Pocket Of The Oil Industry

Steve Scalise and the republican party want to do away with the ban on American oil exports that has been in place for many years and for a reason.  Now with falling oil and gasoline prices the industry has been laying off employees and cutting back on drilling and production.

There are three reasons for the falling prices, a glut of oil on the market (over supply), OPEC's decision not to cut back their production and alternate fuels.  So the domestic oil industry wants the export ban lifted so they can start exporting  their glut of oil and tighten the supply and demand to raise the price of oil and gasoline once again.  The industry wants the price of a barrel of oil to be around $90 per barrel.

The Federal Energy Department did a study on the matter according to a Times Picayune article of 9/2/15 and found that (1)  lifting the ban likely won't increase prices at the pump and might even result in a small price reduction.  (2)  the report also states global supply and demand, not exports will be the major factor in determining future oil prices.  Scalise tries to use those words to justify lifting the ban, but the report is not a conclusive one and that is why they use the word "likely" in (1) above.  In (2) above the report talks about future oil prices that supply and demand will have an effect on not the current price and that is what exports would do.  That is what the oil industry is looking for.

The fact of the matter is President Obama has recently approved the export of a certain amount of U.S. crude to be exported to Mexico.  The President has the authority to do so and this is not the first exception to the ban.  This Mexico story was carried in the Times Picayune of 8/15/15 and points out the ban on exports was put into place for national security reasons.  Of course Scalise knows all of that.

What is going on here is proof of what this writer has commented on here in "PolitiDose" many times over in the past.  The oil and gas industry will never make America independent of foreign oil and for the reasons stated in those commentaries.  Scalise and other elected officials who are the mouth piece for the oil industry have no record of any policy that would actually provide the opportunity for the U.S. to become independent when it comes to the country's energy needs.    

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

MSNBC's "All In With Chris Hayes"

Monday's program of August 31 was a good reminder why this writer tunes into the cable news networks less and less.  Hayes long winded questions to his guests are so hard to follow, any substance is lost.  It reminds me of a host trying to answer his own questions in a round about way.

Hayes questions to a senator from New Hampshire, who is one of Hillary's supporter for that state concerning Clinton's emails was total nonsense and of no value.  The same could be said about two of his other guest concerning the number of debates scheduled for the democratic Presidential candidates.

The democratic party candidates are telling their stories to the voters in person at their campaign stops and the voters understand that emails do not define Hillary.  They also understand that four debates will be enough especially when most of the debate moderators are more interested in divisive issues than substance and they are the ones who ask the questions and control the debates.

Hayes came across as better informed when he wrote for the Nation (a news magazine) and appeared on cable news as a guest.  So now he has experience as a host and a guest but evidently has learned very little.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Make America Great Again

Its the latest political slogan of one who wants to be President.  Political slogans are nothing new and usually fail because the slogan never describes reality.  America is still the greatest country in the world and for good reasons.  A constitution that is still working after 240 years with a people who are committed to a life of liberty, freedom and respect.

Foreign governments still depend upon America to lead the way and America's generosity is unparalleled.  There are a lot of thorns among the roses in American life, but the roses outnumber the thorns by far because of the American attitude.  Remember the poster and slogan, "Uncle Sam Wants You."  That was reality and America responded.  And the American people are still responding today.

The irony of this new slogan is that it has been introduced by a man whose business empire is part of the world of Corporate America, the very same entity that is aligned with the Wall Street Banks that contributed greatly to the economic collapse of 2008.  That same man says his net worth exceeds $10 billion.  That same man is now preaching intolerance and division, something our fore fathers would never have approved of.

Yes, America is still a great country and yes we can still do better.  But it won't happen with the author of a slogan that has used his wealth to receive special treatment from his government at the expense of the American people..

This commentary written by Joe Lorio