Thursday, September 24, 2015

Fox News Joins The GOP's Republican Circus.

Today's GOP and the Fox News Network has always been a mirror image and has now become a circus for everyone to understand, even those with closed vision.  And Donald Trump brought it all out in the open.  Fox news is noted for their personal attacks on other people, especially democrats.  But during the republican Presidential campaign they also turned their attack against Trump.  But Trump is not a person to sit back and just take it so he has returned the favor to Fox.

The news media in general call it a feud between the two but it really is not.  The public has turned off the republican Presidential candidates and Fox's favorite, Jeb Bush has been so Ho Hum the GOP and Fox have become the clowns of the circus.  They have turned a Presidential campaign that should be about issues into a campaign against American values.  The clowns posing as candidates and the Fox news have no respect for any one, not even the President of the United States.

This writer can not remember any Presidential campaign being as divisive as this republican campaign or any news media outlet that reflected the actions of the republican campaign.  The GOP of today and the Fox news pose the largest threat to democracy and are a embarrassment to American ideals.  Next time the circus comes to your town, watch a movie or play bridge.  It will be better for your health.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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