Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Sickness At The Fox News Network

They think of themselves as the elite. Neoconservatives by their tell tale comments. They think they are better than any one else because of their self claimed conservatism but they represent a conservatism that is much different than America practices. I am speaking about Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly. Management at the Fox News represent the same warped ideology.

Brit Hume, Bill Kristol, Dennis Miller and Newt Gingrich are regular guest, Hume having retired not too long ago. They can be described as the seven "ditto heads" who feel so inadequate they have nothing of positive value to contribute to the broadcast media. They like patting each other on the back, it builds up their confidence and lack of esteem. I laugh when they point to Fox News being a top rated cable network. It reminds me of one of President Truman's famous quotes. "A President needs political understanding to run the government, but he may be elected without it." (end of quote)

The seven "ditto heads" hide behind conservatism because they can't compete with our American heritage that every ones opinion counts and that diversity does matter. Their lack of understanding and wisdom is a direct result of their inadequate feeling. It is a sickness that really showed during the Presidency of George Bush when they could not articulate what the President and conservatism accomplished so they spent 8 years attacking democrats. That sickness is still being played out now against President Obama and his administration.

Beck, O'Reilly and Hannity represent three hours of cable "spin." (not counting their reruns) What really ticks them off about most of the so called "liberals" they berate, is that many of those "liberals" served their country in uniform. When you feel insecure and inadequate, attack, attack, the usual conservative ploy. Fox news claims to be "fair and balanced" but that is exactly what is lacking the most in their broadcast. Just the other night Bernie Goldberg who is a frequent guest on Fox and usually agrees with their pronouncements pointed out to O'Reilly that Fox's coverage of the town hall meetings on health care and the so called tax tea party were not fair and balanced. O'Reilly got his nose out of joint and his dander up. O'Reilly and Fox do not like when some one throws a challenge at their double standard.

The sickness at Fox news of trying to destroy those who have different views is a threat to our freedom. Their cry baby attitude toward President Obama because he would not appear on their network and take part in their charade is evidence of how sick the network has become.