Monday, March 7, 2016

February's Job Market Continues To Be Strong

The U.S. Labor Department announced that 242,000 jobs were created in February and the unemployment rate held steady at 4.9%.  It was the 72nd straight month of positive job growth.  President Obama's policies continue to work despite all the noise from the republican party and their Presidential candidates.  Their tired rhetoric never represents the facts.

According to Greg Albrecht, chief economist for the Louisiana legislative fiscal office, the news was not so good for Louisiana, its economy or jobs as published in the Times Picayune of 3/6.  Albrecht's findings were:  Louisiana is in a recession and likely has been for some time;  The state's nonagriculture job growth ended in October, the first time the state lost more jobs than it added in a year since June 2011;  The state's economy started slowing down in mid 2014.

The only bright spot in the state is New Orleans says the report but in time that could change.  But New Orleans is not feeling the job layoffs as the rest of the state because the city no longer depends on the oil industry like the rest of the state.

The report by Albrecht confirms what was published by "PolitiDose" long ago about Louisiana lagging the national average in job growth and unemployment.  It also confirms how former governor Bobby Jindal was blowing smoke about Louisiana's economy and at the same time attacking President Obama for his policies that were working.  And the news media in Louisiana swallowed the koolade.  The so called watch dogs for the public good were AWOL.

Despite all of Jindal's bragging concerning progress in the state, New Orleans Mayor Landrieu has done more for the city in a shorter period of time because he is a true serious public servant.  This writer is still asking the question:  With all the tax exemptions for business and all the loop holes that were put into effect to create jobs, where are all the jobs?   And does any one really think the state and its elected officials can justify the corporate welfare given Mr. Tom Benson and the Saints and Pelicans when Forbes just announced Mr. Benson is worth $2.2 Billion.

Louisiana, the state we are in, needs to change and soon.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio