Saturday, October 8, 2011

September U.S. Job Creation

The labor department announced there were 103,000 net new jobs created in September. The pundits were predicting the economy would show a loss of jobs. The department also revised its figures for July and August. July's new jobs total was revised from 85,000 to 127,000 jobs. August new jobs was revised from zero to 57,000 new jobs. The numbers are still not high enough to lower the unemployment rate but the President's policies continue to add jobs to the economy.

If it were up to the republican party in congress the country would still be losing jobs every month like it did under the previous administration. The party also knows if they pass the President's job bill he presented to congress the job creation numbers would be even higher and unemployment would start coming down. The three stooges, Boehner, McConnell and Cantor's game plan is still to let the country fail on the President's watch. They are well aware that democratic administrations always out perform republican administrations in job creation and being aware of what happened on their watch under the Bush administration they do not want to see another democratic administration be a success.

The fact of the matter concerning job creation, try this on for size. No republican administration that followed a democratic administration in the last 80 years created more jobs than the democratic administration they followed. But every democratic administration who followed a republican administration in that same time period created more jobs than the republican administration they followed. When one has the facts it is easy to understand why the present republican party want the Obama administration to fail.

Concerning unemployment I would point out again that the unemployment rate jumped to 10.1% in Reagan's 21st. month in office and stayed above 10% for 10 straight months. It was 7.5% when he took office. (Source: Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics) The current 9% unemployment is unacceptable but any fair minded person can understand the situation Obama inherited was much worse than Reagan inherited.

The republicans need to pass the President's job plan policy and act like men for a change. If the President's plan does not work the voters will hold him accountable at election time. The republican's anti-American ideology and attitude has been a major failure to a sound economy, balanced budgets and job creation. That says it all.

Note 1: There are various reports on job creation during Presidential terms such as wikipedia. All contain minor differences in numbers but when put together all come to the same conclusion.

Note 2: See my commentary dated 11/5/2010 titled, "Job Creation for Presidential Terms 1929-2008.

Governor Bobby Jindal And The Family Research Council

Republican Presidential candidates and Louisiana governor Jindal spoke at the Family values voter summit in Washington over the last few days. The get together with the Council is one of the many platforms so called conservative republicans use to rev up the religious right vote and use that platform to divide American between religious lines.

Forty eight years ago the republican party accused then democratic Presidential candidate John F. Kennedy with the rap that if elected he would be taken orders from the Vatican because he happened to be Catholic. They knew as a member of the U.S. House and then the U.S. Senate, Kennedy never wore his religion on his sleeve or promoted any religion for that matter. Their personal attack on Kennedy's religion is still strong as ever today as a method of operation.

Jindal and conservatives are hyprocrites because today they use the religious right to promote their political ambition. Kennedy never did that, period. According to the Times Picayune of October 8 Jindal tried to compare James Carville's remark, "its the economy stupid" to a "common sense of culture." Jindals comparison of oranges to apples showed how far he would stoop and how ignorant he is concerning Carville's remark. It is the way Jindal, conservatives and the religious right try to demonize democrats who can think for themselves.

Jindal and conservatives do not believe in the separation of church and state. They loss their moral compass long ago for political gain and the party used separation of church and state against Kennedy even though they knew it was not an issue. Even now at the Values summit mentioned above some are using the religious issue against fellow republican Mitt Romney because he is a Mormon. The conservatives and the religious right have no shame and that is a reflection of the type of values they preach.