Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Louisiana: Is The State Both Republican and Conservative Like The News Media and The Pundits Have Been Preaching?

What is the basic tenet behind that rhetoric and can the rationale be supported.  Does the state have to be controlled by a republican governor and republican legislature;  does the majority of the state's voters have to be registered republicans;  Is it just a political thing;  does the political history have any thing to do with it.

When is a state a conservative state.  Is it based on the political party running the state;  Is there a difference between an elected conservative politician and the average conservative voter;  Are elected office holders and voters really conservative just because they claim to be;  Is cutting the state budget a conservative act if it hurts the state and the people;  Are tax loopholes and special tax breaks for those who need them the least conservative.

Has the election of democrat John Bel Edwards turned the state democratic overnight.  The news media has already picked up the election results and put Louisiana back as a democratic state in the deep south.  This writer does not buy any of the news media hype of a republican state or conservative state.  Voter turn out has been less than 50% for many years now so who knows the mind of the majority of voters who stay home on election day.

Conservatism has been dead since the Newt Gingrich era started in the early 80's.  It has since been all right wing conservatism with extreme positions on every issue.  Does any one really believe Bobby Jindal is a real conservative?  If the people of Louisiana are real conservative why would they have voted for Jindal twice?

The state of Louisiana is what ever it is at the time.  Ditto its people.  Politically it will be democratic for the next four years.  We do not know what the mind set of the voters will be four years from now.  The first words out of a republican's mouth are usually, I'M A CONSERVATIVE.  The first words flashed on the screen at the Fox News Network is, FAIR AND BALANCED.  This writer believes you are what you are by your deeds and not by what you proclaim to be.

The same thing can be said about Louisiana and its people.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio