Thursday, February 18, 2016

What Defines The Next President For What The Voters Really Want?

The cable news networks, many of their guest, other pundits and even some voters themselves say they want some one on the outside of government or Washington.  They lump everyone in that category even  those who have held elected office though that office is out side of Washington such as state governors.  The only two Presidential candidates that fit that description are Donald Trump and Ben Carson.

If voters really believe that and that is the reason Trump is leading his republican opponents all one has to do is remember the election of George W. Bush as President over a sitting Vice President named Al Gore.  The voters thought of Bush as an outsider in that race and a tough talking republican who was going to keep America safe and keep the economy humming.  He accomplished neither one.

Bush inherited all that was good, the greatest economy, the best job creation record, full employment, balanced budgets with surpluses and he blew it all because of his lack of experience and political understanding.  The voters said he was a guy they would like to have a beer with, then turned against him and Bush left office with a miserable job performance record.

Will the American voters want to try that failed experiment again with another tough talking outsider named Donald Trump?  Like Bush, Trump has no policy positions, just talk and the talk in last Saturday's republican debate turned out to be another circus fiasco with the word liar being tossed around like the candidates were in a bar.  It got so bad the moderator lost control of the debate.

President Obama served in congress when he was elected President and had little prior experience but he did possess political understanding and turned the country around for the better over all.  He knew tough talk and a conservative ideology were not policy and that what America needed was a steady hand and he provided that leadership.

If the voters want a President who lacks the experience  of having political understanding then the future will once again be like the failed past.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio