Sunday, February 5, 2012

President Obama's First Three Years In Office

President Obama has completed three full years in office and has accomplished much for the country and its people, especially when one considers the magnitude of the problems the previous administration left him and the people to deal with.

Our national security has been protected from foreign terror attacks, Bin Laden has been brought to justice, Al Queda is only a skeleton now compared to what it was and the war in Iraq has come to an end. A war that never should have been that cost our country 4400 plus lives and thousands wounded all over WMD that did not exist. Contrary to the previous eight years, the country now has a foreign policy based on real world threats to our security and it is working.

The nation's economy and job creation has been in positive territory now for over two years after the worst meltdown since the great depression. The economic mess and massive loss of jobs during the previous administration continued the legacy of past republican administrations. The turn around under President Obama has been nothing short of a miracle since the republicans in congress openly declared they would not lift a finger to help him or support his policies.

The President also inherited from the previous administration the worst deficit spending spree in the history of the country, a 105% increase in the national debt and the first ever yearly deficit that exceeded one trillion dollars. Federal spending was down 1.6% at the end of Obama's first fiscal year budget and the deficit was less than Bush's last fiscal year budget. As of this writing the CBO has not published the results of Obama's second fiscal year budget which ended September 30, 2011.

The federal deficit and national debt is still a major concern which never would have been if Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 had balanced the federal budget during their 20 years in office as President Clinton did. The American people should never forget what those 3 republican Presidents did to the country's fiscal health. They should also not forget that most of the tax breaks and reduction during that 20 year period went to help the wealthy and corporate America more than the average wage earner.

President Obama's policies will bring the deficit spending under control but it will take more time because of the severity of the situation and because of an economy that has not fully recovered yet, and yes because taxes (revenue for the government) is at its lowest level in over 40 years. But America and its people can be sure of one thing as previously reported here many times, it will be a democratic administration once again who moves the country forward.

The latest economic report for January continues the progress of economic recovery. Over 240,000 jobs were created in January and the unemployment rate fell to 8.3%. This good news for America and its people was met by negative comments by the republicans in congress and several republican Presidential candidates. Those right wing conservatives hate to see America making progress on a democrat's watch. It goes hand in hand with their anti-American conservative ideology.

It is worthwhile repeating again. No republican administration that followed a democratic administration, created more jobs than the democratic administration it followed in the last 50 years. But every democratic administration that followed a republican administration did create more jobs than the republican administration it followed. That really tells the story of why republicans continue their personal attacks against democrats. They can not compete on the real issues. That is the real story that the news media has never told.